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1、公 務 員 事 務 局 法 定 語 文 事 務 部OFFICIAL LANGUAGES DIVISION, CIVIL SERVICE BUREAU文 訊WORD POWER第 七 十 三 期 二 零 一 八 年 九 月 Issue No.73 September 2018Seeing is Not BelievingWhen the name Giza is mentioned, what images surface in your mind? “Magnificent pyramids standing on a vast expanse of sand, maybe with some

2、 sporadic silhouettes of tourists in the distance obscured by haze. They are in the middle of nowhere, so remote that you might need to take a camel ride to get there.” Thats the impression most of us have got from the breathtaking scenes shown in books and photos. But for those who have visited the

3、 Pharaonic mausoleums, they know the real picture.It is not untrue to say that the famous pyramids are surrounded by acres of sand dunes, but they are not as inaccessible as they seem. In fact, the ancient tombs are flanked by roads and the dwellings of Giza, an ancient city with a population of abo

4、ut three million. A few hundred feet to the northeast of the pyramid complex is a golf course, where you can take a look at the historical surroundings while teeing off. The road that brings you to the pyramids is a hub of nightlife, replete with swanky cabarets, bars and risqu entertainment. A far

5、cry from what we see in photos. Then, why do we conjure up a false impression of the pyramids? A handy explanation is that an incomplete understanding of anything could be misleading. And the alluring pictures of world destinations are often taken in a certain light, from a specific angle, and somet

6、imes with some touching up.Many globetrotters are lured to faraway lands by gorgeous travel photos. If you are one of them, you have to be careful because the superb scenes might turn out to be impossible to seewithout the aid of a versatile camera. As shown in most travel guidebooks, Mount Hood, th

7、e highest peak in Oregon, rises majestically over a small town known as Hood River. But in reality, when you look up from the settlement, expecting to gaze in awe at the iconic feature, the mountain is gone.In travel photos, Hood River appears to be the gateway to Mount Hood. It looks as if you can

8、ski down from the hilltop right into the town centre, shake off the snow powder and order a cup of hot coffee at a local caf. Actually, standing on the banks of the nearby river, you can only see quiet streets dotted with souvenir shops, pubs and sporting gear stores, but not the towering hill. Find

9、ing Mount Hood is laborious. Travellers have to stagger uphill, trudge tree-lined treks and make detours around untrodden paths before arriving at a spot commanding a distant view of the peak. Then how could the photographers of travel magazines have captured a stunning vista of the mountain from Ho

10、od River? Well, they might have taken the photos from a helicopter using something as powerful as the Hubble Space Telescope!Photography has magic. Wide-angle shots make buildings look expansive, and long lenses compress great distances. It is all about perspective, which changes the way we perceive

11、 things. For example, Mount Everest, the highest mountain on this planet, is like a tiny dot in photos taken from the outer space. The other way round, without reference to other objects, the Little Mermaid in Copenhagen looks much larger in photo than in real life. By using forced perspectivea tech

12、nique which employs optical illusion to make an object look farther away, closer, larger or smaller than it actually isthe people who visit the Leaning Tower of Pisa can be seen as “supporting” the tower, walking on it or even leaning against it.A picture is worth a thousand words. With a bit of ima

13、gination, it can even speak a lot more, though in a less honest way. Photography was once considered a way to reflect reality objectively. This notion has changed, however. With the emergence of photo editing software, pictures can be easily altered to illustrate whatever the photographer wishes to

14、present. In fact, not all photos retouched are intended to be deceptive. Many of them are just to please the eye; after all, beautiful things, real or fake, are always appealing. Travel photos are always ravishing. The food in the cookery pages unfailingly looks delectable. And people in fashion sho

15、ts are all glamorous. Photography today is largely seen as a form of art. Even news photos, which are supposed to be completely untouched, are sometimes edited to make the stories more newsworthy. Thus comes the question: Is seeing believing?游 藝程 連 蘇街 頭 一 處 , 沒 有 華 麗 的 舞 台 , 只 有 簡 陋 的 木 箱 , 上 面 放 着

16、三 張 撲 克 牌 , 其 中 一 張 是 紅心 女 王 。 男 子 把 撲 克 牌 翻 轉 , 以 純 熟 的 手 法 調 換 紙 牌 的 位 置 , 然 後 叫 圍 觀 的 人 猜 猜 紅 心女 王 到 哪 裏 去 了 。 一 次 又 一 次 , 圍 觀 者 目 不 轉 睛 盯 着 那 些 撲 克 牌 , 但 總 是 猜 不 中 哪 張是 紅 心 女 王 , 心 中 很 不 服 氣 , 越 是 猜 不 透 , 越 是 不 願 離 開 。 他 們 雖 然 知 道 這 只 是 障 眼 法 ,還 是 看 得 如 痴 如 醉 , 也 許 這 就 是 魔 術 迷 人 之 處 。在 古 代 , 魔 術

17、 被 視 為 迷 亂 觀 眾 視 覺 的 行 當 , 魔 術 師 故 又 稱 為 “眩 者 ”或 “幻 人 ”。 魔術 由 簡 單 的 障 眼 法 發 展 成 一 門 獨 特 的 表 演 藝 術 , 一 直 廣 受 歡 迎 。一 百 多 年 前 , 英 國 倫 敦 的 魔 術 界 發 生 了 一 樁 奇 事 , 讓 人 津 津 樂 道 。 當 時 , 一 名 自 稱“慈 禧 太 后 御 用 魔 術 師 ”的 男 子 在 英 國 出 現 。 他 名 叫 程 連 蘇 , 眼 窩 深 陷 , 鼻 子 挺 直 , 蓄着 長 長 辮 子 , 穿 着 清 朝 服 飾 。 那 時 候 的 英 國 人 對 中

18、 國 認 識 不 深 , 但 凡 帶 有 中 國 色 彩 的 人和 事 都 能 引 起 他 們 的 興 趣 。 程 連 蘇 聲 稱 自 己 是 百 分 百 的 中 國 人 , 以 極 具 中 國 風 格 的 魔 術作 招 徠 , 吸 引 觀 眾 入 場 , 每 場 表 演 都 座 無 虛 席 , 掌 聲 如 潮 。在 台 上 表 演 時 , 程 連 蘇 總 是 一 言 不 發 , 即 使 要 解 說 , 也 請 翻 譯 員 代 勞 。 這 位 “御 用 魔術 師 ”從 不 讓 觀 眾 失 望 , 魔 術 花 樣 層 出 不 窮 。 他 有 時 會 以 弓 箭 射 向 穿 着 小 鳳 仙 裝 的

19、 助手 , 箭 頭 雖 牢 牢 插 着 助 手 的 身 體 , 但 她 絲 毫 無 損 , 繼 續 笑 臉 迎 人 。 他 有 時 又 會 使 出 神 奇技 法 , 把 環 環 緊 扣 的 十 多 個 銀 環 分 拆 開 , 既 快 且 準 , 觀 眾 無 不 嘖 嘖 稱 奇 。當 程 連 蘇 名 成 利 就 而 沾 沾 自 喜 之 際 , “慈 禧 太 后 御 用 魔 術 師 ”突 然 鬧 出 雙 胞 胎 , 另 一位 叫 金 陵 福 的 中 國 男 子 也 自 稱 是 專 為 慈 禧 太 后 獻 藝 的 魔 術 師 。 同 樣 , 金 陵 福 也 是 以 富 有東 方 色 彩 的 戲 法

20、揚 名 。 他 的 “空 中 釣 魚 ”可 說 是 絕 活 。 他 把 魚 餌 鉤 在 釣 竿 上 , 然 後 揮向 觀 眾 席 , 再 收 回 釣 絲 , 便 會 釣 到 一 尾 活 魚 。 他 的 “大 缸 飛 水 ”一 樣 令 人 嘆 為 觀 止 。他 輕 輕 地 在 空 氣 中 搖 動 一 塊 絲 巾 , 剎 時 變 出 一 個 裝 滿 約 八 十 磅 水 的 巨 缸 , 並 從 缸 中 牽 出一 名 滴 水 不 沾 的 小 孩 。 每 次 他 表 演 這 把 戲 , 台 下 的 掌 聲 都 響 個 不 絕 , 就 連 行 家 也 佩 服 得五 體 投 地 。金 陵 福 的 魔 術 教

21、 人 着 迷 , 他 到 英 國 發 展 , 對 程 連 蘇 不 無 威 脅 。 為 了 保 持 名 氣 , 兩 人 各 出奇 謀 , 除 了 比 拼 魔 術 技 巧 外 , 還 經 常 借 報 章 爆 發 罵 戰 , 指 控 對 方 是 偽 裝 的 中 國 魔 術 師 。金 陵 福 更 直 指 程 連 蘇 根 本 不 是 中 國 人 , 還 抄 襲 自 己 的 魔 術 。 他 向 死 敵 下 戰 帖 , 聲 言 若 程連 蘇 能 夠 變 出 他 二 十 種 戲 法 中 的 十 種 , 又 或 他 自 己 無 法 變 出 對 方 任 何 一 種 戲 法 , 便 會 給程 連 蘇 一 千 英 鎊

22、 。 倫 敦 民 眾 對 這 場 對 決 議 論 紛 紛 , 也 十 分 期 待 一 睹 兩 人 的 精 彩 鬥 法 。 到了 決 戰 當 天 , 表 演 會 場 擠 滿 了 人 。 可 惜 , 等 了 良 久 , 金 陵 福 竟 然 沒 如 期 應 戰 。 外 界 對 他缺 席 比 賽 的 原 因 眾 說 紛 紜 , 真 相 到 底 如 何 實 在 不 得 而 知 。這 一 仗 程 連 蘇 不 戰 而 勝 , 但 他 的 事 業 沒 有 因 此 更 上 層 樓 , 反 而 停 滯 不 前 。 觀 眾 開 始 對 他的 把 戲 諸 多 批 評 , 認 為 沒 有 創 意 , 枯 燥 乏 味 。

23、 他 為 了 挽 回 面 子 , 決 定 押 上 自 己 的 性 命 ,以 “徒 手 接 子 彈 ”重 振 聲 勢 。 顧 名 思 義 , 這 把 戲 是 赤 手 接 着 槍 枝 發 射 出 來 的 子 彈 。 他使 用 的 槍 經 過 特 別 改 裝 , 當 助 手 瞄 準 他 射 擊 時 , 子 彈 會 落 入 槍 膛 下 方 的 隱 藏 彈 室 , 冒 出來 的 火 花 和 爆 炸 聲 , 只 是 特 技 效 果 而 已 。 這 技 倆 令 程 連 蘇 的 事 業 再 登 高 峯 。然 而 好 景 不 常 , 一 九 一 八 年 三 月 某 天 , 程 連 蘇 在 倫 敦 再 次 表 演

24、 這 經 典 項 目 時 , 火 藥 在 裝有 真 彈 的 槍 膛 內 爆 炸 , 子 彈 射 出 , 貫 穿 他 的 胸 膛 。 程 連 蘇 應 聲 倒 地 , 本 來 鬧 哄 哄 的 劇 場忽 然 變 得 鴉 雀 無 聲 。 沒 想 到 , 程 連 蘇 倒 下 時 , 竟 以 一 口 純 正 美 國 腔 英 文 慘 叫 : “天 啊 ,出 事 了 , 快 降 下 布 幕 ! ”這 是 他 首 次 在 舞 台 上 開 口 說 話 , 也 是 他 的 遺 言 。 那 一 刻 , 程 連蘇 終 於 暴 露 了 自 己 謎 一 樣 的 身 分 。魔 術 千 變 萬 化 , 似 實 還 虛 , 讓

25、人 覺 得 不 可 思 議 。 程 連 蘇 台 上 台 下 都 在 變 戲 法 , 可 謂 把 魔術 發 揮 得 淋 漓 盡 致 。 他 假 扮 成 中 國 人 , 模 仿 金 陵 福 的 著 名 把 戲 , 還 聘 請 戲 子 當 翻 譯 員 ,瞞 天 席 地 。 他 的 故 事 雖 由 一 連 串 謊 話 編 織 而 成 , 但 他 確 是 魔 術 界 的 傳 奇 人 物 。巧 詐 不 如 拙 誠 。韓 非 韓 非 子 說 林 上 Cultural ArenaHow the Internet Has Misled YouA couple of months ago, a video sho

26、wing a series of car crashes in which a vehicle collided with an invisible force went viral on social media. The video was shared under a number of titles, such as “Unbelievable Supernatural Car Accidents Compilation” and “Ghost Crash”, and raked up close to 10 million views in a week. The cars in t

27、he clip do seem to have bumped into an unseen object. Spooky enough? The video, however, turned out to be the work of creative digital editing. In some of the original footage located by a fact-checking website, each of the collisions actually involved at least one other vehicle which was simply era

28、sed by a mouse click.The spread of false information on the Internet has become an alarming cultural phenomenon. A recent study finds that fake stories on media platforms travel six times faster than real ones. It is not necessarily the fault of web robots, a software application that runs automated

29、 scripts in cyberspace. It is we who love lies. Many of us dont bother much with the authenticity of news. As long as we find the stories enticing, we are compelled to share them with others. Thanks to the almightiness of the information superhighway, which transmits messages in the speed of light,

30、a lie need not be told a thousand times to become the truth.Since the onset of the cyber age, we have been under the constant barrage of misinformation, some devised for publicity purpose, some deliberately created to deceive the public and some produced just for fun. Have you recently been distress

31、ed by an online video depicting a group of penguins living on a small island teeming with plastic waste? Scientists estimate that nearly 150 million tons of plastics is currently polluting the worlds oceans. But is the situation so devastating that penguins have to waddle through garbage? Not now, a

32、t least. The footage, a product of digital manipulation, was in fact posted by the World Wildlife Fund on 1 April 2018 to raise peoples awareness of plastic pollution. The penguins they filmed are well and continue to live happily on their island of ice. What an April Fools Day joke! “The clip was f

33、aked, but the problem is real,” the Fund said.Over the past few years, many car owners must have been terrified by this widespread warning“Due to increase in temperature in the coming days, please dont fill petrol to the maximum limit. It may cause explosion in the fuel tank. PLEASE DO SHARE THIS ME

34、SSAGE.” For anyone who doesnt know much about science, this advice sounds frightening enough. But the rumour doesnt make any sense. The temperature at which fuel auto-ignites is around 246C to 280C, a level far higher than any temperature an insulated tank could possibly attain on earth. Also, the i

35、mplication that pressure will dangerously build up in a cars gas tank during sweltering weather and lead to an explosion is untenable because modern fuel tanks have the ability to vent pressure.But not all hoaxes are that scary. Some could be side-splitting stories and works of beautiful satire. Her

36、e is a humorous anecdote about Albert Einstein which has been circulating among netizens all these years: One night, on his way to a dinner to give a speech, Einstein told his chauffeur, a man who somewhat resembled him in looks and manner, “Im tired of making speeches. I just want to go back to my

37、laboratory work.” The chauffeur then replied, “Sir, I have heard you give this speech many times. Ill bet I can give it for you.” Einstein then laughed loudly and said, “Why not?” When they arrived at the dinner, Einstein put on his chauffeurs cap and jacket, and sat among the audience. The chauffeu

38、r delivered the speech beautifully. Then an arrogant professor asked an esoteric question about anti-matter formation. Without a frown, the chauffeur responded, “Sir, this question is just too simple, and Ill let my chauffeur, who is sitting at the back, answer it.”Celebrities are always the targets

39、 of online hoaxes. Shakespeare is certainly among them. When you are down, the following quote attributed to Shakespeare may serve as a pick-me-up: “I always feel happy, you know why? Because I dont expect anything from anyone; expectations always hurt. Life is short. So love your life. Be happy. An

40、d keep smiling.” This inspiring quote was indeed written by someone called Williamjust not Shakespeare, but American author William Arthur Ward. If the Bard was brought back to life, he would probably shout in a theatrical voice: “Lord, Lord, how this world is given to lying!”Some bogus news, howeve

41、r, could cause disasters. They could disrupt stock markets, slow down responses in emergencies and even cost lives. As people increasingly get their news from social media rather than more reliable sources, it is time to face the issue squarely. So next time you read or receive a dubious post, think

42、 twice before clicking the “Forward” button.If you tell the truth you dont have to remember anything.Mark TwainPapyrus & QuillRight or RightlyAs adverbs, both right and rightly mean “correctly” or “properly”: I was, as you rightly said, the youngest in the class. Rightly can also mean “for a good re

43、ason”: They have been treated badly, and they are rightly upset. When the adverbs mean “correctly”, there is a slight difference in their usage. Right can only come after verbs (Did Mary do it right?), but rightly is usually put before the verb (She rightly pointed out the weakness of the argument.)

44、 If you want to put rightly after the verb, very often it goes between commas in writing: John decided, quite rightly, to quit his job. The exception is after remember: She has left the company for good, if I remember rightly.When you use a pair of to refer to two things that are used together in a

45、set (a pair of socks), or an object with two parts (a pair of scissors), you use a singular verb: A pair of glasses costs quite a lot now. However, if a pair of refers to two people or things that happen to be together, a plural verb should be used: A pair of suspicious young men were seen hanging a

46、round the park. The unlikely pair have fallen for each other.If something used to happen, it happened regularly in the past: She used to go to bed early. Do you know how to make used to negative? You can put in either not (She used not to go to bed early) or never (She never used to go to bed early)

47、. You can also say didnt use to: She didnt use to go to bed early. All three expressions are acceptable in spoken English. But for more formal writing, it is better to use used not to.None means “not one” or “not any”. We use it as a pronoun to replace countable and uncountable nouns. When none is t

48、he subject, the verb can either be singular or plural, depending on what it refers to: She is always looking for inspiration. None ever comes. / She is always looking for ideas. None ever come. When none refers to a group of people or things, both the singular verb and the plural verb are acceptable

49、: None of the children wants / want to come. Traditionally, in formal style, the singular verb is considered correct. But nowadays, more and more people use the plural verb when they speak. Using the plural verb is also a useful way to avoid the clumsy expression of his or her: None of the members have received their cards yet.Hopefully can mean “being hopeful”: “Will there be any food left over?” he asked hopefully. We also commonly use the adverb to say what we wish for or would like to happen: Hopefully, we will be back home by nine oclock. Some people,


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