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1、2016 年黑龙江省哈尔滨市中考英语试题一、选择题l. Boys and girls, keep calm and be confident. I am sure all of you are _ excellent students.A. an B. a C. /2. Dont stay inside _such a sunny morning. Lets go out to enjoy the gentle wind and the sweet flowers.A. on B. in C. from3. The temperature is 30C today. I prefer stay

2、ing in to going out.It will be _ tomorrow. The temperature will reach 35C.A. colder . B. hotter C. hottest4. As middle school students, we should _ to protecting our school environment.A. make a contribution B. make a decision C. make progress5. Which of the two T-shirt would you like lo choose?Both

3、. Then I can give one lo my brother and leave _ lo myself.A. another B. the other C. other6. Xi Jinping, our _ president, paid a visit to Harbin last month, How encouraging!A. 63 years old B. 63 years old C. 63-year-old7. Hi .Jack! Could you come to our English party?Sorry, I _ . I have to look afte

4、r my little sister at home.A. must B. could C. cant8. I am going to Australia next week.The radio says there is going lo he _ in Australia. Dont forget to take your warm clothes.A. snow B. snowy C. knowing来源:Z not every effort(努力 ) will he completed. Never mind, and take it easy.Come on, everybody!

5、Lets live a happy life with a light heart and enjoy the beautiful sunshine every day.根据短文内容选择最佳答案。来源:学科网 ZXXK( )2l. A. what B. how C. why( )22. A. May B. staying C. slays()23. A. arc giving B. will give C. will he given( )24. A. proud B. afraid C. tired( )25. A. Somebody B. Nobody C. Everybody( )26.

6、 A. failure B. success C. trouble()27. A. have had B. have C. has( )28. A. are different from B. are fond of C. are similar lo( )29. A. always B. seldom C. never( )30. A. not only; but also B. neither; nor C. either; or三、(A)Ms. Smith lived in a small village. She was born with a silver spoon. When h

7、er parents died, they left her a lot of money. After that, she lived on her own. Unfortunately, she became blind after a serious illness. She went to see lots of famous doctors, hut nobody was able to cure her eyes. She felt very sad.One day. a man named Tom came to the village where Ms. Smith lived

8、. He heard about her illness and came to her house. He told Ms. Smith that he had much experience. He was sure to cure her eyes. But she must pay him a large amount of money. Ms. Smith agreed. “But you cant get a penny if you fail,“ said the lady.During the treatment, Tom found Ms. Smith was very ri

9、ch. There were plenty of good thing in her house. He stole m any valuable things from the house. Several weeks later, Tom cured Ms. Smith. The lady could really see with her eyes. When Tom asked for moneys. Ms. Smith refused. She said. *You havent cured my eyes. Before I was blind, I could all the t

10、hings in my room._”Hearing that, Tom stood there and couldnt say a word.根据短文内容选择最佳答案。31. The underlined sentence “She was born with a silver spoon.” most probably means .A. she had poor parentsB. she was born in a rich familyC. she had meals with a very expensive spoon32. Tom came to visit Ms. Smith

11、 for the first time because he _A. wanted to steal her moneyB. wanted to help her for freeC. wanted to cure her illness in order to make money33. After Ms. Smith was cured, _.A. Tom paid her a lot of moneyB. she refused to pay Tom any moneyC. she paid Tom lots of money at once34. Which of the follow

12、ing is TRUE according to the passage?A. Ms. Smith was horn blind.B. Many valuable things were stolen from Tom 8 house.C. It took Tom several weeks to cure Ms. Smith.35. “ _ n can be the missing sentence in the passage.A. What a colorful world!B. But now I cant any of them.C. Thank you for curing my

13、eyes.(B)Replacing some things in your house at the right time can ma ke you healthier. Some researches show us when and why the following things should hr replaced.Word Box: wool 羊毛 dry-clean 干洗 bacteria 细菌来源:Z,xx,k.Com根据表格所提供的信息选择最佳答案 ( )36. Accordin g to the form above, _ of the four items is (are

14、) mainly made of wood.A. one B. two C. three( )37. Your _needs replacing every three months because it may cause you to have a toothache.A. toothbrush B. cutting board C. blanket( )38. According to the form above, blankets should be used _ .A. for the shortest lime the fourB. for the longest time of

15、 the fourC. as long as chopsticks( )39. You should clean _ with hoi waterA. chopsticks and blanketsB. cutting boards and chopsticksC. toothbrushes and culling boards( )40. Which of the following is TRUE according to the form above?A. Your cutting board should be dry-cleaned hot water.B. Warm water p

16、revents your chopsticks from producing bacteria.C. Being worn out is the reason for replacing your blanket.(c)Once upon a time, there lived a teacher In a small town. He often taught his students in special ways. Once he Rent four of his students to go to a small f arm to see apple trees in differen

17、t seasons. The first student went in winter, the second i n spring. The third in summer. And the last in autumn.After the four students came back .the teacher called them together. They pictured (描述) their feeling to the teacher. The first student said that there were no leaves on the trees. It made

18、 him very disappointed. The second student said his eyes were full of light green. It made him feel hopeful. The third one disagreed. ”What are you talking about? How pretty the trees were! The sweet smell of the beautiful flowers spread (传播) here and there.” The last one shook his head. He only saw

19、 a lot of apples on the beautiful trees.The teacher smiled and told his students none of them were wrong. They each just saw one season. He continued, “The trees are not the same in different seasons. You cant judge (判断)a tree by only one season. Don t let the regret of one season destroy the beauty

20、 of the rest. Everything has different sides in our life. Dont hurry to make a conclusion(结论)before seeing the whole of it.根搌短文内容判断正、误。(注意:考生将答題卡相应位置涂黑。正磽的涂 A“,错误的涂 “B“)( )41. Four students were sent to see apples in different seasons.( )42. The first student left for the small farm in winter.( )43.

21、 The last student saw the beautiful trees with many apples.( )44. The teacher thought his four students were completely wrong.( )45. The passage mainly tells us that we should judge things by only one side.(D)Have you ever seen the movie. Big Hero 6 ? Baymax(大白) is a main character in the movie. Hes

22、 a friendly big robot that looks After peoples health. If there is a robot like Baymax in our real life, people will get more benefits. The robot will be especially helpful in caring for the old. The health of old people needs greater monitoring and care;.Scientists in America are now working to mak

23、e Baymax a really(实现)- Actually. they have already produced some health care robots. These robots provide brain video games to improve peoples memory. The garner can help the old remember things for longer. Besides, these provide special app (应用程序) to help the old manage their health at home. The ap

24、ps can check the old people heart rate (心率) and tell them to take their medicine on lime. The apps can also record their daily activities. Such collected information helps doctors discover the cause of an illness faster and more correctly. But the health care robots are t as clever as Baymax yet.Now

25、adays,scientists are working on improving the health care robots. They Hope the robots can produce electricity by walking across the floor. If they succeed. batteries will not be needed. They also hope the robots communicate with humans in the daily life so to make people happier and healthier.Scien

26、tists are trying to realize these dreams. Like Baymax, these health care robots may save peoples lives in the futur e. We are looking forward to them.选择最佳答案。( )46. The underlined word monitoring* in the passage means “ _ ” in Chinese.A .监测 B 娱乐 C .危害( )47. According to the passage, Baymax is A. a fr

27、iendly small robot that looks after peoples healthB. as clever as the health care robots in real lifeC. a main character in the movie Big Hero 6( )48. In the passage, the health care robots that have been produced by scientists _ .A. cant improve peoples memoryB. can communicate with humane in the d

28、aily lifeC. can help the old manage their health at home( )49. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Nowadays the health care robots ran product electricity by walking across the floor.B. Both the doctors and the old who use the health care robots can get help from them.C. The h

29、ealth earn robots can provide video games to check a persons heart rate.( )50. What is the passage mainly about?A. Its mainly about the movie Big Hero 6.B. Its mainly about the health care robotsC. Its mainly about the importance of health.第 n 卷四、交际应用(本 B 共 15 分,每空 1 分 1( A )从 A - J 选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项

30、补全对话。选项中有 两项是多余的A: Hi, Zhou Ning! Happy Childrens Day!B: Hi. Li Dan! 51 A: Whats your plan for today?B: 52_ I am gelling ready for it now, but Im a little worried about it.A: Its a good chance to stay with kids 53 B: Yes. Ill communicate with some foreign kids after the ceremony. But I dont know wha

31、t to talk about.A: 54 In them, you can find out different kinds of topics, such as music, animals, ball games and soon.B: Good idea! Kids must be interested in these topics. 55 A: You can buy them in Xuefu Bookstore.B: 56 A: Yes, but you can go there by subway.B: 57 A: Xuefu Road.B: 58 Thanks a lot.

32、A: My pleasure.51. _. 52. _ 53. _ 54. _ 55. _ 56. _ 57. _ 58. _( b )填入一个适当的词补全对话,每空一诵。A: Oh, Jim! Be careful! You almost fell down. Are you 59. right?B: Dont worry. Im OK.A: Youd _60 _ not look at your phone while walking.B: OK, I wont.A: By the way, you 61 look very happy on the Wechat (微信) yesterd

33、ay.B: Haha. you saw my pictures in the friend circle!A: Yeah. Im 62 to looking through it every day. I found your car was broken. What was wrong?B: There was 63 serious. Just a little traffic accident.A: I m sorry to hear that. Was anybody hurt?B: No one, because we wore the seat belts (安全带).A: Well

34、 done! We should know how to protect ourselves.B: I cant agree 64 you more. Safely rules an really worth learning.A: But you still need a rest. 65 good care of yourself. Bye.B: I really appreciate your care. Bye-bye.59. _ 60. _ 61._62. _ 63. _ 64. _ 65. _五、任务性阅读先阅读(A)、(B)、(C)三篇短文,然后根据題目要求及所给语境完成下列五项

35、任务。(A)Language is a gift belonging to humans. People learn their own language to express 66_ and understand others. Have you learn another language besides Chinese? Of course, English. Its 67 spoken in the world. Successful language learners often watch English programs on TV and listen to English s

36、ongs. 68 with others in the English Corner also benefits them. Can you 69 their favorite way of increasing the vocabulary? Let me tell you. Its to read at 70 three English articles a week. If you want to learn English well, try these methods.(B)Sharing means using what we have with others. One small

37、 action of sharing may change someones world. When we were children, we were too young to understand the ture meaning of sharing. We thought only the rich were able to share. As lime goes by, we get to know every person is unique. We all have something special. We can share not only our pocket money

38、 but also our personal feeling. For instance, we can share our positive altitude with those who are negative or upset. Encourage them to keep going by describing a bright future for them. Let them know we are with them and that the world is still wonderful. Once we decide to share with others, we sh

39、ould take action immediately. By doing this, we will gel more and more pleasure.(C)Milan米兰)is an old city with a long history. It was set up about 2,400 years ago. Milan lies in the north of Italy. It is the second largest city in Italy. Another famous city,Venice (威尼斯) ,is to the east of Milan. Mil

40、an is often covered in a thick blanket of fog. There are more than 1,300,000 people in Milan. And it is also the biggest center. There are two international airports in the city, and many main roads meet here, Milan is also one of the cultures centers in Italy. Leonardo da Vinci (达 芬奇 worked in Mila

41、n from 1482 to 1499. The Last Supper, one of his most famous paintings, was created in Milan. It can still be found here. Today, Milan attracts more and more visitors. Tourist from home and abroad can he seen here and there. If you have a chance. you can choose to visit Milan.任务 1:阅读短文(A),用方框中所给词的适当

42、形式填空,使文章通连赏、合理。 (毎空一词,毎词限用一次66. _ 67. _ 68. _ 69. _ 70. _任务 2: 阅读短文(B).根据英文及首字母提示拼写单词。71. u _ being the only one of its kind72. d _ to say what somebody or something is like任务 3: 阅读短文(B),进行同义句转换,每空一词。When we were children, we were too young lo understand the tru e meaning of sharing .When we were ch

43、ildren, we 73. 74. enough to understand the true meaning of sharing .任务 4: 阅读短文(B)内容简答问题。What may change someones world ?75. 任务 5:根据短文( C )内容完成表格,每空一词。76. _ 77. _78. _ 79. _ 80. _六、书面表达假如你是张鹏 ,转学去了杭州。你的好友王新来信询问你的近况,并告诉你他暑假要来看你。请根据以下提示,绐王新写一封回信。写作要点:1. 表达你收到他来信后的激动心情。2. 介绍新学校。(1) 设施:一个大操场,一个图书馆。(2) 师

44、生:友善,易于相处。3. 针对他独自乘火车来杭州提出具体建议。写作要求:1. 不得使用真实的姓名和学校名。2. 时适当加入细节,使内容充实,行文连贯。3. 字迹工整、语言精练、表达准确、条理淸晰。4. 至少 80 词。Dear Wang Xin ,How are you doing ? _ _Best wishes!Yours ,Zhang Peng答案1-5 CABAB6-10 CCABB11-15 CCBBA16-20 BCACA21-25 BCCAC26-30 BACAB31-35 BCBCB36-40 BABBC41-45 BAABB46-50 ACCBB51-58 JFCHDBIA59 all60 better61 didnt62 used63 nothing64 with65 Take66 themselves67 widely68 Chatting69 imagine70 least71 unique72 describe73 werent74 old来源:学。科。网 Z。X。X。K75 One small action of sharing.76 Italian77 west78 airports79 population80 home


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