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1、论价值和价值观念的基本类型 周德海 (中共巢湖市委党校 科研处 ,安徽 巢湖 238000) 摘 要:价值的存在形式表现为自然资源价值、劳动者的劳动力资源价值、集体力或社会力资源价值和精神资料价值四种基本类型 ,价值的转化形式则表现为潜在的价值和现实的价值两种基本类型。在人类的生存和发展过程中 ,存在着个人主义的价值观念、团体主义的价值观念和社会主义的价值观念三种基本类型。 关键词:价值 ;价值观念 ;基本类型 中图分类号: B018 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1672 9536(2010)04 000105 Abstract: The natural resources value, t

2、he labor force resources value, collective force or social force resources value and spiritual resources value are the four basic types of the existent of value. The potential value and the practical value are the two basic types of the change of value. In the process of the living and development o

3、f human beings, the three basic types are divided into the individualist value sense, the collectivist value sense and the socialist value sense. Key words: value; value sense; basic type 用西方人格词汇资料对中国人格结构进行评定结果的初步分析 王宇中 , 李 英 , 郭 娜 (郑州大学 教育系 ,河南 郑州 450000) 摘 要:文章依照人格研究的词汇学假设 ,从目前西方成熟量表中提取主要人格词汇编制了“性

4、格词语自评问卷”。调查了全国 1654 名被试 ,对所得数据进行探索性因素分析 ,得到 8 个因子 ,分别为 :成就性 ,宜人性 ,神经质 ,内外向 ,稳定性 ,开放性 ,独立性 ,知识性。最后形成具有 53个项目的量表 ,该量表的内部一致性系数为 0 81,8 个因子 的总解释率为 52 69 ,研究结果证实了中国人的人格结构跟西方人的人格结构并不完全相同。 关键词:中国人人格结构 ;词汇学假设 ;因素分析 中图分类号: B848 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1672 9536(2010)04 000603 Abstract: The paper in accordance with th

5、e lexical hypothesis of personality, extracts the main western mature personality vocabulary from the current scale to draw up the character word self assessment questionnaire. From the survey of 1654 subjects, eight factors are gotten from the result of exploratory factor analysis of the data, is t

6、hat we have eight factors, as follows: achievement, agreeableness, neuroticism, extraversion, stability, openness, independence and knowledge. Finally, it forms a scale with 53 items, the internal consistency coefficient of the scale is 0 81, the 8 factors explain that the rate is 52 69 of total, an

7、d the results confirm that the Chinese personality structure is not exactly the same as the Westerners. Key words: Chinese personality structure; lexical hypothesis; factor analysis 对亮度保持算法的改进 刘治群 1, 杨万挺 2 (1.安徽职业技术学院 ,安徽 合肥 230011;2.合肥工业大学 ,安徽 合肥 230009) 摘 要:亮度保持算法处理后图像整体效果好 ,但细节欠佳。文章利用插值技术对亮度保持算法进

8、行改进。实验结果表明 :利用改进算法处理有较好的增强效果 ,且细节清晰。 关键词:图像增强 ;亮度保持算法 ;插值技术 中图分类号: J40 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1672 9536(2010)04 000904 Abstract: The whole image result of brightness preservation algorithm is good but the detail of image is not so satisfying. The algorithm is improved by the interpolation technology in the

9、paper. The experiment indicates that the enhanced effect of the algorithm processing is good and the detail is clear. Key words: image enhancement; brightness preservation algorithm; interpolation technology C OS-II 实时多任务调度算法的研究与实现 孙 骏 (安徽职业技术学院 ,安徽 合肥 230011) 摘 要:文章对 C OS-II 实时操作系统的多任务调度做了研究 ,对单调率任

10、务调度法和最早时限优先法两种算法作了分析 ,提出 EDF RMS 组合调度算法 ,以期望在嵌入式系统中提高实时性能。 关键词:实时操作系统 ;单调率任务调度法 ;最早时限优先法 ; C OS-II 中图分类号: TP393 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1672 9536(2010)04 001204 Abstract: This paper makes a research about the real time multi task scheduling algorithms of C OS-II, discusses the Rate Monotonic Scheduling algor

11、ithm and Earliest Deadline First scheduling algorithms, and indicates the EDF RMS scheduling algorithms; and the improved scheduler is expected to promote OS performance. Key words: real time OS; RMS; EDF; C OS-II 无线传感器网络节点的研究与应用 林丽萍 (福建交通职业技术学院 ,福建 福州 350007) 摘 要:无线传感器网络是由许多具有通信和信息处理能力的传感器节点通过无线的方式

12、相互连接而形成的。文章采用 ATMEL 公司的微处理器芯片 AT91SAM7S256、射频芯片CC2420、 GPRS 模块 MC39i和传感器模块实现无线传感器网络节点的硬件设计 ,并在软件设计方面进行深入的研究,最后给出一个应用实例 蓝牙技术在无线传感器网络中的应用。 关键词:无线传感器网络 ; ARM;TinyOS;GPRS;蓝牙 中图分类号: TP393 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1672 9536(2010)04 001604 Abstract: Wireless sensor networks (WSN) consist of many sensor nodes, which

13、have the ability of communication and information processing and connect with each other by wireless means. In this paper, the microprocessor chip AT91SAM7S256, radio frequecy chip CC2420, GPRS module MC39i and sensors modules are used to design the wireless sensor network node hardware. This paper

14、also makes an in depth research on software design. Finally, an example of application is shown the application of bluetooth technology in wireless sensor networks. Key words: wireless sensor network; ARM; TinyOS; GPRS; bluetooth 纯羊毛衫质量的检测分析与改善 梁桂屏 (广州市服装高级职业技术学校 ,广东 广州 510310) 摘 要:在纯羊毛标志粗纺羊毛衫抽检中发现

15、:毡化收缩、起毛起球和含油量是常见的不合格质量指标。文章分析了影响纯羊毛衫质量的主要因素 ,采取了相应的措施来改善产品的性能 ,使产品达到国际羊毛局制订的品质标准。 关键词:纯羊毛衫 ;质量 ;检测分析 ;改善 中图分类号: TS102 3 文献标识码: A 文章编 号: 1672 9536(2010)04 001904 Abstract: In the sample inspection for the sweaters with pure wool mark, the quality index, such as felt shrink, pilling and oil content,

16、is usually unqualified. The paper analyzes the main reasons which affect the quality of sweaters and puts forward some measures to improve the function of products in order to meet the standards by the International Wool Secretariat. Key words: pure wool sweater; propertiy; testing analysis; improve

17、ment 纳米 TiO 2 改性丙烯酸酯涂料制备及其自清洁和抗菌性能研究 吴君莲 1,2 (1.合肥工业大学 ,安徽 合肥 230009;2.安徽职业技术学院 ,安徽 合肥 230011) 摘 要:文章以提高丙烯酸酯涂料性能为目的 ,采用硅烷偶联剂 KH-570 对纳米 TiO 2 进行表面改性 ,将改性后的纳米 TiO 2连同其他助剂添加到丙烯酸酯乳液中 ,制得成品 ,考察了涂料的基本物理化学性能 ,重点测试了涂料的自清洁和抗菌性能 ,与不添加改性纳米 TiO 2的涂料对比 ,结果涂料的自清洁和抗菌性能均一定程度的提高 ,其中含改性 TiO 2涂料经紫外光辐照 39 h 后 ,样品表面油脂残

18、存率为 0;经过 10 天培养皿抗菌性能测试 ,抗菌等 级评定为1。 关键词: 硅烷偶联剂 ;纳米 TiO 2;自清洁 ;抗菌 中图分类号: O623 21 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1672 9536(2010)04 002304 Abstract: The purpose of the paper is to improve the performance of acrylic resin coating. By using silane coupling agent KH 570 to Surpace modify Nano TiO2 and then with other addi

19、tives added into acrylic resin emulsion, to get products. From the study of the basic physical and chemical properties of coating, especially self cleaning and antibacterial properties, the result is that the coating properties of self cleaning and antibacterial are improved, to some extent, contras

20、ting Nano-TiO2 modification without. After using 39h UV irradiation, coating with Nano TiO2 modification surface residual oil is 0. After 10 days of antibacterial tests, antibacterial 1 rating is reached. Key words: silane coupling agent;Nano-TiO2;self cleaning;antibacterial 185nm 紫外光氧化协同降解水体中微量三氯甲烷

21、的研究 高睿君 1,2 , 1, 1 (1.合肥工业大学 资源与环境学院 ,安徽 合肥 230009;2.安徽职业技术学院 ,安徽 合肥 230011) 摘 要:文章研究了 185nm 紫外光氧化协同降解水体中微量三氯甲烷的降解情况 ,考察了溶液浓度、光解时间、溶液 pH 值 以及加入氧化剂等对降解三氯甲烷的影响 ,研究结果表明 , CHCl 3 的脱氯基本是由 185nm 紫外光引起 ;其脱氯率几乎不受 pH值的影响 ;在近中性条件下 ,5mg L -1 COD Mn呈指数上升 ;光解 5min 后 ,COD Mn 50左右 ,脱氯率则小于 30 ;CHCl3 的解离主要是 185nm 光子

22、的作用 ,而与其它氧化性物质无关。 关键词: 185 nm 紫外光 ;三氯甲烷 ;降解 ; K 2 S 2O 8 中图分类号: O623 21 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1672 9536(2010)04 002703 Abstract: The degradation effect of low concentration of chloroform in water is studied by using 185 nm UV light and oxidation technique. The influence of concent ration of chloroform, the

23、 solutions pH value, the treating time, the oxidants and the appropriate technical parameter is preliminary discussed. The results show that dissociation of CHCl3 in water is mainly due to 185 nm photons and has nothing to do with other oxidizing substances. The efficiency of dechlorination and the

24、removal efficiency of CODMn as a function of treating time is all increased exponentially by 5 mg L of aqueous chloroform solution. After treating for 5 min, the degradation efficiency of CODMn can be reached about 50 , but the efficiency of dechlorination is less than 30 . The dissociation is mainl

25、y role of 185nm photens, and has nothing to do with other oxidizing substances. Key words: 185 nm UV light; chloroform; degradation; K2 S2O8 相变储能材料在建筑节能中的应用 方 瑾 (安徽职业技术学院 ,安徽 合肥 230011) 摘 要:相变材料是一种新型 的储能建筑材料 ,文章论述了相变材料的机理、特点以及在建筑领域的应用 ,并展望了相变储能建筑材料的应用前景。 关键词:建筑节能 ;建筑材料 ;相变材料 中图分类号: TU59 文献标识码: A 文章编

26、号: 1672 9536(2010)04 003003 Abstract: The phase change material are a kind of new constrution energy preservative materials. The paper describes the mechanism, characteristic and application of phase change material in construction and points out that the prospect for this material will be broader.

27、Key words: building energy saving; building; phase change material 基于宏程序的二次曲线在数控加工中的应用 吕孝敏 (合肥工业大学 , 安徽 合肥 230009) 摘 要:具有二次曲线外形的零件形状复杂 ,传统的靠模加工法柔性差 ,不能满足机电元件类型多样化,产品更新换代快的要求。文章分析了二次曲线零件的加工方法 ,利用用户宏程序实现二次曲线的数控加工 ,给出了源程序。 关键词:二次曲线 ;非圆曲线 ;数控加工 ;宏程序 中图分类号: TH16 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1672 9536(2010)04 003303 Ab

28、stract: Due to the complicated shape part with quadratic curves, the traditional processing method of modeling with poor flexibility cannot satisfy the mechanical components types diversification, and the renewal of product. This paper introduces the manufaturing of quadratic curve parts, by using t

29、he user macro program to achieve the second curve in NC machining, which realizes the source program. Key words: quadratic curve; non circle curves; NC machining; macros program 科学发展观视角下高校党建工作干部队伍的建设 林晓娇 , 王钢钢 (厦门海洋职业技术学院 , 福建 厦门 361012) 摘 要:以科学发展观为指导 ,打造一支高素质的高校党建工作干 部队伍对推进高等教育事业全面、协调、可持续发展意义重大。要坚持

30、以人为本 ,立足统筹兼顾 ,推动改革发展 ,提高高校党建工作的适应性和针对性 ,增强高校党建工作干部队伍的综合素质 ,形成推动高校党建工作科学发展的整体合力 ,从而不断提高高校党建工作的水平。 关键词:科学发展观 ;高校党建 ;干部队伍;建设 中图分类号: D262 3 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1672 9536(2010)04 003604 Abstract: It is significant to promote the higher education to a comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development by b

31、uilding a high quality cadre troop for the Party building in colleges which is guided by the concept of scientific development. We must persist in the concept of peopleoriented and overall consideration to promote the reform and development. Meanwhile, we need to increase the adaptability and the pe

32、rtinency of the Party building in colleges, and enhance the comprehensive quality of the cadre troop for the Party building in colleges and form an overall force which promotes the Party building in colleges to develop scientificly. Accordingly, we can advance the level of the Party building in coll

33、eges constantly. Key words: concept of scientific development; Party building in colleges; cadre troop; construction 贪污贿赂犯罪侦查权配置改革探讨 基于所涉及要素的多维度考察 黄 河 , 李 品 (西南政法大学 刑事侦查学院 ,重庆 400031) 摘 要:如何配置贪污贿赂犯罪侦查权一直是法学界学者和实务工作者关注的焦点。结合国外立法实践和本国国情 ,一般将贪污贿赂犯罪侦查权配置所涉及的要素归纳为五个方面 ,即侦查权的性质、侦查的目的及价值要求、侦查权难以集中的现状 ,侦查权运

34、行现状以及当前相关的立法现状。我们未来对于贪污贿赂犯罪侦查权的配置改革也应根据这五 方面要素进行。 关键词:贪污贿赂犯罪 ;侦查权 ;配置 ;改革 ;要素 中图分类号: D918 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1672 9536(2010)04 003904 Abstract: How to configure the power of corruption crime investigation is always a focus of scholars and investigators. Combined with the legislation on aboard and the ac

35、tual situation in China, the factors that investigative power allocation can be concluded into five elements, that is, the nature of investigation power, the purpose and value required of investigation, the separation of investigative power, the run of investigative power and the current legislature

36、. Our future for the reform of allocation of corruption crime investigative power should be run under the guidance of these five elements. Key words: corruption crime; investigative power; allocation; reform; element 我国钢铁行业政府投资的经济效益研究 基于资本供给效应的实证分析 1, 2 (1.安徽大学 商学院 ,安徽 合肥 230039;2.安徽大学 政治学系 ,安徽 合肥 2

37、30039) 摘 要:根据我国钢铁行业政府投资、工业产业增加值及国内生产总值 ,基于政府投资所产生的资本供给效应 ,从工业产业和国民经济两个方面 ,对我国钢铁行业政府投资的经济效益进行分析,得出结论认为在我国钢铁行业内 ,政府投资与工业产业的增加值之间有较强的相关性 ,而政府投资相对规模与 GDP 的增长之间则 是负相关的 ,并就这一结论给出相应政策建议。 关键词:钢铁行业 ; 政府投资 ; 经济效益 中图分类号: F423 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1672 9536(2010)04 004304 Abstract: According to the data of the govern

38、ment investment, industrial added value of industrial production and GDP, this paper analyzes the economic benefits from the government investment in China s steel industry. The analysis covers the aspects of industrial property and national economy from the view of capital supply effect. It is conc

39、luded that the government investment is positively correlated with the industrial added value, while the correlation between the proportion of government investment and GDP growth is negative. Finally, some recommendations are put forward according to the conclusion. Key words: steel industry; gover

40、nment investment; economic benefit 区域土地利用规划在海峡西岸经济发展中的作用 汪 瑞 (福建江夏学院 ,福建 福州 350108) 摘 要:文章通过对当前海峡西岸经济区区域土地利用规划分析 ,指出该区域内土地利用存在着传统省份分割的行政限制、与产业结构布局的协调以及利用的可持续性等制约因素。针对上述问题提出了三点建议 :一是突破行政限制 ,实现经济区内统筹协调 ,统一规划 ;二是加强对区域内产业结构的调控作用 ;三是提高规划本身的可持续推动力 ,希望在探索的过程中能取得“先试先行”的新经验 ,统筹海峡西岸经济区内协调发 展 ,促进互动融合。 关键词:区域土地

41、利用规划 ;海西经济区 ;制约因素 ;建议 中图分类号: F301 2 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1672 9536(2010)04 004704 Abstract: The paper analyzes the regional land planning in the Economic Zone on the West Coast of the strait and points out that there are some restricting factors such as the administrative limitations caused by traditional

42、 province division, coordination of industrial structure distribution and sustainability, etc. It puts forward three suggestions, firstly, breaking through the administrative limitation in order to realize the internal overall coordination in the Economic Zone and integrate planning, Secondly, stren

43、gthening the regulation function in the Zone, and thirdly improving the sustainable impetus of planning. New experience will be achieved from the exploration to develop the Economic Zone on the West Coast of the strait and promote the interactive wordination. Key words: regional land planning; the E

44、conomic Zone on the West Coast of the Taiwan Strait; restricting factor; suggestion 试析徽商衰落的文化成因 何淑娟 (安徽农业大学 人文社会科学学院 ,安徽 合肥 230036) 摘 要:徽商曾是中国历史上实力强劲的一支商帮 ,创造过商界奇迹 ,但却因为种种原因不可避免地衰落了。文章从经商必备的三个重要条件出发 ,立足于文化学的视角 ,探讨了徽商衰落与商业人才大量流失、资金流向非生产性领域、落后的企业文化三者之间的关系。 关键词:徽商 ;衰落之因 ;文化 中图分类号: G124 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1

45、672 9536(2010)04 005104 Abstract: Huizhou Merchants are a strong business group in Chinese history, and they have created a business miracle, but they inevitably declined because of a variety of reasons. This article embarks the three conditions necessary for starting business, based on the view of

46、Culturology, and discusses the relations between Huizhou Merchants decline and huge loss of business talents, their non-productive areas of capital flows, and lagging of corporate culture. Key words: Huizhou Merchants; factors in decline; culture 偷洒一滴泪演唱技 巧探析 王 淼 (六安市裕安区文化广播电视稽查大队 ,安徽 六安 237000) 摘 要

47、:偷洒一滴泪是歌剧爱的甘醇中最为经典的咏叹调 ,是多尼采蒂在创作即将进入极盛时期的成功之作。演唱者通过理解整部歌剧的剧情 ,以及此唱段在剧中的位置 ,深刻地体验到主人公通过歌声传递的情感和表达的意图。融入作品 ,反复吟唱曲调 ,揣摩歌词 ,理解歌词的意义 ,通过反复诵读歌词体会说话的过程之中气息和声带的搭配 ,运用想象去体会奈莫利诺的感情世界 ,正确地把握歌曲的情绪。同时联系生活 ,恰当地运用自己的情感体验 ,产生再造想象 ,对作品 产生现实的共鸣和切身的体会 ,通过声音和表情动作将作品展现出来。 关键词:偷洒一滴泪; 咏叹调;演唱;技巧 中图分类号: J60 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1

48、672 9536(2010)04 005503 Abstract: Weeping a Drop of Tears Secretly is the most classical aria in the opera of The Sweet Dews of Love and also a piece of successful works in Donizetti Gaetano s prime time. By understanding the introduction of the whole opera and the position of this aria, singers can clearly sense the emotion and the purpose that the character wanted to express. Singers should get involved in the aria, sing it again and again, and try to figure out the lyric and apprehend the mean


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