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1、Introduction公共健康法的概念公共健康法Public health law卫生法学公共健康法的概念 :Lawrence O. Gostin, Georgetown UniversityPublic health law is the study of the legal powers and duties of the state to assure the conditions of the people to be healthy and the limitation on the power of the state to constrain the autonomy, pri

2、vacy, liberty, proprietary, or other legally protected interests of individuals for the protection or promotion of community health. 公共健康法的概念 :Lawrence O. Gostin, Georgetown UniversityFive essential characteristics of public health lawPublic health lawGovernmentPower and duty to protect public healt

3、hPopulations interest in disease prevention and health promotionServicesFor the benefit of the public, based on the science of public healthCoercive powerTo assure conformance with health and safety standards RelationsBetween government and the public卫生 法的概念 :黎东生,广州中医药大学教授卫生法学是研究卫生法律规范及其发展规律的法律学科。卫生

4、法学是法律学科,是研究卫生法这一特定的社会现象及其发展变化规律的科学,是医学与法学交叉、融合的法律边缘学科。卫生法学研究的对象和内容十分丰富。卫生法学要研究卫生法的相关法律、研究各种卫生法规的现象和规律、研究与卫生法相关的社会问题。学习卫生法学具有十分重要的意义。是依法发展我国卫生事业的需要、提高卫生执法水平的需要、规范卫生活动的需要、维护公民健康权利的需要。 什么是卫生?卫生 法的概念 :http:/ 法,是指由国家制定或认可的,有关食品卫生、医疗卫生、医疗事故的处理、卫生防疫、药品药械管理、从业资格、 突发性公共卫生事件 的应急处理等方面的法律规范的总称。属于特殊行政法。卫生法是国内法,是

5、调控国家卫生事业的发展,调整卫生行政机关与 相对人 相互关系的法律规范;卫生法调整的是一种纵向的,以命令与服从为基本内容、以隶属性为基本特征的卫生行政关系;立法目的在于 维护国家安全 ,维护卫生事业的公益性地位,及时有效地控制突发性公共卫生事件,维护卫生事业的健康有序地发展。卫生法从形式到内容,都有其自身的特点;有其独有的功能和基本原则。WHO definition of Health 健康的定义Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of d

6、isease or infirmity, in accordance with the preamble of the Constitution of WHO. Health is a fundamental human right, recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948). Four key values guide efforts to address health issues: Recognition of the universal right to health Continued applica

7、tion of health ethics to policy, research and service provision Implementation of equity orientated policies and strategies that emphasize solidarity Incorporation of a gender perspective into health policies.WHO definition of Health 健康的定义A health determinant is a force or element that affects healt

8、h, either positively or negatively. Health is determined by both intrinsic forces, such as genetics, behaviour, culture, habits and lifestyles, and extrinsic forces such as preventative, curative and promotional aspects of the health sector, as well as elements outside the health sector including: E

9、conomic factors, such as trade Social factors, such as poverty Environmental factors, such as climate change Technological factors, such as information technology.WHO健康的定义1992维多利亚宣言 THE VICTORIA DECLARATION on Heart HealthAdoption of the “four cornerstone” approach to heart health: health-promoting

10、dietary habits; a tobacco-free lifestyle; regular physical activity; and a supportive psycho-social environmentWHO健康的定义1992维多利亚宣言 THE VICTORIA DECLARATION on Heart HealthThe Cornerstones of the Public HealthApproachThe vast majority of adults in industrialized and developingcountries are affected by

11、 one or more risk factors for cardiovasculardisease. Since these factors are ingrained in the lifestyle andconditions of daily living, the main thrust of heart health policymust be a public health approach, with four cornerstones: improvement of dietary habits, in particular a reduction inthe total

12、consumption of fat and saturated fat; eradication of tobacco use; increased physical activity in all population groups,commensurate with age and health status; and alleviation of deleterious psychosocial factors related tocardiovascular disease.公共健康的定义WHO definition of Public Health http:/www.who.in

13、t/trade/glossary/story076/en/Public health refers to all organized measures (whether public or private) to prevent disease, promote health, and prolong life among the population as a whole. Its activities aim to provide conditions in which people can be healthy and focus on entire populations, not o

14、n individual patients or diseases. Thus, public health is concerned with the total system and not only the eradication of a particular disease. The three main public health functions are: The assessment and monitoring of the health of communities and populations at risk to identify health problems a

15、nd priorities. The formulation of public policies designed to solve identified local and national health problems and priorities. To assure that all populations have access to appropriate and cost-effective care, including health promotion and disease prevention services.Public health professionals

16、monitor and diagnose the health concerns of entire communities and promote healthy practices and behaviours to ensure that populations stay healthy. One way to illustrate the breadth of public health is to look at some notable public health campaigns: Vaccination and control of infectious diseases Motor-vehicle safety Safer workplaces Safer and healthier foods Safe drinking water Healthier mothers and babies and access to family planning Decline in deaths from coronary heart disease and stroke Recognition of tobacco use as a health hazard.


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