2022长城中英文导游词长城中英文导游词 长城中英文导游词 各位游客:Dear visitors:大家好!欢迎大家到八达岭景区观光旅游。今日有幸陪伴大家一起参观,我很兴奋,望各能在八达岭度过一段美妙的时间。Everybody is good! Welcome to the badaling scenic sightseeing.Today accompanied everybody together to visit, I am very happy, can look at badaling each have a great time.长城是世界著名的奇迹之一,它像一条巨龙盘踞在中国北方的宽阔的土地上。它是中国古代劳动人民血法的结晶,也是中国古代文化的象征和中华民族的傲慢。The Great Wall is one of the wonders of the world famous, it is like a giant dragon corellon in northern part