屈难平20097831铁车二班磁悬浮列车的发展和优缺点篮球比赛是根据运动队在规定的比赛时间里得分多少来决定胜负的,因此,篮球比赛的计时计分系统是一种得分类型的系统 2.Maglev Evolution (P171 ) 磁悬浮(列车)的发展 The concept of magnetically lecitated trains was first identified at the turn of the century by two Americans,Robert Goddard and Emile Bachelet.By the1930s,Germanys Hermann Kemper was developing a concept and demonstrating the use of magnetic fields to combine the advantages of trains and airplanes.In 1968,Americans James R.Powell and Gordon T.Danby were granted a patent on the