智能建筑弱电防雷防浪涌目前在智能建筑弱电工程中一些工程商及业主往往忽视防雷接地,给工程遗留下安全隐患;鉴于大多从事智能建筑弱电工程的工程商来自与IT行业的转型,不太了解弱电工程防雷接地技术及施工,本文较深入地探讨了智能建筑弱电工程防雷接地设计和施工,供相关工程商及技术人员参考,以起抛砖引玉之效。关键词 智能建筑 弱电 防雷 防浪涌Abstract Nowadays project businessman with intelligent building and owner general ignore to protect thunderstruck and earthing, therefore possible give the project brought safety accident; to consider they majority to come from IT industry, hardly know protect thunderstruck and earthing, this article deeply to explain to p