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1、中国科学院大学国际学生在学证明申请表APPLICATION FORM FOR CERTIFICATE OF STUDY*填写前请先仔细阅读说明内容。/Please carefully read the note at the end of the form before you fill in it. 学生信息/Students Information学生姓名/Name 学号/Student ID No.护照号码/Passport No. 国籍/Nationality联系电话/Tel. 邮箱/Email 申请信息/Application Information 申请在读证明/Apply for

2、 Certificate of Study; 申请预毕业证明(申请人须已经满足毕业条件)/Apply for Pre-Graduation Certificate (Only for the applicant who has fulfilled with the requirements of graduation). 申请材料(提交前请详细检查)/Required Materials (Please carefully check before material submission) 申请人护照个人信息页复印件/Photocopy of ID Page of the Applicants

3、 Regular Passport; 相关证明材料(如会议通知/邀请函等)/Any documents/materials (e.g. Conference Invitation Letter) to support your application. 培养单位出具的预毕业公函(申请预毕业证明必备)/Official letter issued by the host institute (Required for Pre-Graduation Certificate application).出境信息/Exit For activities arranged by the host supe

4、rvisor/institute行程安排/Time Duration: 离境日期/The expected date to leave China: 年/Yr 月/Mon 日/Day;返校日期/The expected date to come back to China: 年/Yr 月/Mon 日/Day;紧急联系人信息/Emergency Contact Person and Tel. Number: Name of the person: ; Tel. Number: 证明用途/Purpose of the Certificate申请人签字/Applicants Signature: 年

5、/Yr 月/Mon 日/Day 培养单位意见 Institute/College Comment 对该生申请在读证明 : 同意 Agree 不同意 Disagree经办人签字: 年 月 日(主管部门公章) 国科大意见 UCAS Comment 对该生申请在读证明 : 同意 Agree 不同意 Disagree经办人签字: 年 月 日(主管部门公章)填表说明/Note :1. 本表供国际学生申请在读/预毕业证明之用,由申请者本人填写,在培养单位盖章后,连同相关材料的扫描件发送至 。/This form is for international students to apply for Cert

6、ificate of Study/Pre-graduation, which shall be filled by the applicant with the seal of host institute. It shall be submitted with other required materials to . 2. 申请人因私出境的,需附请假单 。申请人因公出境的,培养单位须为国际学生提供医疗保险。/For the applicant whose international travel is for personal affairs, a Leave Request Form w

7、ith the host institutes approval is also required. For the applicant whose international travel is for activities arranged SC2by the host supervisor/institute, the host supervisor/institute shall provide medical insurance for the applicant in the duration of his or her international travel.中国科学院大学留学

8、生办公室 2018 年制表By International Students Office of UCAS in 2018在学证明留学生,男,19XX 年 XX 月 XX 日出生,国籍 XXXX,护照号码 XXXX,20XX年 XX 月入学,现为我校 XXX 专业攻读博士学位研究生,学制三年,学号 XXX,培养单位为中国科学院 XXX 研究所。特此证明。中国科学院大学留学生办公室XXXX 年 XX 月 XX 日CERTIFICATE OF STUDYThis is to certify that Mr. XXX XXX (Birth Date: DD/MM/YY, Nationality: X

9、XX, Passport No: XXXX) has been enrolled as a full-time student at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences and trained at the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences in the graduate program for doctoral degree on Aquatic Biology since Sept. 20XX to now. The length of schooling is

10、3 years.Date: DD/MM/YYYY International Students OfficeUniversity of Chinese Academy of SciencesNo. 80 Zhongguancun East RdBeijing, 100190, ChinaTel: +86-10-62522162Fax: +86-10-82672900预毕业证明留学生,男,19XX 年 XX 月 XX 日出生,国籍 XXXX,护照号码 XXXX,20XX年 XX 月入学,现为我校 XXX 专业攻读博士学位研究生,学号 XXX,培养单位为中国科学院 XXX 研究所, 已完成博士课程

11、学习,成绩合格,并通过了博士论文答辩,将于 20XX 年 XX 月 XX 日毕业。特此证明。中国科学院大学留学生办公室20XX 年 XX 月 XX 日CERTIFICATE OF PRE-GRAUDATIONThis is to certify that Mr. XXX XXX (Birth Date: DD/MM/YY, Nationality: XXX, Passport No: XXXX) has been enrolled as a full-time student at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences and traine

12、d at the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences in the graduate program for doctoral degree on Aquatic Biology since Sept. 20XX to now. He has completed all the required courses for doctoral degree, successfully pass the thesis defence, and will graduate on July 1st 20XX. Date: DD/MM/YYYY International Students OfficeUniversity of Chinese Academy of SciencesNo. 80 Zhongguancun East RdBeijing, 100190, ChinaTel: +86-10-62522162Fax: +86-10-82672900


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