第八章第八章 土壤胶体化学土壤胶体化学和表面反应和表面反应Soil Colloidal Chemistry and Surface Reaction8.1 Surface properties of soil colloid 土壤胶体的表面性质土壤胶体的表面性质8.2 Adsorption and exchange of cations by soil colloids 土壤胶体对阳离子的吸附交土壤胶体对阳离子的吸附交换反应换反应 8.3 Adsorption and exchange of anions by soil colloids 土壤胶体对阴离子的吸附与土壤胶体对阴离子的吸附与交换交换 l Concepts of soil colloid The colloid is a state of matter consisting of very fine particles that approach but never reach molecular sizes.(0.2m5nm)Soils Soils contain contain large large amounts a