阅读技能 细节理解课堂学习目标一级目标:准确找到定位词并找出定位区。二级目标:精确匹配定位词并正确使用换词技能。三级目标:通过本节课学习能按照蓝图进行事实细节类题型命题下列哪种为细节阅读题干A.What is the best title for this passage?B.According to the passage,which of statements is true?C.What can be inferred from the passage?2012019 9 高考阅读理解题型分析高考阅读理解题型分析【全国卷【全国卷II】47%33%7%13%事实细节出现事实细节出现9 9道道2019 高考阅读理解题型呈现【全国卷II】21.Which play will be performed by the National Theatre of China?22.What is special about Definitely Theatre?23.When can you see a play in Hebrew?24.Why was the studio unwilling