销售合同英文翻译(3)来源:翻译界浏览次数:1255添加时间:2008-5-320.2 Binding Effect 20.2 合同约束力的范围This Contract is made for the benefit of the Parties hereto and their respective lawful successors and assignees and is legally binding on them. 本合同对本合同双方以及该方合法的继受者和受让人有法律约束力。20.3 Amendment 20.3 修改This Contract shall not be changed verbally, but only by a written instrument signed by the Parties. 本合同不得以口头方式修改,而须经双方签署书面文件后方可修改。20.4 Mutual Agreement of the Parties 20.4 双方协商一致的结果THE PARTIES DECLARE