一例犬剖腹产手术兽医学院114班:熊克望指导老师:李金贵摘要:剖腹产是解决犬难产的有效方法之一,对于常规助产无法取出胎儿的难产母犬,采取剖腹术是保证母仔安全的唯一办法。本文是为一例犬剖腹产病例,经一般检查和血常规检查,确诊为难产对其进行剖腹产手术治疗,最后母犬顺利生产。关键词:犬;剖腹产;诊治Diagnosis and treatment of a case of canine caesarean sectionCandidate: Xiong Kewang Supervisor: Li Jingui Abstract:Cesarean section is one of the effective methods to solve the canine dystocia,taking cesarean section is the only way to ensure safety of mother and infant for the pregnant canine which can not remove the fetus.A case o