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1、高一 (3)班 郭圆圆It is my great honor to stand here and give a speech to all of you. First, please allow me to briefly introduce myself. My name is Guo Yuanyuan and my English name is Jocker, Im from Class 3, Grade 1.Today my topic is”Youth and Responsibility” . 我非常荣幸能站在这里演讲。首先请允许我简单介绍一下自己,我叫郭圆圆,我的英文名字是 J

2、ocker,我来自高一( 3)班,今天我的演讲题目是: “ 青春与责任 ” 。To begin with, I want to ask you a question, ”What is youth?” Youth is a precious gift and a golden time in our life, when we are young, we are healthy and strong, its time for us to prepare ourselves to be somebody and take the responsibility, dont you think s

3、o? 首先,我想问一个问题 “什么是青春? ”青春是我们中人生一个珍贵的礼物也是一个黄金时间,当我们年轻时,我们是健康和健壮的,这也正是为梦想作准备和负起责任的时间。你认为呢?I guess everybody present knows Hong Zhanhui, one of the most impressive figures in China in 2005, maybe its so long ago, but what he has done still lives on in my heart. Hong is a graduate from Hunan college now

4、. 我猜在座每位都知道洪战辉吧, 2005年感动中国人物之一 ,可能此事离现在已经久远,可是他所做的一切仍存活在我们心中。洪战辉现在是一名湖南怀远学院的毕业生。 At the age of 12, Hongs father suffered from insanity and dropped Hongs little sister to death. Then he took an orphan back to retrieve the situation one day. 他在 12岁那年, 父亲患上了精神病,将妹妹摔死在地,为了挽回局面,一天父亲带回来一个孤儿。Hongs mother c

5、ouldnt stand the situation of their family, so she ran away and never came back. If you were him, what would you do? 洪的母亲无法忍受家庭的境况,于是她离开了家,再也没有回来。如果你是他,你会怎么做呢?Instead of giving himself up, he took the responsibility to look after his family, including his adopted sister. For 12 years, he has suffere

6、d a lot: being deeply in debt, being forced not to attend school and so on. I think he is a pride of us and he set a good example for our young. 洪没有放弃自己,而是承担是照顾家人的责任,包括没有血缘关系的妹妹, 12年来,他遭受了很多困苦,负债累累,被迫不能上学等等 .我觉得他是我们的骄傲,为我们青少年树立了一个好的榜样。In fact, therere so many responsible people like Hong around us.L

7、uo Guihong, a student from Hunan university, in order to look after her sick mother, she took her mother to her school at the same time she carried on her study. 事实上,有许多像洪战辉这样有责任心的人 .罗桂红 ,一个来自湖南大学的学生,为了照料她生病的母亲,在继续学业的同时将母亲带去学校一同居住。Tian Qiang is another example. He is a student of Xiaogan college. In

8、 order to save a child suffering from leukemia, Tian went to Beijing to donate cells willingly. 田强,又是另一个例子,他是孝感学院的一名学生,为了挽救一个患白血病的孩子,田毅然选择去北京捐出自己的血干细胞。He even did it secretly because he was afraid that his family and friends would stop him.Im sure everyone has been impressed by their good deeds, we are so moved. Their youth shines while taking the responsibilities. 他甚至隐姓埋名只因怕家人和朋友知道后来阻止自己。我相信每个人都被他们的英雄事迹所打动了吧,我们沉浸与感动之中,他们在承担责任的同时让青春闪耀。


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