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1、Effective MotivationFrank StaubleOrganization DevelopmentENM 5821The Need for Motivation Managements goal: Get the job done effectivelyRequires job performance by employeesJob performance = f (motivation) (ability)Motivation is key to management2What Is Motivation Desire to put forth effortIntensity

2、 of effort Capabilities are the limiting factorDirected towards organizational goals Effort toward unintended are wasteSustained periods Sustained long enough to complete goal3Low Performance: Is There a Motivational Problem? What is the root cause of the problem?Problem analysis1Describe problem th

3、oroughly: Separate fact and opinion Whose performance is not adequate? What specific behavior? When problem first occurred and when since? What is the extent of the problem?4Low Performance: Is There a Motivational Problem?2Performance comparisons Individuals various tasks Individual in previous wor

4、k place Others performing the same job3Define differences Between the problem and normal performance IS and IS NOT exploration is often helpful4Identify any changes in the work environment5Generate and test possible causes6Verify cause with confirming evidence5Low Performance: Is There a Motivationa

5、l Problem?Why root cause? Other problems are only symptoms of root Failing to find, will result in temporary solutionsFindings: often the root is not motivational Intervening problems Individual is motivated, but performance limited by factors beyond individuals control Lack of motivation exist but

6、was not root cause Only a symptom of root cause Overload, job incompatibility.6Low Performance: Is There a Motivational Problem?Solutions (non-motivational cause) Address root cause Adjustments to job Adjustment to job relationships Elimination of communication problems Clear and explicit instructio

7、nTrue motivational problems - addressed by motivational theory and practice7Preventing Problems Problem prevention is often overlooked The best time to prevent a problem isBefore it occursBefore employee is frustratedBefore unnecessary work disruptionsPrevents loss of productivity8Preventing Problem

8、s How?Honesty and accuracy when hiring Result in close job/employee fitNormal consideration in decisionsClear communicationHonesty during evaluations Employees knows what to expect in future9Motivational Theory Theories provide backgroundBasis for motivation in practiceProvide familiarity with terminology Need theories Motivation is explained by fulfillment of needs Separate need into various number of internal and external drives Often criticized and only moderately effective10


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