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1、UNIT11. I have great in traditional Chinese medicine.Award belief brilliant casual2. Michael Hordens performance as Hamlet struck us as . Brilliant casual circumstance conduct3. A Canadian company plans to set up a factory in the area, so this should provide some for local people.confirm dismiss emp

2、loyment fate4. In the past few years my aunt has enough money to buy a house.revolve around save up stand a chance take ones time 5. Weak and lame in one leg, Max never of getting that job. call on revolve around save up stand a chance6. Those hurt in the explosion $50,000 damages. accent arbitrary

3、award belief7. they can afford to buy an apartment, or they wouldnt be looking.presumably revolve subsequent temporary8. I was greatly shocked by the way Henry the affairs of such a big business. Circumstance conduct confirm dismiss9. To our surprise, her remark about the mission should have caused

4、a political storm. casual circumstance access confirm10. The expansion of the library on which student life is one of the most important problems to be solved.call on revolve around save up stand a chanceUNIT21. George is determined to travel alone in the desert his friends warnings. data definitely

5、 despite download2. By the mid-eighties there was growing knowledge about who was at high risk of AIDS. contract data definitely despite3. The gathered during market research will be valuable in designing our companys future products. contract data definitely despite4. I to catch the early train, bu

6、t I didnt get up in time. intend limitation messy mild5. The problem with Bill is that he doesnt know he just assumes he can do everything.intend limitation messy mild6. The interview would have been more if the questions had been framed more precisely. download evolution fruitful intend7. A police

7、investigation evidence of a large-scale illegal trade in wild birds.super unconver version view8. Philip is the best football player in our school. Data definitely despite download9. If we the problem from a different angle, a solution may become more obvious. super unconver version view10. The robb

8、er was given a punishment than he deserved. Intend limitation messy milder11. The creation of the UN was, perhaps, the most achievements of the 20th century. notable nowhere online quest12. Nothing will stop us in our for the truth. Nowhere online quest superUNIT31. The secretary a detailed of what

9、the members of the Board of Directors had discussed at the meeting. leave out send off stay up take notes2. He knew he had said the wrong thing and the conversation to a less embarrassing subject. repay spark stimulate switch3. Young children are often much more than adults. convince distribute ener

10、getic intuition4. The visit to the computer center has the pupils interest in computer science. spark stimulate intuition technological5. All research work completed by previous researchers. build on catch ones breath keep a diary leave out6. After a careful investigation, the committee decided to t

11、he old house profession reflection renovate repay7. He has read extensively and won the respect of his colleagues as a man intuition learned loan pace8. He wanted very much to run for a second term, but owing to poor health he was to give up the idea.civil compel convince distribute9. As soon as the

12、 class began, the teacher the test papers. civil compel convince distribute10. You have taken such good care of our children during our absence that we feel we shall never be able to your kindness. reflection renovate repay sparkUNIT4二1. A Xinhua news reporter who has just returned from Iraq the war

13、 will give us a talk this afternoon in the auditorium. Clicking covering curling decaing2. In America many people dont care who the country and seldom go to the polls. physicals relationships runs spots3. It seemed her handicap did not her determination to live an independent life.Affect click cover

14、 cur4. This region, now suffering from severe water shortage, was once freshwater lakes. bring back call up dotted with curl up 5. arrangements are made everywhere the princess goes, with split-second timing, to ensure that there are no embarrassing hold-ups. Elaborate e-mail extensive(ly) fancy6. D

15、espite all that money and all those clothes and wild parties, Laura is not as happy as she appears to be.Fancy fasten grab handicap7. I tried to run past him but he the collar of my coat. fancied fastened grabed handicaped8. Theoretically, raising the speed from 100 to 150 mph was relatively easy. J

16、unk lean limb maximum9. How much money do you spend on clothes month? maximum per physical relationship10. Years can pass before the unwanted effects of a drug are and, even then, they may occur in a tiny fraction of patients. Ran spoted strained surround11. The mans pale blue eyes peered into the f

17、og and his ears to catch the sound of approaching footsteps. ran spoted strained surround12. The dress in the window when she walked past the store. call up catch her eye curl up in hopes of13. Its silly, but Id like a copy of this photograph. call up curl up sort of take me to taskUNIT5二1. Their ho

18、liday trip was spoiled by the search for their lost passports. Flip formally frantic helpless2. Miss Main kept practicing until she finally herself for the job. Assume embarrassment qualified interrupt3. I that you wouldnt like to stay indoors if it were not raining. ability assume embarrassment cor

19、respondence4. Shes still Ill ask her to call you when she gets home. at work catch on go ahead go on5. Consumer spending is often an of public confidence in the economy. helpless index interrupt issue6. If you really want to apply for the dangerous job I wont , though I think its a crazy idea. on gu

20、ard run out send away for stand in your way7. On seeing the blanket kicked away by the little boy, she around himsessied skied ranked tucked 8. Though the job is new to us, we are confident well in a couple of days.at work catch on go ahead go on9. His parents in a boarding school when he was only s

21、even years old. Enrolled him fliped him formallyed him franticed him10. It was the first time he and I drank together. As I , it was also the last time.interrupt recall rack sessionUNIT6二1. The girls face in shyness when the boy presented her with a red rose. Flushed gazed icied slacked2. A heavy sm

22、oker, Mr. Parker finds it nearly impossible to smoking. keep from out of sight take it easy hold tight onto oneself 3. Dora would often in silence through the window for hours. Flush gaze icy scatter4. An wind blew in from the sea, chasing people into their homes for warmth. Acid flush gaze icy5. As

23、 the wedding ceremony , the bride appeared dressed in white. Unsteadilyied commenced detached epidemiced6. Many people with fear at the thought of having surgery.Shiver slack slide slip7. Rigid training enables soldiers to in a combat situation. be detached from bring down hold tight onto oneself ke

24、ep from8. The children were abusing the rabbit in the cage , and they as soon as they saw their teacher approaching. Scattered shivered slacked slided9. The airplane took off on time, climbing up eastward for a while and then was . bring down keep from out of sight take it easy10. Its taken me a whi

25、le but at last Ive managed to my fear of public speaking. Miserable overcome poise prescribeUNIT8二1. Jimmy found it hard to the life of early men without the tools and comforts of modern civilization. Interfere maintain neglect picture2. Jane is so highly regarded at her job because she can react to

26、 each situation. Achievement amount appropriately attain3. Nina wanted to make a model plane, but she did not know how to it. due to get along with go about interfere with4. Robert will never anything unless he works harder. amount to contribute to due to get along with 5. It was a great that they a

27、ll climbed up to the top of the mountain before dusk as scheduled. achievement amount appropriately attain6. To our surprise he refused to take our advice, even though it was for his . Attain attitude benefit contribute7. A loving home environment is essential for a childs emotional and intellectual

28、 . Fantasy growth hostile interfere8. poor management, the company finally went bankrupt . contribute to due to get along with go about interfere with9. There is practical experience.No achievement for No supposedly for No substitute for No recommend for10. Tommy his teeth before going to bed. Achievement brushing neglected brushing recommend brushing remarkab brushing11. Helen was very as she waited for the interview. tense vision issue rack


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