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1、2018 年内蒙古包头市中考真题英语第一节从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. - I usually go swimming for exercise, but I want to try something new.- _A. So what?B. Cheer up.C. Like what?D. Take care.解析:句意:我经常去游泳锻炼身体,但是我想尝试一下新的东西。比方说什么?考查情景交际。A. So what?那又怎样?B. Cheer up.(使)高兴起来;C. Like what? 比方说什么?(希望对方列一个具体项目)D. T

2、ake care.小心。根据上文 I want to try something new.说要尝试一下新的东西,推知下句马上接过话茬,应说 Like what?(比方说什么?) ;故答案选 C。答案:C2. - Are you watching the football matches of the World Cup these days?- Sometimes, and Ill watch the match _ Japan and Poland tonight.A. againstB. aboutC. throughD. between解析:句意:这些天你看世界杯足球赛吗?有时看,我今晚

3、要看日本和波兰之间的比赛。考查介词。A. against 反对;B. about 关于;C. through 通过;D. between 在两者之间。根据 Ill watch the match _ Japan and Poland tonight.可知是日本和波兰之间的比赛,结合选项,可知 D 选项符合题意,故答案选 D。答案:D3. My teacher has given me useful suggestions and I want to thank him from the _ of my heart.A. bottomB. conditionC. wayD. surface解析:

4、句意:我的老师给了我一些有用的建议,我想从心底里感谢他。考查名词辨析。A. bottom 底部;B. condition 条件; C. way 方法;D. surface 表面。根据前面 My teacher has given me useful suggestions 可知后面此处应是从心底里感谢老师,from the bottom of my heart 视为固定词组,意为“从我的心底里” ,结合选项,可知 A 选项符合题意,故答案选A。答案:A4. - Do you understand what he said just now?- _.A. One by oneB. More or

5、 lessC. From time to timeD. Here and there解析:句意:你明白他刚才说的话吗?或多或少吧。考查情景交际。A. One by one 逐个地,一个接一个地;B. More or less 或多或少;C. From time to time 有时;D. Here and there 到处。根据上文 Do you understand what he said just now? 你明白他刚才说的话吗?结合选项,可知 B 选项符合题意,故答案选 B。答案:B5. He is a _ person, but he is good at telling funny

6、 storiesA. seriousB. patientC. kindD. humorous解析:句意:他是一个严肃的人,但他善于讲有趣的故亊。考査形容词辨析。a. serious 严用的; b. patient 有耐心的:C. kind 和藹的;D. humorous 幽默的。根据句中的 but 可知前后表示转折 的关系,后面说他荅于讲有趣的故节,前面应是和“有趣“相反的一个词;结合选项,可知 A 选项符合越竞,故答案选 A。答案:A6. - Excuse me, where is the nearest bank?- Go straight ahead; you _ miss it.A.

7、mustntB. cantC. needntD. shouldnt解析:句意:打扰一下,请问最近的银行在哪里?-径直往前走,你不可能错过它。考查情态动词。A. mustnt 不准、禁止;B. cant 不可能;C. neednt 不必;D. shouldnt 不应该。结构语境,该处表示“你不可能错过它的” ,结合选项,可知 B 选项符合题意,故答案选B。答案:B7. As we all know, a person learns many things by making mistakes and _ them.A. correctsB. correctC. to correctD. corr

8、ecting解析:句意:我们都知道,一个人通过犯错误和改正错误可以学到很多东西。考查动名词。And 连接两个并列的成分,由前面的 making 可知此处形式应与其一致,即 doing 形式;结合选项,可知 D 选项符合题意,故答案选 D。答案:D8. He was once _ killed in a car accident several years ago.A. completelyB. sadlyC. exactlyD. nearly解析:句意:他曾在几年前的一次车祸中险些丧命。考査副词辨析。a. completely 完全地;B. sadly 伤心地;C. exactly 正确地:D

9、. nearly 几乎;将近。根据句意 “他曾在几年前的一次车祸中 丧命” ,结合选项,可知 D 选项符合题竞,故答案选 D。答案:D9. Air pollution will remain a problem for a long time, _ we have done a lot to solve it.A. thoughB. sinceC. unlessD. if解析:句意:空气污染在很长一段时间内仍将是一个问题,虽然我们已经做了很多工作来解决它。考查连词。A. though 尽管,虽然(引导让步状语从句) ;B. since 自从,由于,因为,既然;C. unless 除非,如果不;

10、 D. if 如果。根据句意空气污染在很长一段时间内仍将是一个问题,虽然我们已经做了很多工作来解决它,可知前后存在一种让步关系,故答案选 A。答案:A10. I know what you are thinking about. I can _ your mind from the look on your face.A. stayB. spareC. readD. attend解析:句意:我知道你在想什么,我能从你脸上的表情看出你的心思。动词辨析。A. stay停留;B. spare 饶恕;C. read 读懂(文字、表情、心情) ;D. attend 出席。根据句意我知道你在想什么,我能从

11、你脸上的表情_你的心思,结合选项,可知 C 选项符合题意,故答案选 C。答案:C11. - Has your daughter come back from Australia?- Yes. She _ there for three yearsA. has stayedB. staysC. stayedD. had stayed解析:句意:你女儿从澳大利亚回来了吗?是的。她在那里住了三年。考查一般过去时。A. has stayed 现在完成时; B. stays 一般现在时; C. stayed 一般过去时;D. had stayed 过去完成时。根据句意可知女儿已经从澳大利亚回来了,所以待

12、在澳大利亚的动作表示的是过去,要用一般过去时,故答案选 C。答案:C12. Everyone can help in _ way or another to make our city more beautiful.A. anyB. oneC. everyD. either解析:句意:每个人都可以以这样或那样的方式帮助我们的城市变得更美丽。one or another 固定搭配, “这样或那样” ;any 任何、every 每个、either 两个中的任意一个,都不能和 another 构成搭配;在本题中 in one way or another 是固定搭配,意思是“以某种方式” ;故答案选

13、 B。答案:B13. Terry, _ from your cell phone when your father is talking to you.A. look upB. look aroundC. look downD. look out解析:句意:Terry,当你爸爸和你说话的时候,请将头从手机上抬起来。考查动词短语。A. look up 向上看;B. look around 环顾四周;C. look down 向下看;D. look out 根据上下文语境可知当爸爸和你说话的时候要注视对方,表示尊敬,即抬起头(将目光从手机上移开,不要总是低头看手机,这是不礼貌的) ,结合选项,可知

14、 A 选项符合题意,look up from 意思是“从抬头看” ,故答案选 A。答案:A14. Im afraid I didnt _ you. Could you repeat your words?A. believeB. followC. pleaseD. satisfy解析:句意:恐怕我没听懂你的话,你能重复一下你的话吗?动词辨析。A. believe 相信;B. follow 跟随;C. please 请;D. satisfy 满意。根据下文 Could you repeat your words? 你能重复一下你的话吗?结合题干 Im afraid I didnt _ you.可

15、知是“我没听懂你的话” ,即 I didnt follow you.所以 B 选项符合题意,故答案选 B。答案:B15. - Do remember to watch out for cars while crossing the street.- _.A. Heard itB. Made itC. Forgot itD. Got it解析:句意:过马路时要注意车辆。知道了。考查情景交际。A. Heard it 听到了;B. Made it 成功了;C. Forgot it 忘了;D. Got it 知道了、明白了。根据语境可知是明白对方所说的话,故答案选 D。答案:D第二节阅读下面短文,从每

16、题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Mr. Jackson was our science teacher. On the first day of class, he gave us a talk about an animal called wampus. He told us that the wampus lived on earth millions of years ago during the Ice Age and died out because of the change of climate (气候). We all listened

17、carefully and took _16_of everything he said. Later we had a _17_.When the exam paper was _18_ to me, I was surprised and sad. There was a big red “X“ through each of my answers. I failed. But how come? _19_ on the test paper, I had written down _20_ Mr. Jackson said in class.Then I realized that no

18、 one _21_ the exam at all. What had happened?“Very simple,“ Mr. Jackson explained. “I had made up all that story about the wampus. There had never been any such animal, so the information in your notes was not correct. Do you expect to get _22_ marks for incorrect answers?“There was no need to say w

19、e were _23_ . What kind of test was this? What kind of teacher was he?How could we believe he gave us so much information about an animal that had not been there at all? How was it possible _24_ us students to doubt what the teacher taught us?“The zeros on your papers will be _25_ in your grade book

20、s,“ he said. And he did it.Through this _26_ , Mr. Jackson hoped that we would learn something. Teachers and books are not always _27_ . In fact, no one is. He told us not to let our mind go to sleep. Instead, we should keep thinking all the time and speak up if we think there are _28_ in our teache

21、rs words or in books.We should _29_ the habit of doubting, and the ability to decide by ourselves. What a special _30_ he gave us!16. A. books B. notes C. supports D. messages解析:句意:我们都仔细地听着,把他说的每句话都做了笔记。考查名词及语境的理解。A. books 书籍;B. notes 笔记;C. supports 支持;D. messages 信息。根据句意:我们都仔细地听着,把他说的每句话都_16_,可知此处应

22、该是“做了笔记” ,take notes“做笔记” ,故答案选 B。答案:B17. A. discussion B. question C. test D. plan解析:句意:后来我们进行了一次测试。 。考查名词及语境的理解。A. discussion 讨论;B. question 问题;C. test 测试; D. plan 计划。根据下文 When the exam paper was _18_ to me,可知此处应是进行了一次测试,故答案选 C。答案:C18. A. returned B. directed C. added D. compared解析:句意:当试卷交还给我时,我既惊

23、讶又难过。A. returned 归还;B. directed 指导;C. added 增加;D. compared 比较。根据 There was a big red “X“ through each of my answers.可知是试卷发下来了,也就是归还给了我,故答案选 A。答案:A19. A. Anyway B. Luckily C. Anywhere D. Bravely解析:句意:不管怎样,在试卷上,我已经把杰克逊先生在课堂上说的话记下来了。考查副词及语境的理解。A. Anyway 不管怎样、无论如何;B. Luckily 幸运地;C. Anywhere 任何地方;D. Brav

24、ely 勇敢地。根据下文:在试卷上,我已经把杰克逊先生在课堂上说的话记下来了,可知此处应填副词“不管怎样”,故答案选 A。答案:A20. A. when B. whether C. why D. what解析:句意:我已经把杰克逊先生在课堂上说的话记下来了。考查连接代词及语境的理解。A. when 当时候; B. whether 是否;C. why 为什么;D. what 什么。根据题干 I had written down _20_ Mr. Jackson said in class.可知此处引导的是宾语从句,空格处在从句中充当宾语,所以用 what 来引导,故答案选 D。答案:D21. A

25、. refused B. pushed C. passed D. praised解析:句意:然后我意识到没有人通过考试。考查动词及语境的理解。A. refused 拒绝;B. pushed 推;C. passed 通过;D. praised 称赞。根据句意:然后我意识到没有人_21_考试,联系上文的语境,可知是没有人通过考试,故答案选 C。答案:C22. A. useful B. high C. exact D. low解析:句意:你认为不正确的答案会得高分吗?考查形容词及语境的理解。A. useful 有用的;B. high 高的;C. exact 精确的;D. low 低的。根据上文 Th

26、ere had never been any such animal, so the information in your notes was not correct.可知,此处是 Mr. Jackson 在问“你认为不正确的答案会得高分吗?”故答案选 B。答案:B23. A. polite B. glad C. modern D. angry解析:句意:不用说,我们都很生气。考查形容词及语境的理解。A. polite 有礼貌的;B. glad 高兴的;C. modern 现代的;D. angry 生气的。根据下文 What kind of test was this? What kind

27、of teacher was he?结合上文语境,可知是学生们都很生气,故答案选 D。答案:D24. A. with B. over C. for D. of解析:句意:我们学生怎么可能怀疑老师教给我们的东西呢?考查介词及语境的理解。A. with 和一起;B. over 在之上;C. for 为了;D. of的。Its +形容词+for sb.to do sth.是固定句型,意思是“对某人来说很” ,故答案选 C。答案:C25. A. recorded B. described C. collected D. circled解析:句意:他说:“你们论文上的零将会被记录在你的成绩表里。 ” 考

28、查动词及语境的理解。A. recorded 记录;B. described 描述;C. collected 收集;D. circled 环绕。根据后面的in your grade books,可知是零分的成绩将会被记录在成绩表里,故答案选 A。答案:A26. A. experience B. notice C. introduction D. progress解析:句意:通过这次经历,杰克逊先生希望我们能学到一些东西。考查名词及语境的理解。A. experience 经历;B. notice 通知;C. introduction 介绍;D. progress 进步。根据句意通过这次_11_,杰

29、克逊先生希望我们能学到一些东西,联系上文语境,可知此处应是“经历” ,故答案选 A。答案:A27. A. interesting B. right C. active D. silent解析:句意:老师和书本并不总是正确的。考查形容词及语境的理解。A. interesting 有趣的;B. right 正确的;C. active 主动的;D. silent 沉默的。根据下文. In fact, no one is.可推知此处是说“老师和书本并不总是正确的” ,故答案选 B。答案:B28. A. decisions B. reasons C. points D. mistakes解析:句意:相反

30、,如果我们认为老师的话或书中有错误,我们应该一直思考并大声地说出来。考查名词及语境的理解。A. decisions 决定;B. reasons 理由;C. points 点;D. mistakes 错误。根据前面 Instead, we should keep thinking all the time and speak up 可推知此处应是“如果我们认为老师的话或书中有错误” ,故答案选 D。答案:D29. A. repeat B. risk C. develop D. move解析:句意:我们应该养成怀疑的习惯,以及自己做决定的能力。考查动词及语境的理解。A. repeat 重复;B.

31、risk 冒险;C. develop 养成;D. move 移动。根据后面的 the habit,可知应是“养成习惯” ,故答案选 C。答案:C30. A. report B. promise C. model D. lesson解析:句意:他给我们上了多么特别的一课啊!考查名词及语境的理解。A. report 报告;B. promise 希望;C. model 模型; D. lesson 功课、教训。通过对整篇文章的理解可知 Mr. Jackson 给学生们上了非常特殊的一课,这里是作者的总结感叹;结合选项,可知 D 选项符合题意,故答案选 D。答案:D第三部分 阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题

32、所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AThere are a lot of music festivals to look forward to in the coming months.Firefly Music FestivalMany people have thought of going to Delaware for a summer vacation, and mid- June is a great time to plan a trip if you love music.Date: June 14-17Place: Delaware, USAMusic T

33、ype: Country MusicRoskilde FestivalThis music festival has a long history since 1971. Whats interesting about this festival is that you can get to know some artists from different countries.June 30-July 10Cambridge, EnglandMusic Type: RockSecret SolsticeCome to Paris. Not only will you have great mu

34、sic in the Secret Solstice, but you can also visit some old museums.Date: June 21-24Place: Paris, FranceMusic Type: Folk MusicMontreal International Jazz FestivalAll jazz lovers should come to the Montreal International Jazz Festival at least once in a lifetime. This event brings together some of th

35、e best musicians.Date: June 28-July 7Place: Montreal, CanadaMusic Type: Jazz31. What is common to the music festivals in the text?A. They are all held in Europe.B. They are all about country music.C. They are all given outdoors.D. They all take place in summer.解析:细节理解题。根据每个活动的时间:Firefly Music Festiv

36、al Date: June 14-17;Roskilde Festival June 30-July 10;Secret Solstice Date: June 21-24; Montreal International Jazz Festival Date: June 28-July 7;可知它们都是发生在 June 或 July,也就是夏天,故答案选 D。答案:D32. What can we know about Delaware from the text?A. It is a good choice for summer holiday.B. It is an old city wi

37、th many old museums.C. It has musicians from different countries.D. It has interested jazz fans around the world.解析:推理判断题。根据 Many people have thought of going to Delaware for a summer vacation, and mid- June is a great time to plan a trip if you love music.可推知,特拉华州是一个暑假选择去的好地方,故答案选 A。答案:A33. Which m

38、usic festival will last for the longest time?A. Secret Solstice.B. Roskilde Festival.C. Firefly Music Festival.D. Montreal International Jazz Festival.解析:细节理解题。根据每个活动的时间:Firefly Music Festival Date: June 14-17;Roskilde Festival June 30-July 10;Secret Solstice Date: June 21-24; Montreal International

39、 Jazz Festival Date: June 28-July 7;可知,Roskilde Festival 持续的时间最长,故答案选 B。答案:BBOne day, as two little boys were walking along the road, they passed a woman carrying a large basket of apples.The boys thought the woman looked very pale and tired, so they said, “Are you going to town? If you are, we will

40、 carry your basket.“ “Thank you,“ replied the woman, Then she told them that she had a disabled son. She lived in a small house three miles away, and was now going to the market to sell the apples which grew on the only tree in her little garden. She needed the money for their living.“We are going t

41、he same way you are,“ said the boys and they took hold of the basket, one on each side, and trudged along with merry hearts. The poor woman looked glad, and said that she hoped their mother would not be angry with them. “Oh, no,“ they replied, “our mother has taught us to be kind to others, and to b

42、e useful in any way that we can.“The woman then offered to give them a few apples for their help. “No, thank you. We want nothing for what we have done,“ said the boys. When the woman got home, she told her son what had happened on the road, and they were both made happier that day by the kindness o

43、f the two boys.Another day, the woman saw his son stop and pick up a piece of orange peel, which he threw into the dustbin. “I wish people would not throw orange peel on the sidewalk,“ said the son. “Someone may walk upon it, and fall.” “That is right, my dear,” she said. “It is a little thing for you to do what you have done, but it shows that youre thoughtful and considerate.“34. Why did the two boys help the woman carry the basket?A. They wanted to eat some apples.B. Their teacher told them to do that.


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