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1、COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY CONTRACT 商业 摄影合同 Terms and Conditions 条款与适用条件 The following details the terms/conditions for (hereinafter “the client”) and MF Shanghai Advertising Agency (hereinafter “XXX”) Agreements: 以下 合同条款及适用条件是由 (以下简称为“ 甲方 ”)与 XXXX( 以下简称为“ XXXX”)签订。 Project Date 项目日期: Aug 25th-27th This

2、 photo shoot will span over the course of 2 day(s), which includes but not limited to the following: 此次拍摄项目需时 2 天,包括但不仅限于以下内容: 10 张平面照片 1、行政楼层 单间 + 浴室 2 个 2、行政楼层 标间 1 个 3、行政楼层 套间 1 个 4、行政酒廊 2 个 5、宴会厅婚宴 1 个 6、玉兰厅课桌式 1 个 7、金桂冠自助餐厅人物 1 个 8、门童 1 个 9、宴会服务 1 个 roject Charge 项目费用: CNY 10,000 有图片的增加和减少按照每张图

3、片 1000 元计费增减。 Transportation 交通费用: 摄影师及助理 2 人来回交通费用由甲方承担。实报实销。 酒店需提供摄影师及助理 2 人合理的餐饮及住宿。 The first 50% of total fee (RMB 5,000 ) should be paid before the project begins (Date : ). The other 50% should be paid as soon as the client confirms the finial pictures. 在拍摄项目开始前(日期: ) 需预付 50% (共计人民币 5,000 )。剩

4、余的 50%将在甲方获得 确定最终文件小样后,予第一时间支付。 For good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the client hereby agrees as follows: 甲方 经过仔细的商榷及考量已同意以下附属 条款: 1. XXX will grant to the client a license in perpetuity to use, in any manner, anywhere in the world, as frequently as t

5、he client in its sole discretion for any purpose; without limitation, for purposes of the client advertising, publicity or trade. Such use shall include, but not be limited to, use in connection with the clients produced materials such as newsletters, direct-mail, collateral, display materials, guid

6、es and brochures; “video brochures”; any brochures or other advertising or promotion on Internet or CD Rom or other media; or any editorial, public relations. XXXX将 授予甲方对于上面所制定的摄影图片在全球范围内使用的权利,并对于图片的使用范围及拷贝数量及用途不做限制。图片允许使用于广告、宣传或贸易,包括(但不限于):甲方的印刷品,如报道,直邮,演示文件,说明书及画册;视频产品;用于互联网及光盘媒介的画册、广告或推广;其他媒介;报刊及

7、公关材料。 2. Assignment of copyright should be complete as soon as both sides fulfill the contract. XXX delivers the final pictures to the client with his confirmation will be regarded as the contract has been fulfilled by XXX. XXX receives the residual payment from the client will be regarded as the co

8、ntract has been fulfilled by the client. Before receiving all payments according to the contract, XXX reserves all copyright. 版权的转让须以双方履约完成为准。甲方确认小样后,麦视影像交付最终图片至甲方,则麦视影像履约完成。甲方付清余款,即甲方履约完成。甲方付清所有合同款项前,麦视影像保留所有图片版权。 3. The terms of payment will be made in RMB currency. The photographic package includ

9、es and limited to the follows: 此项目将以人民币作为货币结算,整个摄影项目包含并仅限于以下项目。 a) Pre-production expenses 前期相关准备费用 b) Digital data 数码图片 c) Equipment 设备 d) Color managing 色彩管理 e) Post-production procedures (Basic retouch) 后期制作(基本润色) f) High Resolution RGB Tiff files supplied on DVD 高精度 RGB色彩的 Tiff 文件以 DVD 为载体提供 g)

10、Copyright surrender 版权转让 4. XXX should have rights to select and arrange a professional photographer to do the shooting in principle. If the client requires a specific photographer, should discuss and decide the exact shooting date in the event no settlement is reached, the dispute shall be referred

11、 to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission Shanghai Commission. 本合同一式两份。此合同书由中华人民共和国的法律框架内解释。在未得到双方一致的书面修改并签署的情况下,任何对本合同的增加,修改及减少都视为无效。如双方在履行本协议的过程中产生任何争议,应双方友好协商解 决;如协商解决不成,任何一方均可向中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会上海分会要求仲裁。 9. This agreement shall be made in both Chinese and English versions, if

12、here is any conflict between Chinese version and English version, the Chinese version shall prevail.XXX reserves the authority for the interpretation on this agreement. 本协议以中、英文书就,如中、英文版本有任何不一致,以中文版本为准。 XXXX对本合同保留最终解释权。 _ Signature 签名 Date 日期 Signature 签名 XXX (Shanghai) _ Date 日期 Address 地址 : Tel 电话 : Bank开户行 : Account Number 公司帐号 :


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