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1、1新视角研究生英语读说写 1 课后习题 (unit1-6 单选、翻译 unit4-6 cloze)选择题Unit11. The country is heavily dependent on its oil exports AA reliant on B. complaint with 投诉 C yielding to 屈服 D. attached to 附属2.An alternative approach is to define words according to the sentence contexts in which they occur. BA. outline 大纲 略述

2、B. explain C. specify 指定 D term 学期 条款3.A second hospital has been accused of(被控告的)mixing up a babys name tag(标签), making the mother fear she had the wrong child. DA code B. paper 论文,报纸 C board 董事会;木板 D label 标签4.The director will have to shift his roles and expectations when hes asked by the rest of

3、 the board to answer criticism(批评)of company performance. CA. move B stint 限制 C alter (改变)D transit 越过5 Japanese computer makers are turning to scientists overseas (外国的)to help them develop software and applications for massively parallel supercomputers. BA heavily B immensely C solidly 坚固地 D ponder

4、ously 笨重地;生硬地6 There is also evidence that younger people expect to transfer the source of their main emotional support to their spouse when they marry AA moveto B subtractfrom 减去 C distract.from 使分心 D deflect.to 偏向7.Psychometric(心理测量的)tests which attempt to measure students ability to use the libra

5、ry have been developed and made use of primarily in the USA BA, arbitrate 仲裁 B. assess 评价 C. calculate D reckon 测算8.Consequently, the neighborhood they live in, the interests they have, the lifestyle of their friends and colleagues, will necessarily determine what reality is for the child CA, reside

6、ntial path B, residential street 2C, residential district 住宅的区域 D residential part9.The aim is to help participants identify their own learning needs in this area and then to suggest ways in which they can increase their knowledge. DA, affirm 断言 肯定 B confirm 确认 C assume 假定,夺取 D recognize 认识10.As we

7、shall see later, they have been one of the factors that have helped to tip(小费,倾斜)the economic balance firmly against the nuclear option AA .tilt 倾斜 B, incline 倾向 C slide 滑到一遍 D slant 倾斜,偏向Unit211,Dont interrupt him, He is now working seriously on his dissertation (论文) that is due at the end of this

8、semester AA. buckling down to 拼尽全力去做 B, buckling under C, buckling up with D ,buckling to 12.He has a bad temper and always falls into a fury (狂怒)for the slightest reason, which makes him extremely unwelcome among all the friends CA sadness B depression 沮丧,洼地;不景气C an extreme anger D great disappoint

9、ment13.Through reading the novel , the students realized that the hunchbacks (驼背) hideous (可怕的) appearance could not conceal (隐藏) his noble characters. BA, spectacular 壮观的 惊人的 B, ugly and unpleasant C. impressive 感人的 令人影响深刻的 D, striking and terrible14,When the World War II broke out and the area was

10、 bombed severely, many city dwellers (居民) had to move to the sticks and led a totally different life BA. small towns B, country areas 农村,乡村 C, surroundings D neighborhoods15.In the general (一般) conference, his coarse(粗俗的) speaking tone irritated (激怒了)the delegate(代表) from the neighboring country and

11、 then everyone was involved in a fierce debate. 3DA ironic B sarcastic 挖苦的 C ,angry D, rude16. The police had to keep track of(记录; 与保持联系 ); all the actions of the suspects (嫌疑犯) in order to identify the real criminal. AA. be informed about 充分了解 B be contacted with 联系C, follow up with D , take notice

12、 about 注意17.Confronted with all these evidences and the witnesses , the drunk driver conceded (承认)that it was he who caused the fatality (致命性) of the 3 victims in the traffic accident. CA, surrender B grand 宏伟的 C, admit 承认 D yield 产量18.When famine ( 饥荒) and drought (干旱) became more severe ,the presi

13、dent said he could not size up (估量) the whole situation and take any action unless he had received a complete report DA. bring up 提出 B, come up with C make up 化妆 D make a judgment about19.Gaping (关注 多洞穴的 ) at the TV screen and watching the fire and smoke , the whole world was startled (惊讶)and could

14、not believe the World Trade Center turned into ruins BA looking B staring 凝视 C glancing D watching20.When thousands of bodies, including those of women and children, were discovered in the forest, everyone and all the media took the same side, criticizing the monstrous(巨大的,荒谬的) mass murder with full

15、 bullets. DA tremendous B ,incidental C, famous D evil 罪恶Unit321.With an _ network of committees , sports clubs and societies ,each student is encouraged to play a full part in this aspect of student life AA, thriving B, encouraging C exciting D lead22.They may pick up ideas almost at random from sk

16、imming journals , ideas that may _ new trains of thought or fruitful new cross-connections CA. steer 控制 B ,pilot 飞行员 C spark 发动 D lead 23.Being a good listener is not only useful because you will hear what others miss , but you 4will find that people will tell you things that they _ others BA shield

17、 on B shield from 使.免遭受 C shield in D shield out24, What right did he have to come back into her life this , trying to _ into small pieces that couldnt be put back together for a second time? CA crash 撞碎 B ,crush 压碎 C, shatter 粉碎 D explode25.In many areas local services were provided by numerous dif

18、ferent authorities , which often gave rise to _ co-ordination problems AA, acute 严重的 B accurate 精确的 C, accusative 宾格的 D alternative26.The awful truth that he was suffering from lung cancer _ him ,though his family members tried very hard to keep the secret BA, came upon B dawned on 降临 C, fell to D ,

19、went for27.I suppose yoga enthusiasts would find it painless ,but for most of us an hour spent in this position was an _ DA. trial 试验 B test C exam D ordeal . 折磨28.But rules that strengthen bands in good times can _ them in recessions AA, cripple 削弱 B , reduce C slash 猛砍 D unprofitable 无益的,29.There

20、are few more _ places on earth than the plains surrounding a volcano in the aftermath of its eruption CA fertile 富饶的 B. unproblematic 不成问题的 C barren 荒地 贫瘠的 D unprofitable 30. The minds of many of these young offenders appear to have been _ by greed and indifference to violence BA retarded 智力迟钝的,发展迟缓

21、的 B numbed 麻木的 C idled 懒惰的 D fooled 愚弄Unit431.Her reputation suffered a _ blow as the result of the scandal AA .mortal B shameful C humiliating 丢脸的 D disgraceful 优雅的32.In explaining this situation it might be possible to point to sources _ to the nation: its culture, mentality(心态的), religions, or ge

22、ography. CA. inherited 遗传的 B hereditary 遗传的 C inherent 固有的 D heritable 可继5承的33.His _ difficulties may make it impossible for him to recognize you and his family AA, perceptual 知觉的 B appreciable C understandable 可以了解的 D recognizable34.He had never previously thought of himself as _ or even as particu

23、larly materialistic DA, inquisitive . 好奇的 B interactive 交互式的 C positive D acquisitive 想获得的35.Like a dreamer ,the young artist is absorbed in _ of something outside himself and does not identify with it BA illusion B contemplation 沉思 C conception D fantasy36.The club, where I am staying releases forg

24、otten gusts of memory , like those lilies which only _ their sweet perfume at night AA exhale 呼气 B inhale 吸气 C relax D relieve37.If it is a technique which works for you then , use it _ AA by all means B by no means C in one way D by the way38.You would _ some responsibility immediately for particul

25、ar areas and addition responsibilities are available to those with the ability and enthusiasm to undertake BA bear on B take on 承担 C carry on 继续 D hold on39.This raises the question whether the education of children in rural communities is prejudiced by the _ of a curriculum 课程 devised for urban con

26、ditions DA publication 出版物 B compulsion 强制 C computation 估计 D imposition 强加40.The weak point in the school is due to the _ of parents who remove their sons from the school at too early an age AA, folly 愚蠢 B prudence 审慎 C craziness 愚蠢 D madnessUnit541.The plumber(水管工)found that the pipe was blocked b

27、ecause of the frozen oil ,and asked us to _ it out with hot water CA push B spread C flush D drive42.Dont forget to bring an _ for opening cans in your journey to India A6A appliance B device C utensil 用具 D gadgetry 小配件43.He suddenly became wealthy , which changed his whole _ of life BA preference B

28、 mode C ethics D modality 形式44 Beneath that _ calm surface is a man of fierce temper D A, mysteriously B carefully C limply 柔软地 D apparently 显然地;45.Due to the economic decline , we are seeing unemployment on an unprecedented _ CA size B level C scale D degree46.He opened the wallet carefully and str

29、etched his hand to feel the _ of the new dollar bills AA crispness 易碎 B freshness 新鲜 C tardiness 缓慢 D firmness 坚定;47.Although some commentators thought h3e was _ and ugly ,Jay Chou is now one of Asias hottest pop stars BA literal 文字的 B dumb 无说话能力的 C humorous 诙谐的 D extrinsic 外在的48.Since no one could

30、_ his scribbling , the chief editor decided to replace him with another columnist BA encode B decipher 密电译文 C concern D confront49.Ways in which the authority can discharge its responsibilities for standard _ for all aspects of care will also require attention CA method B equipment C setting D inves

31、tigation50.Along with the emphasis on scientific development and social changes ,our magazine has also paid _ attention to fashion DA deserving B little C efficient D dueUnit651.Even though the Duke was convicted(证明有罪的) of treason(不忠) , most of the parliament 议会 members still supported him and his b

32、ook was very popular among the public AA betrayal of ones country 背叛 B surrender to the enemy7C hurt to peoples feeling D control of others 52.This method may seem unorthodox (非正统的),but it has been proved to be very efficient DA fitful 一阵阵的 B accidental 意外的 C irregular D unconventional53.Many people

33、 settle down in urban areas instead of the countryside, since it is not time to take a sheer (完全)rest and they need to work in cities BA comfortable B complete C relaxing D permanent54.His voice began to falter at the mention of his sufferings in the old days DA hesitate B stutter 结巴 C decrease D sh

34、ake55.Politically, Wisconsin is a bit of a maverick , and this nature was firmly established by 1848 when it became a state AA dissenter 反对者 B proponent 支持者 C opponent 反对者 D extremist 极端主义者56.For over 30 years , Singapore has grown from a poor country with hardly any resources to an affluent , moder

35、n and developed nation CA abundant B influent 流入的 C wealthy D, stimulant 57.The doctor told the single father that his son needed to be coddled after the tuberculosis BA isolated from others B treated with great careC accompanied by others D cured with skill58.As a long-term fancier(爱好者) of the clas

36、sical music , he spent a lot of money in watching live music concerts DA toast B collaborator 合作者 C shambles 蹒跚地走 D zealot 狂热者59.The architect said that his countrymen hadnt learned to cherish 珍爱 the old, and they were too quick to tear old buildings down BA prefer B treasure 珍爱 C decorate D renew60

37、.The proud lady wondered how to lower her pride to approach the girl she had been so scornful(轻蔑的) of CA hateful B convicted C contemptuous D ,doubtful汉译英8Unit11餐饮行业与电影行业的共同之处在于其小型企业的失败率很高。(have something in common)The restaurant industry has one thing in common with the film industry : the high fai

38、lure rate among its small businesses.2他的伟大在于他具有非凡的能力把科学家和实业家的品质结合起来了。(connect with)His greatness lies in his outstanding ability to connect the qualities of a scientist with those of an industrialist.3像工作单位取代居住地一样,我们的种族身份已被职业身份所取代。这一现象在流动作业中表现地尤为明显。(replace with)We have replaced ethnic identity with

39、 professional identity. the way we replaced neighborhoods with the workplace. which is quite obvious among the mobile professions. 4显然,任何一家大公司的老板都不可能事事亲力亲为,需要找到一些方法把他们的理念传达给他人。(transfer to)Plainly , in any large enterprise the boss cannot be directly involved in everything ,and some means have to be

40、 found to transfer his belief to others.5没有任何人愿意再过那各种自己无法控制、要别人认可、任人摆布的日子了。(dependent on)No one was willing to experience the feeling of being out of control and dependent on someone elses approval ,at someone elses mercy 6人们渴望一种成就感,渴望有能力凭自己的手、自己的脑、自己的意志办成事情。(a sense of)The human being longs for a s

41、ense of being accomplished , of being able to do things with his hand , with his mind and with his will.7政府希望通过大量出售资产来弥补损失。(a chunk of)The government hopes that the sale of a chunk of its assets will help make up for its loss.8现代社会里人们的身份更多地由他们所从事的职业,而不是他们所生活的社区来9界定。(identify)In modern society , people are more li


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