一同义转译法:1.“I cant see anything at all on the Emperor,” cried one or two of the brave ones. The cry was taken up and soon everybody was nodding and saying, “BUT HE HAS NOTHING ON!” “我根本看不见皇帝身上穿了任何东西,”一两个胆大一点的人叫喊到。人们都跟着叫喊起来。很快,每个人都在摇头说:“可是他身上什么也没穿。”2There is no disputing, says the proverb, about taste-though, in fact, human beings spend at least half their leisure doing nothing else (but exclusively disputing about taste).常言道,有关情趣,不存争执 然而,事实上,人类至少有一般闲暇时光就花在了对情趣而不是别的事情的争执上。