Some Trademarks Related to the Greek and Roman MythologyTrademarks Volkswagen PhaetonStarbucksHTC Droid ErisVolkswagen Phaeton大众辉腾大众辉腾Thest oryofPhaet onA ccor dingtheGr eekm ythology ,Phaet onw asthesonofHelios,w hoistheancientgodofthesun.Themotherhadfilledtheladsheadwithsoman yst oriesofhisf atherthatthey outhw asquit epr oud.w her e v erhew enthet oldthosest oriesag ainandag ainuntile v ery bod yw astir edofhim.So,hispla ymat esask edhimt opr o v ethathew asnotaliar .Thegodofthesunw asr ead y