高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 Working the land单元检测卷 新人教版必修4.doc

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1、1Unit 2 Working the land. 阅读 理解A simple half-hour delay in high school start time led to a significant improvement in students mood, alertness, and motivation, and increased their average sleep time during the week, according to a new study.Judith A. Owens, MD, MPH, at the Hasbro Childrens Hospital

2、in Providence, R.I., and colleagues studied 201 students in grades nine through 12 attending a Rhode Island high school where the class start time was changed from 8 a.m.to 8:30 a.m. for a two-month period. Students completed online surveys before the change in class time and then after. Owens and h

3、er team found that:The percentage of students getting less than seven hours of sleep per night dropped by 79.4%.Students reporting at least eight hours of sleep per night increased from 16.4% at the start of the study to 54.7% after two months.The percentage of students who reported feeling at least

4、 somewhat unhappy or depressed dropped from 65.8%to 45.1%.The percentage of students who reported feeling annoyed throughout the day also dropped, from 84%to 62.6%.Reports of visiting a health center for tiredness-connected signs decreased from 15.3%to 4.6%.The findings are published in the July iss

5、ue of Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine. Adjusting school times for teenagers is a controversial topic because some experts argue that a later class start time will result in students going to bed later and make the cycle of getting too little sleep worse. The researchers note that a late

6、r class start time led to the opposite effect-kids went to bed a little earlier and their overall sleep quality and duration(持续时间) improved.The researchers write that the school faculty(全体教员) did not favor the delayed class start time, but after seeing the students change in attitude and performance

7、, everyone had a change of heart. 1.According to the new study we know delayed class start time .A.increases the students reading time during the weekB.makes students have more time to work part timeC.helps students be active, attentive and creativeD.increases their average height and weight2.How di

8、d the students help to finish the study and survey?A.On the internet.B.Answer questions at the streets.C.Complete forms at hospitals.D.Complete forms at some schools.23.What do we know from the findings covering the decayed class start time ? A.More students get more than seven hours of sleep per ni

9、ght.B.Less students get at least eight hours of sleep per night.C.Fewer students feel at least a bit unhappy or sad now.D.Fewer students have tiredness-connected signs now.4.Some experts dont agree to take delayed class start time as they think_.A.teachers will have to work overtimeB.students will l

10、ook for more part-time jobsC.students will sleep late and have less sleepD.parents will be worried about childrens safety5.What is implied in the last paragraph?A.The school faculty did not support a half-hour delay plan.B.The students change in attitude and performance wasnt obvious.C.The parents d

11、id not support the delayed class start time at first.D.All people may be for the plan after seeing the students change in attitude.Have you ever picked a job based on the fact that you were good at it but later found it made you feel very uncomfortable over time? When you select your career, theres

12、a whole lot more to it than assessing your skills and matching them with a particular position. If you ignore your personality, it will get you a long-term hurt regardless of your skills or the jobs pay. There are several areas of your personality that you need to consider to help you find a good jo

13、b. Here are a few of those main areas:6 There are isolating (孤立的) jobs that will drive an outgoing person crazy and also interactive jobs that will make a shy person uneasy. Most people are not extremes in either direction but do have a tendency that they prefer. There are also positions that are so

14、metimes a combination of the two, which may be the best for someone in the middle who adapts easily to either situation.7 Most jobs these days have some elements of changes to them, but some are more than others. If you need stability in your life, you may need a job where changes dont happen so oft

15、en. Other people would be bored of the same daily routine.8 I do see this as a kind of personality characteristic. There are people who are happy to spend more than 40 hours a week on a computer, while there are others who need a lot of human interaction throughout the day. Again, these are extremes

16、 and youll likely find a lot of positions somewhere in the middle as well.9 This can range from being in a large building with a lot of people you 3wont know immediately to a smaller setting where youll get to know almost all the people there fairly quickly.10 Some people are motivated by the pay th

17、ey get, while others feel too stressed to be like that. The variety of payment designs in the sales industry is a typical example for this.Anyway, these are a great starting point for you. Ive seen it over and over again with people that they make more money over time when they do something they lov

18、e. It may take you a little longer, but making a move to do what you have a passion for can change the course of your life for the better.A.Why is stability so important?B.Do you enjoy working with computers?C.Do you prefer working alone or with other people?D.How do you handle changes?E.How many ar

19、eas might make you feel uncomfortable?F.How do you like to get paid?G.What type of work environment do you enjoy?.完形填空Driving to a store after a busy day at work, I saw a man standing near the store holding a sign that said, “Will work for food.” I knew at that moment that I was going into the store

20、 and 1 him something to eat.As I 2 the car park, I saw in my car mirror a lady come out from a hairdressers and 3 the man. I thought she must be going to give him some 4 or something to help him out. In the store I was 5 to get the things I needed and also the chicken dinner and a soda that I wanted

21、 to give the man outside.I hurried out to my car and 6 that I was going to be able to hopefully help this man.When I drove out of the car park,I couldnt see the 7 . As I turned the corner I saw the man sitting in a 8 area away from the hairdressers and still 9 up the sign.I immediately 10 over and g

22、ave the man the dinner and soda and said, “ 11 this will get you through today.” He looked at me and said, “Thank you so much!”As I got back into my car, I looked in the 12 and saw the man swallowing the dinner like he hadnt eaten for days.I was so 13 that I was able to help him and at the same time

23、 I was so sad that the woman from the hairdressers, 14 , had asked the man to 15 from her shop.Its sad to say that 16 I live in a small city where homelessness is not as 17 as in larger cities, people are uncomfortable with these people in 18 .All they need to do is lend a helping hand once in a 19

24、, and it could make a huge 20 in their lives.1.A.cook BserveCPay Dpurchase42.A.called at Bgot overCturned into Dpointed out3.A.interview BapproachCBlame Dcomfort4.A.money BspaceCExamples DFlowers5.A.preparing BwonderingCHesitating Dhurrying6.A.explained BfeltCAgreed Damazed7.A.lady BfoodCMan Dsign8.

25、A.famous BstrangeCDifferent Dcomfortable9.A.making BbuildingCTaking Dholding10.A.pulled BthoughtCTurned Dlooked11.A.Hopefully BFinallyCLuckily DNaturally12.A.store BmirrorCSquare Dcrowd13.A.popular BanxiousCThankful Dpatient14.A.immediately BobviouslyCCautiously Dnervously15.A.stop BsufferCMove Dcha

26、nge16.A.whether BbecauseCThough Dunless17.A.poor BvisibleCSelfish Dhappy18.A.danger BactionCNeed Dmemory19.A.while BcityCSituation Dmoment20.A.difference BmistakeCDecision Dliving. .短文改错I feel it is pity that you didnt want to take part in the speech contest. In my view, the speech contest can benef

27、it from you in different ways. Firstly, it makes you look for more informations about your favorite scientists on the Internet or in the library, and learning more about them. Secondly, it is a challenge to prepare for a speech contest. You not only have to write a good 5article and also have to per

28、form them properly. Whats more, after the contest, you can find yourself with some newly good friends, or even a prize. I suggest you consider participating in the contest, that will really do good to you. If you change your mind, please let me know as sooner as possible. 答案.阅读理解A语篇导读:把上学时间推后半小时会有什么

29、样的效果呢?最近的研究表明,此举能使学生在校的时候更积极、更有能动性。1.C主旨大意题。第一段的“significant improvement in students mood, alertness, and motivation”和 C 项的“active, attentive and creative”吻合。2.A细节理解题。根据第二段第 2句的“completed online surveys”说明是通过网络进行的。3.A细节理解题。A 项和“The percentage of students getting less than seven hours of sleep per ni

30、ght dropped by 79.4%”相符合。4.C细节理解题。第三段第 2句话的“a later class start time will result in students going to bed later and make the cycle of getting too little sleep worse”说明专家们的担忧之处。5.D推理判断题。由最后 一段说明虽然校方的领导和员工可能不支持推迟上学时间,但是在看了学生的表现后态度会有所改变,即作者认为大家会支持这种做法。B语篇导读:人们在择业时可能会遇到这样的烦恼,一方面是自己擅长该工作,另一方面,随着时间的流逝,很多因

31、素会令你工作起来心生厌倦。择业时,哪些需要特别加以考虑?且听作者的经验之谈。6.C下文有两处关键词“isolating jobs/interactive jobs”,因此,可以看出作者这里要问的是:你是喜欢独自工作还是喜欢与他人一起工作?7.D本段主要讲述工作常会面对变化以及你将会如何应对变化,不是侧重讲稳定多么重要。8.B本段谈到有人喜欢通过用电脑工作,有人更偏爱人际互动,因此,作者此处问的应是:你是否喜欢使用电脑工作?9.G本处主要谈的是工作氛围,是喜欢人多的工作环境还是人少的工作环境。10.F从 关键信息词 pay,payment可以看出作者关注的问题应是:How do you like

32、 to get paid?.完形填空语篇导读:作者在一次购物时看到一个需要食物的男子,非常同情他,并慷慨解囊。作者为自己能够帮助他人而高兴,与此同时,作者也为某些人的冷漠而感到伤心。1.D作者看到男子手中的牌子后,动了恻隐之心,决定去商店给他“买(purchase)”些吃的东西。2.C根据下一段开头部分的 When I drove out.可知作者开车“转进(turned into)”了停车场。63.B作者从车镜中看到一个女士走出发廊, “走近(approach)”那个男子。4.A那个男子饥肠辘辘,所以作者推测她一定会给他一些“钱(money)”或者其他东西,让他先填饱肚子。5.D作者急切地想

33、帮助那个男子,因此“匆匆忙忙(hurrying)”去买所需要的东西。本段最后一句中的 hurried out to my car也是提示信息。6.B作者“感觉(felt)”自己能够帮助那个男子。7.C作者的目的是帮助那个“男子(man)” ,因此关注的不是其他事物。8.C作者当时之所以没有找到那个男子是因为他在另外一个“不同的(different)”地方。9.D第一段的前半部分提到他当时“举着(holding)”一个牌子,此处与之相呼应。10.A作者当时正开着车,pull over 表示“把车开到路边” 。11.A作者把东西给了对方, “希望(hopefully)”这些东西能够让他度过这一天。

34、 12.B作者从车镜(mirror)中看到男子在狼吞虎咽地吃东西,仿佛几天没有吃东西了。13.C作者为自己能够帮助别人而感到无比“欣慰(thankful)” 。14.B从发廊中走出的那个女士“显然(obviously)”是让男子从发廊前消失,以免影响她的生意。15.C那个女士让男子从发廊前“走开(move)” 。16.B见 17题解析。17.B作者之所以伤心是“因为(because)”作者居住在一个小城市,那里无家可归的人不像大城市这样随处“可见(visible)” ,因此,人们见到这些人感到不舒服。18.C像那个男子这样的人生活“贫困(in need)” ,需要别人的帮助。19.A他们所需要

35、做的一切只是偶尔伸出援助之手。once in a while 表示“偶尔” 。20.A他们的举手之劳就可以影响那些需要帮助的人的一生。make a difference指“有影响” 。. 短文改错I feel it is pity that you didnt want to take part in the speech contest. In my view, the a dontspeech contest can benefit from you in different ways. Firstly, it makes you look for more informations ab

36、out your favorite scientists on the Internet or in the library, and learninginformation learnmore about them. Secondly, it is a challenge to prepare for a speech contest. You not only have to write a good article and also have to perform them properly. Whats more, after the contest, but ityou can find yourself with some newly good friends, or even a prize. I suggest you consider newparticipating in the contest, that will really do good to you. If you change your mind, please let whichme know as sooner as possible.soon


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