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1、these precious and worth cherishing. Second, scientific research situation, grasp the opportunities and challenges of transformation and upgrading of full completion of the “Thirteen-Five“ development tasks, start is crucial. Focused grand blueprint, must to history of thinking views trend, put asso

2、ciate times forward of pulse, stepped on associate economic law of drums, find associate transformation upgrade of path, in grasp macro trend in the advance science development; to strategy of vision conspiracy to global, always tight buckle national macro policy oriented, accurate grasp County love

3、 actual, based overall caught opportunities, and PCT thought, ensure County economic social development always along right track continued forward; to precision of measures seeking breakthrough, tightly pegged focus task and bottleneck restricted, Science and identify practical and effective measure

4、s, advance breakthrough, ensuring all tasks carry out to the letter; based on scientific assessment and strict implementation, persist in combining routine supervision and centralized supervision, accurate assessment Township departments, strictly cash rewards, prompted the departments own implement

5、ation at all levels. In working to advance, to truly grasp the Guide, seize the opportunity, finding a position and play to our strengths and take the initiative, ensure that the start of the new year tree, new performance. Grasp the Guide, is to dock in policy measures to seize the initiative. Accu

6、rate grasp of the Central Government, provinces and cities to speed up the development of new policies and new initiatives with a high degree of policy acumen to capture opportunities to accelerate development. Follow-up to promote the transformation and upgrading of the five great ideas offer a gre

7、at chance. Five large development philosophy is the Party Central Committee with a view to promote economic transformation and upgrading, complete the building of a well-off society in major decisions and arrangements, is the development of a profound change. County-wide at all levels should conscie

8、ntiously study and implement, implement the five ideas, green development, open development, on which to share advantages, and actively explore new path of innovative and coordinated development, changing the concept of leading the transformation of development mode of development, promote the devel

9、opment of quality improvement. Floor supply side structural reform implementation provides an effective strategy for improving the quality of development. Supply side structural reform is future full deepening reform of plays, to according to “macro policy to stability, and industry policy to associ

10、ate, and micro policy to live, and reform policy to real, and social policy to backing“ of requirements, keen grasp Central, and provinces release out of new signal, combined County love actual accurate docking, full grasp “to capacity, and to inventory, and to lever, and drop cost, and fill short B

11、oard“ five big focus task implementation, prompted County economic transformation upgrade, and continued upgrade. Poverty1 什么是会计?具有哪些基本特征?会计是以货币为主要计量单位,采用专门的办法,对企业的经济活动进行核算与监督,为企业内部和外部的会计信息使用者提供反映财务状况、经营成果和现金流量相关信息的活动。2 会计产生与发展过程中各个阶段具有什么重要标志?会计萌芽阶段:没有专门的会计职业古代会计阶段:会计职业的出现、会计名词的产生近代会计阶段:复式记账的诞生、注重财务

12、收支核算现代会计阶段:管理会计于财务会计分离、电子计算机在会计上的应用等3 会计的职能有哪些?怎样理解两者的关系?核算与监督 核算是监督的前提,监督是核算的保证4 会计的目标是什么?如何认识会计目标?会计的终极目标是通过价值管理为提高企业经济效益服务。具体目标是决策有用观和委托责任观。会计目标是指会计工作所要达到的境地或标准,是会计职能的具体化。它随经济环境的变化而变化,特别是不同的社会制度和经济体制,会对会计提出不同的目标。由于会计是整个经济管理的重要组成部分,会计管理目标理应从属于经济管理的总目标。5 会计核算方法体系包括哪些内容?为什么说会计核算方法 是一个完整的科学体系?内容有:设置账

13、户,复式记账,填制和审核凭证,登记账薄,成本计算,财产清查,编制会计报表。会计核算方法相互联系、相互配合,构成了一套完整的方法体系。在实际工作中,企业对日常发生的每一项经济业务,都要首先填制与审核会计凭证,然后按所设置的账户,采用复式记账法登记到有关的账户中;报告期末,根据账簿的记录,对经营过程中发生的各项费用,需进行成本计算;为保证会计账簿的记录正确无误,需要开展财产清查;在达到账实相符、账簿记录无误后,便可根据账簿记录编制会计报表,向各有关方面提供有用的会计信息。6 会计核算的基本前提有哪些?如何理解?基本前提有:会计主体假设,持续经营假设,会计分期假设,货币计量假设7 会计核算的一般原则

14、有哪些?如何理解?原则:可靠性,可比性,相关性,及时性,稳健性,明晰性,实质重于形式。练习题(一)填空题1会计的基本职能是 核算 和 监督 。these precious and worth cherishing. Second, scientific research situation, grasp the opportunities and challenges of transformation and upgrading of full completion of the “Thirteen-Five“ development tasks, start is crucial. Foc

15、used grand blueprint, must to history of thinking views trend, put associate times forward of pulse, stepped on associate economic law of drums, find associate transformation upgrade of path, in grasp macro trend in the advance science development; to strategy of vision conspiracy to global, always

16、tight buckle national macro policy oriented, accurate grasp County love actual, based overall caught opportunities, and PCT thought, ensure County economic social development always along right track continued forward; to precision of measures seeking breakthrough, tightly pegged focus task and bott

17、leneck restricted, Science and identify practical and effective measures, advance breakthrough, ensuring all tasks carry out to the letter; based on scientific assessment and strict implementation, persist in combining routine supervision and centralized supervision, accurate assessment Township dep

18、artments, strictly cash rewards, prompted the departments own implementation at all levels. In working to advance, to truly grasp the Guide, seize the opportunity, finding a position and play to our strengths and take the initiative, ensure that the start of the new year tree, new performance. Grasp

19、 the Guide, is to dock in policy measures to seize the initiative. Accurate grasp of the Central Government, provinces and cities to speed up the development of new policies and new initiatives with a high degree of policy acumen to capture opportunities to accelerate development. Follow-up to promo

20、te the transformation and upgrading of the five great ideas offer a great chance. Five large development philosophy is the Party Central Committee with a view to promote economic transformation and upgrading, complete the building of a well-off society in major decisions and arrangements, is the dev

21、elopment of a profound change. County-wide at all levels should conscientiously study and implement, implement the five ideas, green development, open development, on which to share advantages, and actively explore new path of innovative and coordinated development, changing the concept of leading t

22、he transformation of development mode of development, promote the development of quality improvement. Floor supply side structural reform implementation provides an effective strategy for improving the quality of development. Supply side structural reform is future full deepening reform of plays, to

23、 according to “macro policy to stability, and industry policy to associate, and micro policy to live, and reform policy to real, and social policy to backing“ of requirements, keen grasp Central, and provinces release out of new signal, combined County love actual accurate docking, full grasp “to ca

24、pacity, and to inventory, and to lever, and drop cost, and fill short Board“ five big focus task implementation, prompted County economic transformation upgrade, and continued upgrade. Poverty22衡量会计信息质量的一般原则有 客观性原则,相关性原则,一贯性原则,可比性原则,及时性原则,明晰性原则 。3会计确认和计量的一般原则有 权责发生制原则,配比原则,实际成本原则,划分收益性支出与资本性支出原则。4起修

25、正作用的一般原则有 谨慎性原则,重要性原则,实质重于形式原则 。(二)单项选择题1在我国出现一词是在( A ) 。A西周 B西汉C南北朝 D唐朝 2以货币为主要计量尺度是会计的一个( B ) 。A方法 B特点 C手段 D计量标准3以收入和费用是否应计入本期为标准确定本期收入和费用的原则,称为( C )A配比性原则 B重要性原则C权责发生制原则 D一致性原则4假设企业的经营活动将无限期的延续下去,在可以预见的将来不会因停业破产而进行清算的前提条件称为( C ) 。A会计主体 B会计分期 C持续经营 D货币计量5 ( C )原则是指会计处理方法前后各期应当一致,不得随意变更。A客观性 B相关性 C

26、可比性 D一贯性6 ( C )原则要求同类型企业对相同的经济业务采用相同的会计处理程序和方法,以提供口径相同的会计指标。A客观性 B相关性C可比性 D一贯性7会计最基本的职能是( A ) 。A会计核算 B会计监督C会计决策 D会计考核(三)多选题1下列会计核算的基本前提中,规范会计活动时间范围的有( BC ) 。A会计主体 B持续经营C会计分期 D货币计量2下列会计的一般原则中,属于会计确认和计量的一般原则有( BC ) 。A客观性原则 B权责发生制原则C实际成本原则 D谨慎性原则(四)判断改错题1会计的终极目标是通过价值管理,为提高企业经济效益服务。 ( T )2会计主体可以是法人,也可以是

27、非法人;可以是一个企业,也可以是企业中的内部单位;可以是单一企业,也可以是企业集团。 ( F )改:会计主体可以是独立的法人,也可以是非法人;可以是一个企业,也可以是企业内部的某一单位;可以是单一的企业,也可以是由几个企业组成的企业集团。3可比性原则要求企业会计处理方法前后各期应当一致,不得随意变更。 ( F )改:可比性原则要求企业会计处理方法在不同时期,而不仅仅是前后各期,应当一致,these precious and worth cherishing. Second, scientific research situation, grasp the opportunities and c

28、hallenges of transformation and upgrading of full completion of the “Thirteen-Five“ development tasks, start is crucial. Focused grand blueprint, must to history of thinking views trend, put associate times forward of pulse, stepped on associate economic law of drums, find associate transformation u

29、pgrade of path, in grasp macro trend in the advance science development; to strategy of vision conspiracy to global, always tight buckle national macro policy oriented, accurate grasp County love actual, based overall caught opportunities, and PCT thought, ensure County economic social development a

30、lways along right track continued forward; to precision of measures seeking breakthrough, tightly pegged focus task and bottleneck restricted, Science and identify practical and effective measures, advance breakthrough, ensuring all tasks carry out to the letter; based on scientific assessment and s

31、trict implementation, persist in combining routine supervision and centralized supervision, accurate assessment Township departments, strictly cash rewards, prompted the departments own implementation at all levels. In working to advance, to truly grasp the Guide, seize the opportunity, finding a po

32、sition and play to our strengths and take the initiative, ensure that the start of the new year tree, new performance. Grasp the Guide, is to dock in policy measures to seize the initiative. Accurate grasp of the Central Government, provinces and cities to speed up the development of new policies an

33、d new initiatives with a high degree of policy acumen to capture opportunities to accelerate development. Follow-up to promote the transformation and upgrading of the five great ideas offer a great chance. Five large development philosophy is the Party Central Committee with a view to promote econom

34、ic transformation and upgrading, complete the building of a well-off society in major decisions and arrangements, is the development of a profound change. County-wide at all levels should conscientiously study and implement, implement the five ideas, green development, open development, on which to

35、share advantages, and actively explore new path of innovative and coordinated development, changing the concept of leading the transformation of development mode of development, promote the development of quality improvement. Floor supply side structural reform implementation provides an effective s

36、trategy for improving the quality of development. Supply side structural reform is future full deepening reform of plays, to according to “macro policy to stability, and industry policy to associate, and micro policy to live, and reform policy to real, and social policy to backing“ of requirements,

37、keen grasp Central, and provinces release out of new signal, combined County love actual accurate docking, full grasp “to capacity, and to inventory, and to lever, and drop cost, and fill short Board“ five big focus task implementation, prompted County economic transformation upgrade, and continued

38、upgrade. Poverty3不得随意变更。4收益性支出是指为取得本期和以后各期收益而发生的支出。 ( F )改:收益性支出是指仅为取得当期收益而发生的支出。而为取得本期和以后各期收益而发生的支出,应当作为资本性支出。五1.该观点不对。因为财务报表是会计信息披露的主要手段。它主要揭示的财务状况,经营业绩,现金流量等内容,它是根据日常的会计核算资料归集,加工汇总而成的一个完整的报告,如果只是在低迷的时候编制,就不能反映企业的经营状况。2. 该会计人员的做法不对,根据实质重于形式的原则,企业融资租入的固定资产,虽从法律形式上来讲,所以并没有转移给承担人,但从经济实质上讲,与该资产相关的收益和风

39、险已转移给承租人,承租人实际上已能行使对该资产的控制权,因而应将视同自有固定资产。3.该书店的做法不对,因为根据会计主体假设,业主个人的消费不在业主所开办的企业里反映,所以经理为自己配置的电脑不应计入书店的固定资产账簿。第二章练习题一.填空题1. (1)资产应为企业拥有或控制的资源(2)资产是由企业过去的交易或事项所形成的(3)资产与其会给企业带来经济利益2. (1)负债是企业承担的现时义务(2)负债预期会导致企业经济利益的流出企业(3)负债是由企业过去的交易或事项形成的3. 净资产4. 权益5. 资产.负债.所有者权益6. 权益7. 费用.收入.利润8. 会计对象9. 我国财政部.资产类.负

40、债类.费用类/所有者权益类.收入类these precious and worth cherishing. Second, scientific research situation, grasp the opportunities and challenges of transformation and upgrading of full completion of the “Thirteen-Five“ development tasks, start is crucial. Focused grand blueprint, must to history of thinking view

41、s trend, put associate times forward of pulse, stepped on associate economic law of drums, find associate transformation upgrade of path, in grasp macro trend in the advance science development; to strategy of vision conspiracy to global, always tight buckle national macro policy oriented, accurate

42、grasp County love actual, based overall caught opportunities, and PCT thought, ensure County economic social development always along right track continued forward; to precision of measures seeking breakthrough, tightly pegged focus task and bottleneck restricted, Science and identify practical and

43、effective measures, advance breakthrough, ensuring all tasks carry out to the letter; based on scientific assessment and strict implementation, persist in combining routine supervision and centralized supervision, accurate assessment Township departments, strictly cash rewards, prompted the departme

44、nts own implementation at all levels. In working to advance, to truly grasp the Guide, seize the opportunity, finding a position and play to our strengths and take the initiative, ensure that the start of the new year tree, new performance. Grasp the Guide, is to dock in policy measures to seize the

45、 initiative. Accurate grasp of the Central Government, provinces and cities to speed up the development of new policies and new initiatives with a high degree of policy acumen to capture opportunities to accelerate development. Follow-up to promote the transformation and upgrading of the five great

46、ideas offer a great chance. Five large development philosophy is the Party Central Committee with a view to promote economic transformation and upgrading, complete the building of a well-off society in major decisions and arrangements, is the development of a profound change. County-wide at all leve

47、ls should conscientiously study and implement, implement the five ideas, green development, open development, on which to share advantages, and actively explore new path of innovative and coordinated development, changing the concept of leading the transformation of development mode of development,

48、promote the development of quality improvement. Floor supply side structural reform implementation provides an effective strategy for improving the quality of development. Supply side structural reform is future full deepening reform of plays, to according to “macro policy to stability, and industry policy to associate, and micro policy to live, and reform policy to real, and social policy to backing“ of requirements, keen grasp Central, and provinces release out of new signal, combined County love actual accurate docking, full grasp “to capacity, and to inventory, and to lever,


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