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1、电动滚筒驱动电机噪声的控制分析 鲍俊瑶 (安徽职业技术学院 ,安徽 合肥 230011) 摘 要:电动滚筒是近年来出现的新型带式输送设备的驱动部件 ,具有适宜在恶劣场合工作的能力。然而 ,电动滚筒的噪声却带来污染 ,并在高要求场合应用受到限制 ,为此必须降低其噪声。在对电动滚筒可能存在的主要噪声源进行分析的基础上 ,应用频谱识别技术 ,确定了单相驱动电机是该型电动滚筒的主要噪声源 ,它使得电动滚筒在 100Hz 及其高次谐频噪声成分较大。经分析 ,造成此现象的原因是单相驱动电机的空间不对称驱动力矩 ,在采用三相电机驱动后 ,电动 滚筒的噪声下降了 6 7dB(A)左右 ,有效地控制了电动滚筒的

2、电磁噪声。 关键词:电动滚筒 ; 驱动电机 ; 频谱分析 ; 噪声控制 中图分类号: TB535 2 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1672 9536(2012)010001 04 Abstract: Recently, motorized pulley, as a new type drive part in equipping driving strap, has the capacity of working in abominable condition. However, the noise of motorized pulley brings pollution and the a

3、pplication in some advanced condition is restricted. Therefore, the noise must be reduced. On basis of the analyses of the main source of the noise, the application of spectrum identification technology ascertains that single phase motor is the main noise source of this type motorized pulley, and th

4、e frequency of 100Hz as well as hypo humorous is the primary componenty. By analyzing, the cause of the electrophoresis is the dissymmetry between the space of single phase motor and driving torque. After using three phase drive, the noise of motorized pulley is declined by 6 7dB(A) and the electrom

5、agnetic noise is effectively controlled. Key words: motorized pulley; drive motor; spectrum analysis; noise control 祥和文化的基本特征分析 以泰州为例 张树俊 (中共泰州市委党校 ,江苏 泰州 225300) 摘 要:祥和文化是我国特有的文化底蕴。它以平安富裕为基础 ,以丰富多彩的文化生活为福祉 ,以对人的关注为本质 ,以和谐接异为活力。祥和文化追求的是长久的繁荣、幸福与安康。发展祥和文化 ,要在注重财富积累、建设平安社会的基础上 ,坚持以人为本 ,遵循发展规律 ,丰富大众文化

6、,搞好传承与创新。 关键词:祥和文化 ;特征 ;发展趋向 中图分类号: G112 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1672 9536(2012)01 000507 Abstract: Our culture is a unique and peaceful culture. Its basis is in peace and well being, with the richness of cultural life as its purpose, the concern about the people as its essence and harmoniously accepting dif

7、ferences as its energy. The pursuit of the peace culture is prosperity, happiness and well being. The development of peace culture is to focus on wealth accumulation, to build a peaceful society based on people orientation, to follow the law of development, and to enrich culture, heritage and innova

8、tion. Key words: peace culture; characteristic; development trend 基于人才培养基地建设的校企对接研究与实践 姚道如 , 杜兰萍 , 陈传胜 , 丁 峰 (安徽职业技术学院 机械系 , 安徽 合肥 230011) 摘 要:校企对接是教育部、财政部提升高等职业学校专业服务产业发展能力项目的建设要求 ,为了更好地加强专业建设 ,培养高端技能人才 ,文章提出了基于 人才培养基地建设的校企对接方案 ,并以安徽职业技术学院“人才培养基地”建设为例 ,阐述了人才培养基地建设在校企对接中所发挥的重要作用。 关键词:人才培养基地 ;校企对接 ;成

9、果 中图分类号: G712 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1672 9536(2012)01 001103 Abstract: The connection of school and enterprise must meet the request of the promotion of service ability program from higher vocational colleges sponsored by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Finance. In order to enhance the major

10、construction and cultivate high end talents, the plan is put forward for the connection based on Talents Cultivation Base , with the construction of Talents Cultivation Base in Anhui Vocational and Technical College, and the paper also describes the importance of the base in the connection of school

11、 and enlerprise. Key words: talents cultivation base; connection of school and enterprise; achievement 经济学案例教学体系探析 徐忠爱 (广东商学院 经济学院 ,广东 广州 510320) 摘 要:近些年来 ,我国的经济学案例教学虽然取得了一些进展 ,但在教材内容建设、师资培养以及案例教学地位的把握等方面仍存在诸多问题。为解决这些问题 ,需要在了解案例教学渊源和发展脉络的基础上 ,从更新传统教学观念、教学方法入手 ,通过加强案例教学的主、客体资源建设来全面提升经济学的教学效果。 关键词:案例教

12、学 ;西方经济学 ;教学效果 中图分类号: G712 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1672 9536(2012)01 001403 Abstract: In recent years, the case teaching of economics in China has made some progress, but there are still problems in the construction of the textbook content, training of teachers and the status of case teaching. The effect of

13、the teaching of Western Economics should be fully enhanced through the innovation of traditional teaching concepts, methods and the source construction of case teaching to solve these problems, based on the understanding of origin and development of case teaching. Key words: case teaching; Western E

14、conomics; effect of teaching 我国现代科技奖励制度的运行机制及社会功能 吴 恺 (武汉大学 马克思主义学院 ,湖北 武汉 430072) 摘 要:我国现代科技奖励制度的运行机制 ,是科技奖励制度诸要素在奖励目标指引下形成一定结构 ,表现出特定功能。它主要包括导向机制、竞争机制、创新机制和评价机制四个方面。科技奖励制度良好的运行机制保证了其良好的 社会功能。通过这些机制的作用 ,我国现代科技奖励制度能宏观地引导科技服务于国民经济和社会发展 ,促进科技人才脱颖而出 ,并形成崇尚科技、尊重创新的社会环境。 关键词:科技奖励制度 ;运行机制 ;社会功能 中图分类号: B84

15、 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1672 9536(2012)01 001705 Abstract: The operating mechanism of Chinese modern science and technology award system is a certain structure under the guidance of incentive target in which a lot of elements of our science and technology award system is formed and shows its own functions.

16、It includes four aspects: the orientation mechanism, the competition mechanism, the innovation mechanism and the evaluation mechanism. The good operating mechanism of our rewarding system ensures its social functions. The role of these mechanisms of our modern science and technology award system is

17、to guide the development of science and technology, and to serve our economic and social advancement. It can also promote scientific and technological talents to stand out from the crowd, and bring up the environment of worship for science and innovation. Key words: science and technology award syst

18、em; operating mechanism; social function 基于项目导向模式的信息技术课程教学研究 刘晓阳 (中国矿业大学 (北京 ) 机电与信息工程学院 ,北京 100083) 摘 要:文章阐明了信息技术课程教学的层次性 ,分析了项目导向理论的特点 ,从培养学生主动学习和独立思考的角度出发 ,研究了基于项目导向的信息技术课程的教学模式 ,并将项目导向模式运用于信息技术课程的教学中 ,提高了学生独立思考、解 决问题及与人协作的能力 ,并使其主动思维和创新的能力得以发挥。 关键词:项目导向 ;教学模式 ;信息技术 中图分类号: G642 0 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1

19、672 9536(2012)01 002203 Abstract: The level of information technology course teaching is illustrated and the features of project oriented theory are analyzed in the paper. From the view of students active learning and independent thinking, the mode of information technology teaching based on project

20、oriented is studied and used in the teaching to enhance the students independent thinking, problem solving and collaboration abilities so that their active thinking and innovative abilities will be brough into full play. Key words: project orientation; teaching mode; information technology 以新闻为载体的案例

21、教学方法探讨 以土地经济学为例 1, 2 (1 河南大学 环境与规划学院 ,河南 开封 475004; 2.湖南省南县茅草街三岔 河中学,湖南 益阳 413201) 摘 要:针对土地经济学课程的特点及教学过程中存在的问题 ,将案例教学方法引入到课堂教学当中。文章首先分析以新闻为载体的案例教学方法在土地经济学教学中引入的必要性 ,其次探讨了此种方法的实践和课堂教学效果 ,最后提出了进一步完善此方法的路径。 关键词:土地经济学 ;案例教学方法 ;新闻 中图分类号: G712 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1672 9536(2012)01 002504 Abstract: According to

22、 the problems in the course of Land Economics , the paper introduces the case teaching method into classroom teaching according to the characteristics of the course. The primary carrier of case is news. This paper analyzes the necessity of news as the carrier of case teaching method in the teaching

23、of Land Economics , and introduces the effect of the case teaching method in practice and classroom teaching. Finally, it puts forward the way to improve the case teaching method. Key words: Land Economics; the case teaching method; news 思想道德修养与法律基础课教学体系若干问题探析 丁成际 (安徽大学 思想政治理论课教学部 ,安徽 合肥 230039) 摘 要

24、: “思想道德修养与法律基础”课的教学目前仍存在着学生与教师、教学内容与时代内容、教学理论与教学实践相脱离的现象。这就需要以系统的观点来对待这门课程 ,具体来说 :将多元价值取向与道德诉求融入到教学内容之中;让网络传媒进入教学之中 ,充分利用网络平台进行“对话”,开展师生、生生之间的良性互动 ,力求从体系的完整性与逻辑严密性来进行“基础”课的教学 ,以达 到提高大学生知识与德性、德性与德行的相统一与思维能力的提高。 关键词:思想道德修养与法律基础课 ;教学方法 ;“对话”精神 中图分类号: G642 4 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1672 9536(2012)01 002903 Abstr

25、act: At present,there still exist college students divorcing from university teachers, teaching content divorcing from content of the times, teaching theory divorcing from teaching practice from the phenomenon in Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Legal Basis Teaching. From the viewpoint of syste

26、matology, pluralistic value orientation and ethics appeal should be merged into the teaching contents, network media into teaching, dialogue on the network plalform be fully used, and good interaction between teachers and students as well as interaction between students be carried out in the course.

27、 From the above education teaching, the basic teaching is carried out fully and logically, in order to improve the integration of knowledge and virtue, as well as virtue and morality, and thinking capalilities of college students. Key words: Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Legal Basis ; teachi

28、ng method; spirit of dialogue 高职文秘专业新闻学课程的教学改革与思考 胡辉平 (安徽职业技术学院 ,安徽 合肥 230011) 摘 要:高职教育是高等教育的一种新类型。高职教育改革有其内在规律和特色做法。文章从高职文秘专业新闻学课程的实践性教学思路出发 ,实施了“教学做”一体化教学改革 ,并对教学改革进行了理性思考。 关键词:高职教育 ; 教学改革 ; 理性思考 中图分类号: G712 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1672 9536(2012)01 003204 Abstract: Higher vocational education is a new sty

29、le of higher education,which has its inner unique teaching rules and practical features.Based on practical teaching ideas, the paper points out that the course reform of Journalism should be carried out from the practical teaching, the teaching learning doing systematic reform be implemented. The te

30、aching reform in higher vocational education should follow the discipline of vocational education. Key words: higher vocational education; teaching reform; ractional reflection 对偶问题在经济管理中的应用 曾庆武 (广东松山职业技术学院 ,广东 韶关 512126) 摘 要:企业的管理者对企业的生产计划 ,成本估算 ,生产过程管理以及市场预算对企业起到关键作用。文章根据市场及企业本身的具体情况 , 利用线性规划的对偶问题

31、原理建立相应的数学模型 ,用线性规划中的对偶问题原理加以分析 ,为企业决策者提供合理决策的理论依据。 关键词:数学建模 ;对偶问题 ;影子价格 ;经济决策 中图分类号: O221 1 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1672 9536(2012)01 003503 Abstract: Production plans, cost estimates, production management and marketing budgets made by business managers are crucial to the companies. Building mathematical mo

32、dels based on the market and business conditions and analyzing these models with the duality theory in linear programming may provide business decision makers with a theoretical basis for rational decision making. Key words: mathematical modeling; dual problem; shadow price; economic decision making

33、 依法行政的理论形态及在 我国的实现 李生帅 (安徽大学 法学院 ,安徽 合肥 230039) 摘 要:依法行政源于法治 ,作为一种理论形态的依法行政可分为三个理论层次即理想状态、规范状态、现实状态 ,依法行政的实现就是这三个理论层次不断转化并互动的过程。但是 ,我国在实现依法行政的过程中由于受到现实情境的制约 ,理想状态向规范状态的转化、规范状态向现实状态的转化、现实状态对理想状态与规范状态的反作用并没有很好地实现。因此 ,弥补依法行政的理想状态与现实制约之间的鸿沟就成为实现依法行政之关键所在。 关键词:依法行政;理想状态;规范状态;现实 状态 中图分类号: D920 1 文献标识码: A

34、文章编号: 1672 9536(2012)01 003805 Abstract: Theoretically, administration according to law may fall into three levels, i.e., ideal situation, the standard state and reality; and the realization of administration under the rules of laws, is associated with the transformation between these three levels i

35、n exercising. In China, this realization has its difficulties in the processes of ideal state towards the standard state and actual state and even the interactions of the states previously described due to the natural restriction.Therefore, narrowing the gap between the ideal state and realistic con

36、straints is the key to realize administration according to law. Key words: administration according to law; the ideal state; the standard state; the real state 冲突法中对意思自治的限制 刘新凯 (北京师范大学 法学院 ,北京 100875) 摘 要:国际私法中的意思自治是指当事人双方有权自行选择某个法域的法律来调整其法律关系。随着世界政治、经济、法律实践的发展 ,为了解决在涉外经济领域完全适用意思自治原则所带来的负面影响 ,越来越多的国

37、家在立法和司法实践中对意思自治进行限制。 关键词:意思自治 ;准据法 ;弱者保护原则 中图分类号: D997 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1672 9536(2012)01 004204 Abstract: In private international law, party autonomy (PA) refers to entitlement of both parties to choose a special law to adjust their legal relations. With the development of world s politics, economy

38、and legal practice, many countries seek to constrain the PA principle in both the legislation and the legal practice, in order to solve the negative problems of full appliance of the PA principle. Key words: party autonomy; applicable law; protection for the weak 证明妨碍及其规制对策 孙 晶 (湘潭大学 法学院 ,湖南 湘潭 4111

39、05) 摘 要:在民事诉讼实务中 ,由于民事行为的相互性 ,证明事实真相的证据由一方当事人或第三人加以控制的情形时有发生,从而使证据持有者基于自身利益的考虑 ,以作为或不作为的方式对证据的提出进行妨碍的行为层出不穷。此种行为严重违背了民事诉讼中的诚实信用原则和公平正义原则 ,侵害了他人的诉讼利益 ,应当予以规制。文章通过对民事诉讼中的证明妨碍问题进行理论分析 ,并提出相应的规制对策 ,如适用强制措施、推定主张成立、 证明责任倒置等制度 ,试图有效减轻证明妨碍对诉讼的不利影响。 关键词:证明妨碍 ;规制 ;对策 中图分类号: D925 1 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1672 9536(201

40、2)01 004605 Abstract: In the civil litigation practice, the evidence of truth is often provided by one party or controlled by the third person due to the mutuality of civil action. Therefore, there are a lot of interfernces to the evidence from the evidence holders based on their own interests, inte

41、ndedly or unintendedly. This kind of behavior has seriously violated the principle of honesty and the principle of fairness and justice in the c ivil litigation, the paper puts forward some regulatory countermeasures, such as the application of compulsory measures, presumed claims, and inverted burd

42、en of proof system,which can efficiently reduce the adverse effects in the problem of obstruction to testimony. Key words: the obstruction of evidence; regulation; countermeasure 欧美成长小说之比较 以被抛弃的韦瑟罗尔奶奶为例 刘 昕 (安徽大学 外语学院,安徽 合肥 230039) 摘 要:文章以美国作家凯瑟琳安波特之作被遗弃的韦瑟罗尔奶奶为例,从主题人物刻画、环境烘托、写作手法以及创作视角等方面分析了欧美成长小说之

43、不同。主题上 ,欧洲经典成长小说以乐 观的态度和完美结局来表达成长主题 ,美国成长小说充满悲剧色彩 ;人物刻画上 ,欧洲经典成长小说主人公都是在向社会“妥协”中达到同化的 ,美国成长小说非常注重“自我”的表现和人生目标的实现 ;写作手法上 ,美国成长小说更加多样化 ;创作视角上 ,由经典成长小说的全知视角向多视角的转换也是其一大特色。 关键词:欧洲经典成长小说 ;美国成长小说 ;被抛弃的韦瑟罗尔奶奶 中图分类号: I106 4 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1672 9536(2012)01 005103 Abstract: The paper analyses the differences

44、 between classic European bildungsroman and initiation story from the aspects of definitions, themes, portrayal of the characters, circumstances, writing techniques and point of view, examplified by The Jilting of Granny Wheatherall written by Katherine Ann Porter. The themes of classic European bil

45、dungsroman are characterized by positive attitude and happy ending, while its American counterparts are full of tragic color. In terms of the portrayal of characters, European protagonists achieve their dreams by compromising to the society, in contrast, Americans devote to the expression of the “se

46、lf” and the realization of life goals. The characters of the initiation story always struggle in a comparatively harsher environment. The initiation story includes more kinds of writing techniques. In terms of the point of view, the initiation story varies from the classic European bildungsroman s o

47、mniscient perspective to multi perspectives. Key words: classic European bildungsroman; initiation story; The Jilting of Granny Wheatherall 健美操运动中“民”的群体性特征 高晓芳 (内江师范学院 ,四川 内江 641112) 摘 要:健美操运动在其发展过程中已经逐渐融入到民众的日常生活当中 ,成为人们的一种“健康生活方式” ,并形成了自身庞大的“民”。文章主要分析并概括了这一“民”的群体性特征 ,即泛群性、先赋分群性和性别群倾性。 关键词:健美操运动 ;健

48、康生活方式 ;群体 中图分类号: C912 2 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1672 9536(2012)01 005403 Abstract: Aerobics in the process of its development has gradually been integrated into people s daily life, becomes a kind of healthy lifestyle , and forms its large folk . This article mainly analyzes and summarizes the population characteristics of this folk .They are pansociability, ascribed grouping sociability, and the feature about grouping tendency of gender. Key words: aerobics; healthy lifestyle; group 高职院校贫困生的人格、社会支持与总体幸福


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