数字式扭矩传感器技术性能及应用北京东燕郊冶金一局超硬材料研究所 李国林 (高级工程师)摘 要:本文介绍了数字式扭矩传感器原理结构,该方式利用两组环形变压器非接触地传递能源及信号,克服了集流环及无线电遥测的一系列问题,本传感器体积小便于安装,精度高、抗干扰性强.已取得五项国家专利.关键词:传感器,扭矩,环形变压器 Compress: This article introduces theory and frame of digital moment of force sensor. This mode untouched passes energy sources and signal with two group of annular transformer .It conquers a series of problems about circle current and wireless remote sensing. This sensors volume is small and easy to install. Its performance against