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1、be 动词的一般现在时有三种形式,即:am, is, are(翻译为“ 是”) 1. 如果主语是第一人称 I(我)时, be 动词用 am。 如:I am a student. 我是一名学生。 I am 还可缩写成 Im。如:Im David. 我是大卫。am 与 not 不能缩写。如:I am not a bad boy. 2. 如果主语是 we(我们) ,you (你,你们), they (他们,它们,她们)或名词复数(两个以上的人或物)时,be 动词必须用are。 如:Are you twelve? 你是十二岁吗? Tom and Lily are good friends. 汤姆和莉莉

2、是好朋友。 They are at school. 他们在学校。 are 与主语还可缩写。如:We are= Were, They are =Theyre, You are =Youre。而 are 与 not 可缩写成 arent。如:They arent students. 他们不是学生。3. 如果主语是单数名词、不可数名词或单数第三人称代词(he, she, it)时,be 动词用is。 如:My mother is a teacher. 我的妈妈是一名老师。 He is a student. 他是一名学生。 is 也可与主语缩写,如:He is = Hes, My mother is

3、= My mothers 等。但是 This is 不可缩写。而 is 与 not 可缩写成isnt。如:This isnt a book. 这不是一本书。4. 句中含有 be 动词的陈述句变一般疑问句。把 be 动词提到句首,be 动词要变大写。注意第一人称变第二人称。回答时用 yes 或 no表示,结构:Yes, 主语+be 动词, No,主语+be 动词+not。 如:It is a book. 变为:Is it a book?5. 句中含有 be 动词的肯定陈述句变否定句。先找肯定陈述句中的 be 动词,在 be 动词后加 not. 如:It is a book. 变为 : It is

4、 not a book. 根据以上叙述我们可以把动词的用法以口诀的形式表述出来: 我(I)用 am,你(you)用 are, is 连着他(he) ,她(she),它(it) ; 单数名词用 is,复数名词全用 are。变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。 变否定,更容易, be 后 not 莫忘记。 疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑。 Be 动词用法练习题:一 选择正确的 be 动词填空 1. I _ a student. 2. We _ friends.3. He _ a good boy. 4. She _ my sister. 5. They _ my parents. 6. You _ 1

5、1 years old. 7. I a doctor. 8. My father a policeman. 9. We having breakfast. 10. Tom from Canada. 11. Her sister a nurse. 12. They my good friends. 13. He my brother. 14. She ten. 15. His mother an actress. 二用适当的 be 动词填空 1. I a boy. you a boy? No, I not.2. The girl Jacks sister. 3. your brother in

6、the classroom? 4. Who I? 5. The jeans on the desk. 6. There a girl in the room. 7. My sisters name Nancy. 8. There some apples on the tree. 9. There a boy, two girls, three men and ten women in the park. 10. The dog tall and fat. 11. The men with big eyes our teacher. 12. Where your mother? She at home. 13. How old your father? 14. Mike and Bob at school. 15. Whose dress this? 16. Whose socks they? 17. That my new book. 18. Here a scarf for you. 19. Here some bananas for you. 20. The black gloves for Peter. 21. This pair of shoes for you. 22. There four bottles of milk on the table.


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