1 1Conspectus of Diseaseq Concept of health and diseaseq Etiology of diseaseq Pathogenesis of diseaseq Outcome of disease2 2q Health健康是指不仅没有疾病健康是指不仅没有疾病,而且是而且是一种躯体上、精神上和社会上的一种躯体上、精神上和社会上的完好状态。完好状态。Health indicates not only withou anyevidence of disease,but also a state of complete well-being physically,psychologically and socially.3 3q Health健康是指不仅没有疾病健康是指不仅没有疾病,而且是而且是一种躯体上、精神上和社会上的一种躯体上、精神上和社会上的完好状态。完好状态。Health indicates not only withou anyevidence of disease,but also a state of complete well-b