1、写在前面的话2006年 4月 5日,著名国际口腔医学专业杂志 J Oral Rehabil的主编 Peter Svensson 教授,应王美青教授的邀请前来我院进行国际合作研究,并应邀作了题为 How to write and publish papers in Dentistry 的专题报告。经 Svensson教授允许,特将其讲演幻灯提供给大家,希望对大家有所帮助。王美青2006 04 10How to write and publish papers in Dentistry A personal perspectivePeter SvenssonProfessor, DDS, PhD,
2、 Dr OdontEssentials in dental researchlUnderstand the scientific process Think Plan Do ReportlCommunicate the scientific result Talk WriteImportant obligation !“All research, to be generally useful, must ultimately be presented as a written document”What is science ?lFrom Latin “Scientia” To know, t
3、o discern, to distinguish Systematised knowledge from observation, study, and experimentation carried out in order to determine the nature or principles of what is being studied (social, natural, biomedical, etc.)What is scientific ?lScientific Designating the method of research in which a hypothesi
4、s, formulated after systematic, objective collection of data, is tested empiricallyWhat science should be !lUniversal Unrelated to individual researcher (personal, social, ethnical, religious, political factors) Same principles within different disciplines (engineering, medical, social etc. also den
5、tistry)What science should be !lSceptical Raises questions to be answered through stringent research methods (logical, critical, consistent)What science should not be lSimple gathering of information Distinguish from learninglTransportation of facts Needs interpretation of the facts and data “Listin
6、g facts, statements and knowledge is not enough”lRummaging for information More than checking information for self-enlightenment “Finding out prizes on crowns in Aarhus”lCatchword to get attention Often misused in advertisements “Years of research have produced a new dentifrice”What science should not be