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1、1五年级上册易错题型归纳1.选出发音不同的单词(1) ( )A. Chinese B. pen C. teacher (2) ( )A. listen B. give C. like(3) ( )A.tell B.well C. me (4) ( )A. cat B. apple C.banana2.找出与所给单词发音相同的单词(1)number ( )A. mother B. woman C.look (2)ba nana( )A. father B. teacher C. she(3)bird( )A.ch air B.hair C. nurse(4)c at( )A. apple B.

2、last C.class3.选出发音不同的单词(1) ( )A.cold B. hot C.post (2) ( )A. book B. moon C.good(3) ( )A.cup B.sun C. use (4) ( )A. bear B. hear C.ear(5) ( )A. but B. climb C.black4.选出发音不同的单词(1) ( )A.sun B. hers C.rice ( 2) ( )A.thank B. this C.mother(3) ( )A.radio B.teacher C.red (4) ( )A. house B. head C.eight(5)

3、 ( )A. shoe B. fish C.which5.判断每组单词中划线部分的发音是(T )否( F)相同(1) ( )zoo nose (2) ( )size sun 2(3) ( )house head (4) ( ) this thin(5) ( )say nose (6) ( )lion like6.选出划线部分发音不同的一项(1) ( )A.mum B. useful C.jump(2) ( )A.long B. new C.fan(3) ( )A.warm B.who C.window(4) ( )A. yes B. year Cbuy(5) ( )A. half B.lion

4、 C.ruler7.选出与所给单词画线部分发音相同的一项。( ) 1. meat A. head B. breakfast C. ice cream( ) 2. give A. finish B. bike C. rice( ) 3. park A. warm B. dollar C. postcard( ) 4. tell A. met B. email C. phone( ) 5. back A. above B. apple C. last8.判断下列每组单词画线部分的发音是(T)否(F) 相同。( ) 1. A. p encil B. apple C. happy( ) 2. A. s

5、wa m B. past C. crayon( ) 3. A. b anana B. football C. begin( ) 4. A. t eam B. healthy C. great( ) 5. A. d og B. hand C. good来源:学。科。网9.选出不同类的一项(1) ( )A.heart B. deaf C.blind(2) ( )A. sausage B. her C.hot dog (3) ( )A.fire B.pig C.chick (4) ( )A. above B. a lot C.about310.选出不同类的一项(1) ( )A. kitchen B.

6、toilet C.now(2) ( )A. room B. hide C.sofa(3) ( )A.had B.head C. hand(4) ( )A. him B.us C.my(5) ( )A. dangerous B.shout C.climb11.选出不同类的一项( ) 1. A. did B. like C. prepared ( )2. A .cheese B .chocolate C . water( )3. A .kilo B . met C .meter( )4. A . bottle B . bag C .ice ( )5. A. can B. big C . small

7、12.选出不同类的一项( ) 1. A. white B. where C. what( )2. A .went B .visited C . like( )3. A .watched B . took C .saw来源:学_科_网( )4. A .London B .British C .China( )5. A.yesterday B. morning C . afternoon13.选出不同类的单词。( ) 1. A. horse B. really C. elephant( ) 2. A. slow B. healthy C. team( ) 3. A. seashore B. gra

8、ndma C. grandpa( ) 4. A. climb B. swam C. jumped( ) 5. A. football B. basketball C. well414.选择恰当的问句( )1.Did you come back last week? A.No,he didnt.( )2What did you do? B.Yes ,I did ( )3.Did he come by bus? C.I wached TV.( )4.Where did she go yesterday? D.Yes ,they did .( )5.Did they go to the Great

9、Wall? E.She went to the park.15.手拉手,找朋友( )1. How are you ? A. No ,I had noodles yesterday.( )2.Did you have rice yesterday? B.Im fine ,thank you .( )3.Do you live in Beijing ? C.No,we came back yesterday.( )4.Does John live near Amy and Sam? D.Yes,he does.( )5.Did you come back yesterday? E.Yes ,I d

10、o.16.给下面的问句选择合适的答语。( ) 1. What did they prepare for thei r picnic? A. Half a kilo.( ) 2. Did Amy eat all the chocolate? B. She drank it all.( ) 3. How much juice did they buy? C. Some pears and some chocolate.( ) 4. How much juice did she drink? D. Yes,she did.( ) 5. How much cheese did they buy? E.

11、Two bottles来17.给下面的问句选择合适的答语。( ) 1.Where did you go last weekend? A. By bike.( ) 2.When did you go there? B. The tall man.( ) 3.What did you do? C.British Museum.( ) 4.Who is your father? D.Last Sunday.5( ) 5.How do you go to the museum? E.I went shopping .18.把正确答语选项填在括号。( ) 1. How many books there?

12、 A. Yes, there are.( ) 2. Is there a pen ? B. No, they didnt( ) 3. Are there any cats in it? C. Twenty.( ) 4.Are they happy? D. Yes, there is.( ) 5. Did you buy crayons? E. Sure. They are happy.19.把正确答语选项填在括号。( ) 1. Where did you find the pen? A. Im in the kitchen B. In the kitchen( ) 2. Is she a te

13、acher? A. Yes, he is . B. No, she isnt.( ) 3. H ow are you? A. Im fine. B. You are welcome.来( ) 4. Lets play the games. A. Thank you! B. OK!( ) 5. Is Amy behind the door? A. No, she isnt B. Yes, he is in the kitchen.20.用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Mr Smart is making a _ (s hop) list. 2. How many_ (book) are ther

14、e on the desk?3. We can _ (go) home by bus. 4. First, _ (finish) your homework. 5. Miss Green _ (like) swimming. 6. Yesterday my mum _ (buy) a new dress. 21.用所给词适当形式填空。1. He is _(give) out the crayons. 2. They _(be) on the floor. 63. Did you _(lose) one? 4. There _(be) lots of snow. 5.He_(buy) twent

15、y pens yeaterday.22.据汉语提示补全句子。1. _ _ _(这个小女孩) cant walk.2. She cant carry the bag. Lets_ _(帮帮她).3. My little brother_ _(不会游泳).4. Theres a_ _(电视节目 ) about cars.5. I can be a_ _ _(好朋友 ) to you.23.读句子,圈出正确的词语。1. The meeting(会议) will_(start, starts) at nine oclock. 来源:Z.xx.k.Com2. Do you like playing_(a

16、nd, with) me?3. You can skip very_(good, well). 4. Excuse me. Whats_(the time, time) now?5. We are_(playing, play) in the playground. 24.读句子,圈出正确的单词。1. Does Lingling _(feeling, feel) bored?2. I_ (won, win) a ches s game last week. 3. The doctor says her grandma is_ (best, better) now. 4. How_ (does,

17、 do) your mum feel?5. Mum will buy a new dress for me. I feel _ (happy, happily).725.根据句意,在横线上填入合适的单词。1. Today is my birthday. Im very_. 2. Its raining. I cant go out to play. I feel _. 3. Im_. I want to drink some water. 4. I was late for school again. My teacher was _. 5. I cant find my bike. Im f

18、eeling_. 26.选择合适的动词并用其正确的形式填空。call, feel, tell, miss, go 1. Is she_ sad?2. Do you_ your mum?3. I_ Amy last Sunday. 4. She didnt_ home yesterday. 5. Who_ you the good news(消息)?27.用所给单词的恰当形式填空1. I bought some_(rice )and _(banana).2.How much (juice)_did you buy?3.We didnt _(buy)any eggs.4.lets go and b

19、uy some _(apple).5.I bought six _(bottle).28.用 was ,were 填空8(1)There _lots of people.(2)How _was you birthday.-It s_wonderful!(3)There _a school in the town.(4)there _many flowers.(5).we _very happy yesterday.29.用所给单词的适当形式填空(1)Your _(book)are over there.(2)This is _(your)book.here you are. (3)This i

20、s _(she )bike.(4)This pen is _(Amy).It isnt her _(friend). (5). _(do) you _(wash)your T-shirt? -No,I didnt.30.用所给词的适当形式填空(1)Can lingling _(run )fast?(2)Tom is good at _(play)the piano. (3)I can play basketball _(good ).(4)He _(jump)high yesterday. (5)My sister can _(play) football.31.用所给单词的正确形式填空(1)

21、what time _(do )your school start?9(2)lets _(take)my basketball. (3)I like lingling _(skip )with me.(4)My school _(start)at nine oclock. 32.选词填空 sad happy bored angry(1)Its raining now.he cant go outside.he feels _. (2)Today is my birthday,so I feel _.(3)I lost my pen again .I feel_. (4)Tom is late

22、for school again,Msamart is very _.33.选词填空:say tell talk speak1.Mum ,canyou _me a story? 2.Its too late.i must_goodbye to you. 3.My friend Jenny can _chinese.4.lets _about the srory. 5.Can you _English?34.选词填空goalkeeper, fans, well, think, really1. He is a good footballer( 足球运动员 ). He plays football

23、 _. 2. I _ you are right. 3. Sam wants to be a good _. 4. This storybook is _ interesting. 5. The singer has lots of _. 1035.根据自己的实际情况回答下列问题。(1)Where did you go last Sunday?(2)How did you go there ?(3)When did you go there ?(4)What did you do there ?(5)Who went there with you?36.根据具体情况回答下列问题.(1)How

24、many people are there in your family?(2)Who are they ?(3)What is your father ?(4)What does your motherlike doing ?(5)What do you like?37.根据具体情况回答下列问题。(1)Can you run fast?(2)Can you jump high ?(3)Do you want some water ?(4)What are you doing ?(5)What is he doing ?38.根据提示完成句子。1. I want to_ _ _to Daming.


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