篮球比赛是根据运动队在规定的比赛时间里得分多少来决定胜负的,因此,篮球比赛的计时计分系统是一种得分类型的系统HanFu -The traduinal clothes of Chinese Han PeopleFistly,we want to show you a clip.“ 子衿” 出自诗经 郑风, 描写了一个正值青春的女子对心仪男子的相思之情。 Your Collar came from Book of Odes-Zheng Feng, which describes a young lady revealing her love to her admirer. 篮球比赛是根据运动队在规定的比赛时间里得分多少来决定胜负的,因此,篮球比赛的计时计分系统是一种得分类型的系统If someone asked“What is Han Peoples traditional clothes?” Cheongsam( 旗袍)? Then what does Manchu wear? Or just say “Sorry, we havent. We only wearing T-shirts