意义和证实德莫里茨石里克第2章 可证实性 21 刘易斯对经验主义意义观的表述22 “可证实性”的含义 23 早期维也纳学派的强“证实”观及其根源 Clarence Irving Lewis (1883-1964) n A major American pragmatist educated at Harvard, Lewis taught at the University of California from 1911 to 1919 and at Harvard from 1920 until his retirement in 1953. Known as the father of modern modal logic and as a proponent of the given in epistemology, he also was an influential figure in value theory and ethics.n -The internat encyclopedia of philosophy 翻译问题: (1)第1、3自然段:“经验意义的要求”。 英