陶 艺 设 计 形 态 创 造 方 法 A r t P o tter y - Fo r mi ng M etho d作业四、人体的演绎 Practice 4: Interpretation of Human Body Goal: 1. Develop the form from human body 2. Unique Idea 3. Volume moulding in figurative or abstract method 4. The spirit of Volume 5. Two students in each group 6. Size: At least 300*300*400mm 7. Quick sketch or quick moulding of human body image as form materials 目的与要求: 1、由人体引发的形式动机、要素挖掘与拓展 2、独特的创意 3、体的具象、意象与抽象 4、体的意味与趣味 5、2人一组 6、尺寸范围约:300mm 300mm 400mm 7、人体图像资料“速写”或“速雕”(形象收集与设计展开)具象、