维护锅炉燃烧时自动给水运行工业锅炉汽包水位使正常运行的重要环节,水位过高会影响汽包的汽水分离,产生蒸汽带液现象,水位过低又会影响锅炉的汽水自然循环,如不及时调节就会使汽包水全部气化,可能导致锅炉烧坏和发生爆炸事故。汽包水位是一个十分重要的调节参数。由于汽包水位在锅炉运行中占居首要地位,所以锅炉自动化都是从给水自动调节开始的。Industrial boiler steam drum water level makes an important part of the normal operation, the water level is too high will affect the separation of steam drum, produce steam fluid phenomenon, low water level also affects soda natural circulation boiler, such as not timely adjustment makes the steam drum water gasification,