1、l29, the company responsible for a variety of procedures for reimbursement document, invoice review, approval of work; 30, regularly convened general meeting of shareholders, preparation work for the meeting; 31, the company responsible for payroll management jobs, including around salary survey, em
2、ployee salary, salary accounting methods developed, payroll accounting, payment of wages, bonuses; 32, the company responsible for delivery of financial procedures; 33, according to the companys strategic development plan, the preparation and management of funds to meet day-to-day operating funding
3、requirements to ensure the companys safety, liquidity and profitability of the funds; 34, responsible for the environmental protection building materials Corporation issued by the Corporation Annual, monthly economic indicators in the assessment of the economic responsibility system of proposed amen
4、dments; 35, the company responsible for all types of contracts and tracking, implementation, implementation of the agreement, abnormality was detected in time to take appropriate measures and feedback to the leadership; 36, regular inspection, analysis, budget implementation of the business and fina
5、ncial performance, and to propose measures to increase revenue and reduce expenditure; 37, responsible for organizing the companys contracting business tenders; 38, responsible for preparing the annual budget and final accounts, distribution of profits, loss compensation plan; 39, responsible for th
6、e violations of financial discipline, or damage the companys interests (corruption and bribery) review of the Act; 40,1、 判断税收信息化建设是否成功的标志是信息系统是否先进 答案:BA 正确 B 错误 2、 税收信息化业务重组机构重组信息系统建设 答案:AA 正确 B 错误 3、 国家税务总局提出的税收信息化建设的指导方针是“统一规划、分布实施、重点突破、整体推进” 答案:BA 正确 B 错误 4、 国家已经把税务系统列入到国家电子政务建设的 12 个重点领域之一 答案:AA
7、 正确 B 错误 5、 目前,我国的税收信息化建设处于应用发展期 答案:BA 正确 B 重组债权的账面余额 C 错误 D 重组债权的账面价值 D 股权在甲公司的账面余额 D 股权在甲公司的账面价值 6、 目前,国地税的四级广域网已全部联通 答案:BA 正确 B 错误 7、 数据库中的记录删除后可以恢复 答案:BA 正确 B 错误 8、 数据库通常以二维表的形式组织存储数据 答案:AA 正确 B 错误 9、 数据库系统的核心是数据库 答案:BA 正确 B 错误 10、 数据库的主要功能是对数据进行管理并满足用户的不通需求 答案:AA 正确 B 错误 11、 ODPS 提供的文件收回功能可以收回发
8、出的公文 答案:BA 正确 B 错误 12、 ODPS 中,个人文件夹中的公文一旦转发,公文虽不会消失,但不能再进行修改 答案:AA 正确 B 错误 13、 编辑正文、附件时,可以查看前面人员修改的痕迹,ODPS 对每个人的修改痕迹都保留 答案:Al29, the company responsible for a variety of procedures for reimbursement document, invoice review, approval of work; 30, regularly convened general meeting of shareholders, p
9、reparation work for the meeting; 31, the company responsible for payroll management jobs, including around salary survey, employee salary, salary accounting methods developed, payroll accounting, payment of wages, bonuses; 32, the company responsible for delivery of financial procedures; 33, accordi
10、ng to the companys strategic development plan, the preparation and management of funds to meet day-to-day operating funding requirements to ensure the companys safety, liquidity and profitability of the funds; 34, responsible for the environmental protection building materials Corporation issued by
11、the Corporation Annual, monthly economic indicators in the assessment of the economic responsibility system of proposed amendments; 35, the company responsible for all types of contracts and tracking, implementation, implementation of the agreement, abnormality was detected in time to take appropria
12、te measures and feedback to the leadership; 36, regular inspection, analysis, budget implementation of the business and financial performance, and to propose measures to increase revenue and reduce expenditure; 37, responsible for organizing the companys contracting business tenders; 38, responsible
13、 for preparing the annual budget and final accounts, distribution of profits, loss compensation plan; 39, responsible for the violations of financial discipline, or damage the companys interests (corruption and bribery) review of the Act; 40,A 正确 B 错误 14、 ODPS 公文处理系统提供的改稿功能,可以修改正文、附件、文头纸的内容 答案:BA 正确
14、 B 错误 15、 通过设置、取消下载网页中的多媒体信息,可以提高浏览网页的速度 答案:AA 正确 B 错误 16、 如果邮件中有附件,单击附件即可将其打开 答案:BA 正确 B 错误 17、 电子邮件的用户名的命名规则与 WINDOWS 文件的命名规则相同 答案:BA 正确 B 错误 18、 IE 默认的电子邮件应用程序是 Outlook Epress 答案:AA 正确 B 错误 19、 接收邮件的服务器称之为 SMTP 服务器,发送邮件的服务器是 POP3 服务器 答案:BA 正确 B 错误 20、 Internet 使用的网络通讯协议是 HTTP 超文本传输协议 答案:BA 正确 B 错
15、误 21、 一般的 FTP 服务器不支持匿名登陆 答案:BA 正确 B 错误 22、 一封电子邮件可以同时发送给多个接收人 答案:AA 正确 B 错误 23、 互联网起源于美国的 ARPANET 答案:AA 正确 B 错误 24、 在幻灯片视图中, 大纲 工具栏中各按钮的功能也能全部使用。 答案:BA 正确 B 错误 25、 大纲视图只显示每张幻灯片的标题和正文部分。 答案:AA 正确 B 错误 26、 在 PowerPoint2000 中,更改背景和配色方案, 全部应用 和应用 按钮的作用是一样的。 答案:BA 正确 B 错误 l29, the company responsible for
16、 a variety of procedures for reimbursement document, invoice review, approval of work; 30, regularly convened general meeting of shareholders, preparation work for the meeting; 31, the company responsible for payroll management jobs, including around salary survey, employee salary, salary accounting
17、 methods developed, payroll accounting, payment of wages, bonuses; 32, the company responsible for delivery of financial procedures; 33, according to the companys strategic development plan, the preparation and management of funds to meet day-to-day operating funding requirements to ensure the compa
18、nys safety, liquidity and profitability of the funds; 34, responsible for the environmental protection building materials Corporation issued by the Corporation Annual, monthly economic indicators in the assessment of the economic responsibility system of proposed amendments; 35, the company responsi
19、ble for all types of contracts and tracking, implementation, implementation of the agreement, abnormality was detected in time to take appropriate measures and feedback to the leadership; 36, regular inspection, analysis, budget implementation of the business and financial performance, and to propos
20、e measures to increase revenue and reduce expenditure; 37, responsible for organizing the companys contracting business tenders; 38, responsible for preparing the annual budget and final accounts, distribution of profits, loss compensation plan; 39, responsible for the violations of financial discip
21、line, or damage the companys interests (corruption and bribery) review of the Act; 40,27、 幻灯片上所有的对象,例如文本、图形、图像和声音等,都可以添加动画效果。 答案:BA 正确 B 错误 28、 在 PowerPoint2000 中,设置循环放映时,可以按 Esc 键终止放映。 答案:AA 正确 B 错误 29、 在 Word 中,也可以入 Excel 对表格进行求和,并根据表格数据制成图表。 答案:AA 正确 B 错误 30、 一个字节是由 8 个二进制位组成。 答案:AA 正确 B 错误 31、 在
22、 Excel 中,一张工作表可以单独一文件形式存入磁盘。 答案:BA 正确 B 错误 32、 在资源管理器中,一次选中多个不连续的文件可以先按住 Ctrl 键,再用鼠标选取。 答案:AA 正确 B 错误 33、 DOS 的人机界面是命令界面。 答案:AA 正确 B 错误 34、 在 Excel 中指定 B2 至 B6 五个单元格的表示形式是 B2,B6。 答案:BA 正确 B 错误 35、 对于已存过盘的文档,又进行了编辑修改后,再执行关闭文档窗口命令时,不提示任何信息。 答案:BA 正确 B 错误 36、 合并 A1:G1 单元区域,是将该区域合并为一行一列。 答案:AA 正确 B 错误 3
23、7、 用户设置口令应使用自己的生日、姓名等简单信息便于记忆 答案:BA 正确 B 错误 38、 “另存为”命令不能用原文件名存盘。 答案:BA 正确 B 错误 39、 Window98 只有应用程序文件可以建立快捷方式。 答案:BA 正确 B 错误 40、 在使用软件时,如果软盘设置了写保护,不能染上计算机病毒。 答案:Al29, the company responsible for a variety of procedures for reimbursement document, invoice review, approval of work; 30, regularly conve
24、ned general meeting of shareholders, preparation work for the meeting; 31, the company responsible for payroll management jobs, including around salary survey, employee salary, salary accounting methods developed, payroll accounting, payment of wages, bonuses; 32, the company responsible for deliver
25、y of financial procedures; 33, according to the companys strategic development plan, the preparation and management of funds to meet day-to-day operating funding requirements to ensure the companys safety, liquidity and profitability of the funds; 34, responsible for the environmental protection bui
26、lding materials Corporation issued by the Corporation Annual, monthly economic indicators in the assessment of the economic responsibility system of proposed amendments; 35, the company responsible for all types of contracts and tracking, implementation, implementation of the agreement, abnormality
27、was detected in time to take appropriate measures and feedback to the leadership; 36, regular inspection, analysis, budget implementation of the business and financial performance, and to propose measures to increase revenue and reduce expenditure; 37, responsible for organizing the companys contrac
28、ting business tenders; 38, responsible for preparing the annual budget and final accounts, distribution of profits, loss compensation plan; 39, responsible for the violations of financial discipline, or damage the companys interests (corruption and bribery) review of the Act; 40,A 正确 B 错误 41、 存储一个汉字
29、和存储一个英文字母所占用的存储容量是相同的。 答案:BA 正确 B 错误 42、 计算机网络是按照网络协议相互通信的。 答案:AA 正确 B 错误 43、 电子邮件地址是用来确定用户收发电子邮件的信息位置,它是其邮箱所在服务器的域名。 答案:BA 正确 B 错误 44、 网址就是 Internet 上各网站的地址。 答案:AA 正确 B 错误 45、 微机中,运算器的主要功能是进行逻辑运算和函数运算。 答案:BA 正确 B 错误 46、 普通视图模式下,仍然可以看到页眉页脚。 答案:BA 正确 B 错误 47、 在 Word 中,要先选定内容,然后才能对选定的对象进行相应的操作。 答案:AA
30、正确 B 错误 48、 Excel 中表示 B2 到 F8 区域内全部单元格的方法是 B2;F8 。 答案:BA 正确 B 错误 49、 在同一文件夹中的文件或子文件夹可以同名。 答案:AA 正确 B 错误 50、 所有被删除的文件都可以从回收站中恢复回来。 答案:BA 正确 B 错误 51、 一个完整的计算机系统包括主机、键盘和显示器。 答案:BA 正确 B 错误 52、 Excel 工作表的名称只能是 Sheet1,sheet2,.,不能重新命名。 答案:BA 正确 B 错误 53、 在中文 Windows 中,可用 Shift+Ctrl 键进行各种输入方法之间的切换。 答案:AA 正确
31、B 错误 54、 进入 word 后,打开了一个已有文档 w1.doc,有进行了“新建”操作,则 w1.doc 和新建文档均处于打开状态。 答案:Al29, the company responsible for a variety of procedures for reimbursement document, invoice review, approval of work; 30, regularly convened general meeting of shareholders, preparation work for the meeting; 31, the company r
32、esponsible for payroll management jobs, including around salary survey, employee salary, salary accounting methods developed, payroll accounting, payment of wages, bonuses; 32, the company responsible for delivery of financial procedures; 33, according to the companys strategic development plan, the
33、 preparation and management of funds to meet day-to-day operating funding requirements to ensure the companys safety, liquidity and profitability of the funds; 34, responsible for the environmental protection building materials Corporation issued by the Corporation Annual, monthly economic indicator
34、s in the assessment of the economic responsibility system of proposed amendments; 35, the company responsible for all types of contracts and tracking, implementation, implementation of the agreement, abnormality was detected in time to take appropriate measures and feedback to the leadership; 36, re
35、gular inspection, analysis, budget implementation of the business and financial performance, and to propose measures to increase revenue and reduce expenditure; 37, responsible for organizing the companys contracting business tenders; 38, responsible for preparing the annual budget and final account
36、s, distribution of profits, loss compensation plan; 39, responsible for the violations of financial discipline, or damage the companys interests (corruption and bribery) review of the Act; 40,A 正确 B 错误 55、 在 Excel 中,如果单元格的数太大显示不下时,则一组?将显示在单元格内。 答案:BA 正确 B 错误 56、 在 Excel 中,选取连续的单元格,需要用 Alt 键配合。 答案:BA
37、 正确 B 错误 57、 在 Excel 工作表中,活动单元格的数目只能是一个单元格。 答案:AA 正确 B 错误 58、 在 Excel 中,相对引用的含义是:把一个含义单元地址引用的公式复制到一个新的位置或用一个公式填入一个选定范围时,公式中的单元格地址会根据情况而改变。 答案:AA 正确 B 错误 59、 在 Excel 中,正在处理的单元格成为活动单元格。 答案:AA 正确 B 错误 60、 用户可以对某张幻灯片的背景进行设置而不影响其它幻灯片。 答案:AA 正确 B 错误 61、 幻灯片的切换必须使用鼠标右键单击或键盘的下移光标键。 答案:BA 正确 B 错误 62、 用户可在幻灯片
38、中没有占位符的地方直接输入文本,不必插入一个文本框。 答案:BA 正确 B 错误 63、 PowerPoint 文件保存类型可以是 :.PPT、.HTML 、.PPS 等。 答案:AA 正确 B 错误 64、 每张幻灯片中既可以包含常用的文字和图表,还可以包含声音和视频图像. 答案:AA 正确 B 错误 65、 Explorer 不具备收发电子邮件的功能 答案:BA 正确 B 错误 66、 电子邮件地址是用来确定用户收发电子邮件的信息位置,它是其邮箱所在服务器的域名 答案:BA 正确 B 错误 67、 网址就是 INTERNET 上各网站的地址 答案:Al29, the company res
39、ponsible for a variety of procedures for reimbursement document, invoice review, approval of work; 30, regularly convened general meeting of shareholders, preparation work for the meeting; 31, the company responsible for payroll management jobs, including around salary survey, employee salary, salar
40、y accounting methods developed, payroll accounting, payment of wages, bonuses; 32, the company responsible for delivery of financial procedures; 33, according to the companys strategic development plan, the preparation and management of funds to meet day-to-day operating funding requirements to ensu
41、re the companys safety, liquidity and profitability of the funds; 34, responsible for the environmental protection building materials Corporation issued by the Corporation Annual, monthly economic indicators in the assessment of the economic responsibility system of proposed amendments; 35, the comp
42、any responsible for all types of contracts and tracking, implementation, implementation of the agreement, abnormality was detected in time to take appropriate measures and feedback to the leadership; 36, regular inspection, analysis, budget implementation of the business and financial performance, a
43、nd to propose measures to increase revenue and reduce expenditure; 37, responsible for organizing the companys contracting business tenders; 38, responsible for preparing the annual budget and final accounts, distribution of profits, loss compensation plan; 39, responsible for the violations of fina
44、ncial discipline, or damage the companys interests (corruption and bribery) review of the Act; 40,A 正确 B 错误 68、 在 WORD 中,也可以如 EXCEL 对表格进行求和,并根据表格数据制成图表 答案:AA 正确 B 错误 69、 在 WINDOWS 中,对文件夹也有类似文件一样的复制、移动、重新命名以及删除等操作,但其操作方法与对文件的操作方法是不相同的 答案:BA 正确 B 错误 70、 窗口和对话框中的“?”是为了方便用户输入标点符号的?设置的 答案:BA 正确 B 错误 71、
45、汉字和西文字符在计算机存储器中都只占有一个字节的存储空间 答案:BA 正确 B 错误 72、 WINDOWS2000 的任务栏只能位于桌面的底部 答案:BA 正确 B 错误 73、 一个字节是由 8 个二进制位组成 答案:AA 正确 B 错误 74、 外存中的数据可以直接进入 CPU 被处理 答案:BA 正确 B 错误 75、 电子邮件是 INTERNET 的一个基本服务,使网络用户能够发送和接收文字、图像等多种形势的信息,但语音信息除外 答案:BA 正确 B 错误 76、 WORD 提供了 20 种艺术字式样 答案:BA 正确 B 错误 77、 WORD 提供了强大的制表功能,表格中的每个小
46、格成为单元格,可以进行各种编辑操作和数学运算,但不具备逻辑处理功能 答案:BA 正确 B 错误 78、 WORD 默认的字体为仿宋体、五号字 答案:BA 正确 B 错误 79、 WORD 为文档提供了设置密码的功能 答案:AA 正确 B 错误 80、 WORD 的保存文档功能,只提供了将文档保存在硬盘上,如 C: D:等 答案:BA 正确 l29, the company responsible for a variety of procedures for reimbursement document, invoice review, approval of work; 30, regula
47、rly convened general meeting of shareholders, preparation work for the meeting; 31, the company responsible for payroll management jobs, including around salary survey, employee salary, salary accounting methods developed, payroll accounting, payment of wages, bonuses; 32, the company responsible fo
48、r delivery of financial procedures; 33, according to the companys strategic development plan, the preparation and management of funds to meet day-to-day operating funding requirements to ensure the companys safety, liquidity and profitability of the funds; 34, responsible for the environmental protection building materials Corporation issued by the Corporat