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1、第五章 习题答案1. 画出与阵列编程点解:BA A-B-C-C3333X2. 画出或阵列编程点 解: BA A-B-C-C4444DD-X 1X 2X 3X 43. 与、或阵列均可编程,画出编程点。解;AF1A-CBC-B-F3F24. 4 变量 LUT 编程解:A 0A 1A 2A 3012301230123012301230010100100100100S O P 输出5. 用 VHDL 写出 4 输入与门解: 源代码:LIBRARY IEEE;USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;ENTITY and4 ISPORT (a,b,c ,d:IN STD_LOGIC;x:O

2、UT STD_LOGIC) ;END and4;ARCHITECTURE and4_arc OF and4 ISBEGINxa AND b AND c AND d;END and4_arc; 6. 用 VHDL 写出 4 输入或门解: 源代码:LIBRARY IEEE;USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;ENTITY or4 ISPORT (a,b,c ,d:IN STD_LOGIC;x:OUT STD_LOGIC) ;END or4;ARCHITECTURE or4_arc OF or4 ISBEGINxa OR b OR c OR d;END or4_arc;7. 用

3、VHDL 写出 SOP 表达式解: 源代码:LIBRARY IEEE;USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;ENTITY sop ISPORT (a,b,c ,d,e,f:IN STD_LOGIC;x:OUT STD_LOGIC) ;END sop;ARCHITECTURE sop_arc OF sop ISBEGINx(a AND b) OR (c AND d) OR (e AND f);END sop_arc;8. 用 VHDL 写出布尔表达式解: 源代码:LIBRARY IEEE;USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;ENTITY boolean IS

4、PORT (a,b,c :IN STD_LOGIC;f:OUT STD_LOGIC) ;END boolean ;ARCHITECTURE boolean_arc OF boolean ISBEGINf(a OR (NOT b) OR c) AND (a OR b OR (NOT c) AND (NOT a) OR (NOT b) OR (NOT c);END boolean_arc;9. 用 VHDL 结构法写出 SOP 表达式解: 源代码:三输入与非门的逻辑描述LIBRARY IEEE;USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;ENTITY nand3 ISPORT (a,b

5、,c :IN STD_LOGIC;x:OUT STD_LOGIC) ;END nand3;ARCHITECTURE nand3_arc OF nand3 ISBEGINxNOT (a AND b AND c) ;END nand3_arc;顶层结构描述文件LIBRARY IEEE;USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;ENTITY sop ISPORT (in1,in2,in3,in4,in5,in6 ,in7 ,in8,in9:IN STD_LOGIC;out4:OUT STD_LOGIC) ;END sop;ARCHITECTURE sop_arc OF sop ISCO

6、MPONENT nand3PORT (a,b,c :IN STD_LOGIC;x:OUT STD_LOGIC) ;END COMPONENT;SIGNAL out1,out2,out3:STD_LOGIC ;BEGINu1:nand3 PORT MAP (in1,in2,in3 ,out1);u2:nand3 PORT MAP (in4,in5,in6 ,out2);u3:nand3 PORT MAP (in7,in8,in9 ,out3);u4:nand3 PORT MAP (out1,out2,out3 ,out4);END sop;10. 用 VHDL 数据流法写出 SOP 表达式解:

7、源代码:LIBRARY IEEE;USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;ENTITY sop ISPORT (in1,in2,in3,in4,in5,in6 ,in7 ,in8,in9:IN STD_LOGIC;out4:OUT STD_LOGIC) ;END sop;ARCHITECTURE sop_arc OF sop ISBEGINout4(in1 AND in2 AND in3) OR (in4 AND in5 AND in6 ) OR (in7 AND in8 AND in9);END sop_arc;13. 用 VHDL 设计 38 译码器 解: 源代码:LIBR

8、ARY IEEE;USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;ENTITY decoder_3_to_8 ISPORT (a,b,c ,g1,g2a,g2b:IN STD_LOGIC;y:OUT STD_LOGIC _VECTOR(7 downto 0) ) ;END decoder_3_to_8;ARCHITECTURE rt1 OF decoder_3_to_8 ISSIGNAL indata:STD_LOGIC _VECTOR (2 downto 0) ;BEGINindatac use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;entity bcdtobi ispor

9、t(bcdcode : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0);start: in std_logic;qbit : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0) );end;architecture behavioral of bcdtobi isbeginprocess(start,bcdcode)beginif start=0 thencase bcdcode(7 downto 0) iswhen “00000000“=qbit(3 downto 0)qbit(3 downto 0)qbit(3 downto 0)qbit(3 downto 0

10、)qbit(3 downto 0)qbit(3 downto 0)qbit(3 downto 0)qbit(3 downto 0)qbit(3 downto 0)qbit(3 downto 0)qbit(3 downto 0)qbit(3 downto 0)qbit(3 downto 0)qbit(3 downto 0)qbit(3 downto 0)qbit(3 downto 0)qbit(3 downto 0)=“0000“;end case;elseqbit(3 downto 0)=“0000“;end if;end process;end behavioral;17. 用 VHDL 设

11、计 4 位寄存器解: 异步复位源代码:LIBRARY IEEE;USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;ENTITY register_4 ISPORT (clk,r:IN STD_LOGIC;din:IN S TD_LOGIC _VECTOR(3 downto 0) ;qout:OUT STD_LOGIC _VECTOR (3 downto 0) ) ;END register_4;ARCHITECTURE rge_arc OF register_4 ISSIGNAL q_temp:S TD_LOGIC _VECTOR(3 downto 0) ;BEGINPROCESS(cl

12、k,r)BEGINIF(r1)THENq_temp“0000“;ELSIF (clkevent AND clk1 ) THENq_tempdin;END IF;qoutq_temp;END PROCESS;END rge_arc;18. 用 VHDL 设计 4 位双向移位寄存器解: s1、s0 控制工作方式,dsl 为左移数据输入,dsr 为右移数据输入。源代码:LIBRARY IEEE;USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;ENTITY shiftreg ISPORT (clk,r ,dsr,dsl:IN STD_LOGIC;s1,s0:IN STD_LOGIC;-func

13、tion selectdin:IN S TD_LOGIC _VECTOR(3 downto 0) ;-data inqout:OUT STD_LOGIC _VECTOR (3 downto 0) ) ;-data outEND shiftreg;ARCHITECTURE ls74194 OF shiftreg ISSIGNAL iq: STD_LOGIC _VECTOR(3 downto 0) ;SIGNAL s:STD_LOGIC _VECTOR(1 downto 0) ;BEGINss1 & s0;PROCESS(clk ,r)BEGINIF(r0)THENiq“0000“;ELSIF (clkevent AND clk1 ) THENCASE s ISWHEN “00“null;


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