苹果 appleYou are the apple of my eye !你是我的最爱!fruit-a-holic 水果狂水果摊 fruit standAn apple a day,keep the doctor away!一天一个苹果,医生远离我!Bad apple 坏蛋 The apple does not fall far from the tree 。 苹果不会掉在离树很远的地方 有其父(母)必有其子桔子 orangeYou cant compare apples to oranges.你不能拿苹果和桔子作比较。意思是,他们太不一样了,根本没法比柠檬 lemon 酸 sour 称呼买后坏掉的东西,就喊那个东西: Lemon 不是吧,买了个坏的! Oh,no!I bought a lemon.桃子Sweet & Delecious!又甜又好吃!好主意!好办法!好建议!太好了!“Peachy !”That would be peachy !Wish you happy every day !