团 队 合 作Work Teams:An Introduction文编:文编:41774177 作家作家Michael NovakMichael Novak在描写篮球队时说,队员们在描写篮球队时说,队员们以一定的游戏形式、节奏和较高的速度运动着,我以一定的游戏形式、节奏和较高的速度运动着,我们不能只看到一个一个的球员,而应看到的是整个们不能只看到一个一个的球员,而应看到的是整个球队的活动。球队的活动。The author Michael Novak,in writing about The author Michael Novak,in writing about basketball teams,says that they move in basketball teams,says that they move in patterns,in rhythms and at high speed.He patterns,in rhythms and at high speed.He says donsays dont look at one individual only,but t