审计风险的成因与控制摘要:20世纪80年代已普遍得到西方国家关注的审计风险问题已经摆到了我国审计界的面前。本文通过对审计风险的成因分析及对审计风险的识别,提出了如何有效控制和规避审计风险,从而提高审计质量,重塑注册会计师公正的社会形象。Abstract:The problem of auditing risk which has been concerned by the westerners widely has been on the front of our auditing world.Thoughanalysing and distingusing the reason of the auditing risk,we put forward how to control and escape the auditing risk.So that we can improve the auditingquantity,remould the fair social image of the CPAs.关键词:审计风险;成因;识别;控制。Key