1、加工贸易在江苏省外贸中的地位及转型升级研究 摘要 :这篇文章介绍了在国际形势的新背景下江苏省加工贸易暴露出其自身缺点 ,分析了加工贸易在江苏省外贸中的地位及其转型升级的必要性 ,并提出相关建议。 下载 Abstract:his paper centers on the processing trade in jiangsu have exposed shortcomings facing a new international situation, describes the necessity of upgrading of processing trade and some advince
2、 on upgrading pa 关键词 :加工贸易 转型升级 江苏 key words:processing trade, transformation, upgrade ,jiangsu province 一、 position of 加工贸易在江苏省外贸中的地位 processing trade in Jiangsus foreign trade 加工贸易 ,是指外国 企业 以投资方式把某些生产能力转移到东道国或者利用东道国已有的生产能力为自己加工装配产品 ,然后运出东道国境外销售。 Processing trade refers to the foreign companies to
3、invest some productive way to the host or use existing capacities of the host to process and assemble products , and then sold abroad. 这种跨越国界的生产加工和销售使加工贸易同国际投资及国际贸易紧密相连 ,体现了商品和资本交换的国际化。 This cross-border processing and marketing way closely linked to international investment and trade, which reflect
4、s product internationalization and the internationalization of capital excha 我国的加工贸易是伴随着改革开放的不断深化而 发展 的 ,从 1978 年十一届三中全会制定对外开放的政策后 ,加工贸易发展从无到有 ,从小到大。 Chinas processing trade is accompanied by the continuous deepening of reform .Third Plenary Session in 1978 lears developed open-door policy, the proc
5、essing trade from small to large.江苏省作为东部沿海地区外向型经济发展的重要试点 ,加工贸易得到了长足发展。 Jiangsu Province as an important export-oriented economic development pilot project, its processing trade has made considerable progr 年 ,加工贸易进出口额占省内一般贸易总额的 60.7 %,已占对外贸易的半壁江山。 In 1990, processing trade accounted for the provinces
6、 total 60.7% of general trade, accounted for half of foreign tr 年加工贸易进出口总值 2616.2 亿美元 , 高出全国贸易总体增长速度 3.4 %,占全国加工贸易进出口总值的 3/5。 Import and export in 2006 worth 261.62 billion U.S. dollars, higher than the national rate of 3.4%.With the development of economic globalization, FDI increased significantly
7、 and the processing trade becomes an important mode of international tr 二、加工贸易升级的必然性 The necessity to upgrade the processing trade 由与美国次贷危机引发的世界经济危机的影响 ,国际自由贸易体系处于一个艰难时刻 ,贸易壁垒与贸易摩擦潜流涌动。 By the U.S. sub-prime crisis triggered by the world economic crisis, international free trade system is in a diffi
8、cult period, trade barriers and trade frictions undercurrent surging. 进入 2009 年 , 外贸形势继续严峻 ,2 月份出口达到最大降幅 25.73%, 上半年进出口各项指标连续 7 个 Entered in 2009, foreign trade has continued to severe, the biggest drop in February exports reached 25.73%, imports and exports during the first half of the target for 7
9、 months of negative growth. 金融危机的爆发 , 使得江苏加工贸易自身存在的问题更加突出 , 许多出口加工企业泥足深陷。With the outbreak of the financial crisis, its problems become more prominent, many export enterprises turning back. 因而 , 加工贸易的转型升级势在必行。 Thus, the transformation and upgrading of processing trade is imperat 出口拉动型的 A lack of pot
10、ential for economic growth 江苏目前出口占 GDP 的比重已经达到了 54 %左右 ,属于典型的出日导向型经济。 Jiangsus economy is a typical export-oriented economy.这种外向型战略发展到一定阶段后 ,对于本身就存在固有弱点 ,全球经济危机更使其雪上加霜。 This export-oriented strategy developed to a certain stage, the inherent weakness make it can not move forward ,as well as global e
11、conomic cri 三 )国际间的贸易摩擦加剧 (C) International trade friction intensif 按照国际原产地的统计原则 , 加工贸易中大量为其它国家和地区加工的产品再出口 , 扩大了统计上与发达国家之间的贸易不平衡 , 增加了贸易摩擦。 In accordance with the statistics of principles of international origin , a large number of processing trade in other countries and regions , which expanded the
12、 statistical imbalance between developed countries and developing countries, increased trade fricted products and imported materials is through Hong Kong.出口货物在香港特区的增加值 , 也被美欧等国统计为从中国进口 , 这势必扩大来自中国的进口额和对我国的贸易逆差 , 加剧双边贸易摩擦。 Export goods in the Hong Kong SAR ,have also been added statistical imported f
13、rom China by the United States and Europe countrand increase trade frictent years, the number of cases of foreigns anti-dumping charges significantly increa of economic development of smuggling, resulted in serious influence for the loss of state tax, disturbed the normal order of foreign economic r
14、elati三、江苏加工贸易转型升级的途径 3 The way of upgrading of processing trade (一 )技术升级 (A) Upgrade technol 提高国产料件的质量和技术含量 ,力争达到国际同类产品的标准是一条解决发展中国家中间投入品产业薄弱的根本途径。 It in a fundamental way to improve the quality of raw materials and technology content, and strive to achieve the international similar product standard
15、s.我省在加工贸易领域突出的问题是缺乏核心技术 ,在国际高新技术产业中没有形成水平分工的格局对此 , 我们需要设立省级研究开发中心 ,借鉴 台湾 等地的经验 ,设立高新技术发展促进基金和产业科技进步基金 ,大力开发具有自主知识产权的新技术、新产品 , 向高端产业环节升级。 The outstanding problem in processing trade field is the lack of core technology in the international high-tech industrevelopment zone,and emphasize on the develop
16、ment of electronic information technology, biomedicine, new materials and environmental protection high-tech industries to attract the multinational companies transfer the higher technical level, the greater appreciation of the manufacturing process to our r 积极支持企业更新设备、引进技术和进行新产品开发 ;发放优惠贷款和各种补贴 ,以有效
17、地缓解技术进步中资金不足的问题。 (二 )、 产业升级 (B) upgrade industries 1 、延长加工贸易在国内的产业链条 ( 1 )向产业链上游 发展 , 提高技术开发和产品设计能力 improve capabilitiesof technology development and product design:随着劳动力成本优势逐渐弱化 ,我省应向具有研发、设计功能以及 营销等高附加值环节迈进。 With the gradual weakening of the labor cost advantages, the province should build up links
18、 with the R & D and high value-added goods,要加强本地的知识产权保护 , 加强与一些大学和科技中心合作 , 努力向委托设计制造和自主品牌加工制造发展 , 向产业链的上游发展 ,提高江苏企业在国际分工中的 strengthen the protectvelope nsformation and upgrading of processing trade, processing enterprises should not only improve the non-core value of manufacturing, assembling, testi
19、ng, packaging, but also have other systematic functions of 向产业链下游延伸 , 积极发展国际物流和配送业务 appearance design, logistics and supply chain managem 三 )、政策升级 (C) upgrade policy 1. 应继续奉行对加工贸易实行鼓励的政 Pursue the policy of encouraging for processing trade:当今世界 ,经济全球化、生产全球化趋势日益 Now ,the globalization trend in econom
20、ic development is strengthee,is a effective way to study foreign advanced technology and management experience. 融入国际分工中 ,学习别国的先进技术和管理经验 ,成为发展中国家发展经济的有 China is experiencing an important stage of economic grorealize the reform smootina will have more foreign exchange income, this is helpful for China
21、 to introduce advanced foreign technology, enhance the international competitiveness 3 、完善加工贸易监管体系 Perfect the mechanism for oversight and management of processing trade:4 、重视社会责任标准 ,发挥政府部门管The management of processing trade, involves overall balance of foreign trade policy, finance policy,and indus
22、try pol foreign capital,and increasing employmmic department,the chamber of commerce, industry association,and other social organizatily play, make up complete system of management of processing trade and guide foreign exchange administration departments to strengthen the supervision of processing trade in the process of fundamental researches of value added by manufact economy in jiangsu province to the next level . (责任编辑 :梁天梅 )