为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神, 贯彻全国教育大会精神, 充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能 unit1 friendship1. survey n. 调查 do a survey 做调查 a public survey 舆论调查 Surveys show that 80% of people agree to the plan.为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神, 贯彻全国教育大会精神, 充分发挥中小学图书室育人功能2. add vt. 加,添加Add 3 and 5 and you have 8.=if you add 3 and 5, you get 8.If the soup is too salty, add some water.He added a postscript( 附言) to his letter. 补充说“I dont believe it,” he added.=he added that he didnt believe it.为深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神, 贯彻全国教育大会精神,