我国银行业信贷风险管理研究摘 要银行的贷款风险一直是一个亟待解决的焦点问题,其种类和成因均有多种表现形式,本文通过对商业银行贷款风险的种类加以归纳,找出其成因,探讨了防范商业银行贷款风险的一些方法和手段,并对现有制度的不足之处提出了需要加以完善的建议。关键词:商业银行,贷款风险,防范,制度完善Chinas banking credit risk management research Abstract The bank loan risk is an urgent issue, the types and causes all have different forms of commercial Banks, this paper summarized the loan risk, its type, and probes into the causes of the risk of commercial bank loans to prevent some methods and mea