谈电力建筑工程合同价款的确定与调整摘要:建筑企业要想在激烈的市场中立于不败之地并取得丰厚的利润,除了要提高自身的技术组织管理水平、控制项目成本等途径外,最重要的途径之一就是决算时合同价款的确定与调整,而电力建筑工程的特殊性和复杂性决定了工程造价不可能是固定不变的。关键词:电力建筑工程;合同价款;施工合同;调整abstract: the construction enterprises in order to remain invincible in the fierce market and has made huge profits, one of the most important way is the final accounts to improve their level of organization and management, and control project costs, contract price of the setting and adjustment, power construction projects particularity