喷漆车间局部排风设计与污染物处理西安建筑科技大学 张帆 郑庆红 摘要:主要介绍了工厂局部排风系统的方式方法,以及排风系统在某公司三条油管喷漆生产线中的应用和污染物的处理。关键词:局部排风;局部排风罩;污染物处理;Local ventilation design for Spray-paint Workshop and Pollutant ProcessingZHANG Fan, ZHENG Qing-hong(School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering, Xian University of Architecture and Technology, Xian , China)Abstract: Focuses on the factory exhaust system of local ventilation (suction type) ways and means, as well as the ventilation system in a company three pipe pai