测试1中国国际全印展(All in Print China)是中国首屈一指的印刷类专业展览会。2008年11月14日17日,中国国际全印展(All in Print China)将再次空降上海,成为世界印刷行业的焦点。届时,预计将有近700家参展企业集中展示印刷行业的新产品、新技术,并吸引来自世界各地的60,000余名观众前来参观。通过展会的平台作用,印刷企业及其上下产业链合作伙伴将聚集一堂,共同探讨与分享发展经验。All in Print China is the leading professional printing exhibition in China. From November 14 to 17, 2008, All in Print China will be again held in Shanghai to be pushed into the spotlight of world printing industry. It is estimated that on the occasion there will be nearly 700 exhibi