比较分析近代中日音乐教育【摘要】:自从明治维新以后,日本摆脱了中国模式,从此跃居为世界强国。对此,教育在其中有了不可估量的作用。本文就此问题提出了几点中日两国近代音乐教育状况的比较,希望有利中国当代音乐教育的发展。【关键词】:近代中国 近代日本 音乐教育 比较【Abstract】:Japen,which cast off the pattern of China,became a superior country in the world since ming zhi wei xin,for the power of education .My thesis contrasts Modern China with Modern Japen in music education .According to this,I put forward some problems,hope that it is useful to develop music education in China【key words】:Modern China 、Modern Japen、