1、 Carl Sandburg卡尔 .桑德堡18781967American modern poet, historian, novelist , reporter 01020304Life experiencesMain worksInfluencesMasterpieces1.1 Birth born on January 06, 1878in Galesburg, Illinois He was the son of poor Swedish immigrant parents His father was a machinists blacksmith铁匠 and railroad wo
2、rker.worked from the time he was a young boy quit school following his graduation from eighth grade in 1891spent a decade working a variety of jobs. 1.2 Manny jobs7deliver milk porter搬运工Many jobsbricklayer砖匠farmer laborerHotel servanthis experiencesGreatly influenceHis writing and political viewWhen
3、 the Spanish-American War broke out in 1898 Sandburg volunteered for service.1.3 educationEntered Lombard College without a degree in 1903shaped his literary talents and political viewsThen,joined joined the Social Democratic Party1.4 marriage met Lilian Steichen at the Social Democratic Party office in 1907 married the next year raised three daughters