新实验幼儿园将于儿童节前投入使用本报讯近年来,海盐县的教育事业以优质、均衡、和谐为目标,取得了快速发展,教学质量稳步提升,全县中小学教学已成为广大家长认可的一大品牌。海盐县实验幼儿园迁建工程的进展情况一直牵动着广大市民和家长的心,昨天,记者从有关部门获悉,实验幼儿园迁建工程将于3月底全部完工,今年儿童节前可正式投入使用。A Brandnew Experimental Kindergarten Will be Put in Use Before the Coming Childrens Day In recent years, with the set goal of high quality, integrated develepment and harmony, the education of Haiyan County has witnessed fast development and steady improvement in quality. The quality of primary and high school education of Hai