1、Unit 2 HeroesReadingObjectives At the end of this unit, you will bevanalyse the structures and sort up the information.vdraw a mind map about a hero.Heroes vWhat people can be called “heroes” from your perspective?vpioneeringvbrave/daring; vcalm; cool-headed(stay calm in difficult situations); vresp
2、onsible; vdedicated (giving completely your energy vpatriotic; vunselfish;vIntroductionLift-offCirclesLand-inFlightWelcome-home1stseparate lift-off6th7thlet outcollect himcame back millions ofpioneering;patriotic; dedicatedhigh gravityzero gravityastronautmanned spaceshipspoke withshowedNational Her
3、oBrief introductionBackground Training perseveringamazingChampionsPersonal experienceInterview After disaster Disaster came Before disaster Charity work Parents reaction Marriage Disaster Never give upFantastic closer Improve fall- learn-startreturn-raise-make speechborn-start-famouspersevering;opti
4、misticSuperheroSimilarities Contributions Noble qualities Famous Heroes Differences L4 Film L3 Sports L1 Science pioneering; dedicated ; patriotic; diligent; persevering; optimistic; responsible being heroic doesnt necessarily mean being victorious. not judge a character by his success or failureHomework vDraw a mind map about a hero you admire.