Economic downturns aside, the road to success as a businesswoman is not an easy one.先不考虑经济衰退的因素,对职场女性来说,通往成功的道路并非康庄大道。While the hope is that the working world is gender-blind, women face certain challenges that men often avoid.虽然人们寄希望于职场的性别零歧视,但是女性却往往要面对某些男性可以豁免的挑战。Fortunately, there are plenty of successful, effective women who have killed it in the business world to keep the rest of the female population hopeful motivated.幸运的是,已经有很多成功、高效的女性在职场上战胜了各种困难,给其他职业女性以前进的动力。And while many o