1追逐梦想高山巍峨,始于垒土,铮铮铁骨的中环人,用点滴之行,埋头奋进,积蓄力量,勇闯新天地。激情和汗水成就过去,理性和执着铸就未来。雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越。巍巍中环,铿锵中环,将携刻着一个永远不变的誓言。OneThe pursuit of dreamThe tall and rugged mountain is originated from a bit of soil. Staff in Zhonghuan who has great perseverance struggle and accumulate power to open up new frontier with their bit trip. Passion and sweat have built our past achievement, reasonable mind and persistence will ensure a better future. Even the road to success is hard like iron, we still try t