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1、Teaching aim: 掌握科普文章的阅读方法及策略Teaching key points and difficultyHelp students analyze the reading technique of the article.学习过程:New words: 预习下列单词,并会默写1.精确的2.商业的3.坦率的4.着手,承担5.突破6.程序,步骤7.携带者8.总共9.任意的10.修改,改正11.反对12.媒介13.获得,赢得14.获得,到达15.道德的16.保守的,守旧的17. 禁止18.积累Step 1: Find out the main idea of each parag

2、raph.Para 1. Para 2. Para 3. Para 4. Para 5. (a)Cloning has two major uses.(d)The problems of Dolly.(b)The effect of Dolly.(c)It is forbidden to clone human beings. (e)Cloning is a way of making an exact copy of another animal and plant.Step 2 : Read the passage quickly and finish the following comp

3、rehensive exercises. Choose the right answer according to the text.1.Dolly the sheep_.A. looked exactly like the sheep that provides the egg.B. was the exact copy of the sheep that provides the nucleus. C. looked like the sheep that gave birth to it.D. had the characteristics of all three sheep. 2.

4、It can be inferred from the passage that a cloned animal_.A. usually lives as long as the original oneB. usually lives longer than the original oneC. usually lives longer than the original one D. is usually as healthy as the original one3. Which of the following is not an advantage of cloning?A. Clo

5、ning can be used for medical purposes. B. Large quantities of food can be produced by cloning.C. Cloning can help keep animals from becoming extinct.D. Famous persons who have passed away can be cloned. 4.We can use the skill of cloning to _.A. bring about global peace B. create other famous scienti

6、sts C. improve the development of learning language D. cure some special diseases 5. What are people cloning now ? _A. They are cloning trees, crops as well as animals B. They are cloning books and machines C. They are cloning humans and animals D. They are cloning plants and science Step 3: Detail

7、reading Fill in the chart using the information from the text.(1)Problems or dangers of cloning:a)Animals may_ _ _ of older animals.b)Animal clones may _ _ than the donor animalsc)_ _ may want to clone themselves.d)There are _ _ to cloning human beings.(2) Advantages of cloninga)Medical cloning coul

8、d _ _ for serious degenerative(变质的)_ in humans. b)Cloning plants can _ _ of similar _ _.c)Cloning plants can be _ for research on new _ _ .d) Cloning can help save _ _ .课文词汇等填空(旨在复习本课文中的单词拼写和主要词语等)根据课文内容完成下面语法填空,注意单词拼写和词语用法:Cloning is a way of _1_(make) an exact copy of another animal or plant. Clon

9、ing has two _2_(主要的) uses. Firstly, gardeners use it to produce plants. Secondly, it is _3_(value) for medical research on animals. Cloning plants is straightforward but the cloning of animals is more_4_(复杂的). The procedure is difficult to _5_(开展). In 1996, scientists succeeded in _6_(clone)Dolly th

10、e sheep. Then came the disturbing news that Dolly was ill. _7_ Dolly lived for six years, Dollys appearance raised a storm of _8_(object). Government became nervous and many _9_(禁止) research into human cloning. Scientists still _10_ whether cloning will help or harm us and where it is leading us.小结与

11、反思家庭作业(独立完成后再看参考答案).课文佳句背诵与仿写 (旨在培养对难句的理解和写作能力)1.【原句】The fact that she seemed to develop normally was very encouraging. 多莉看来是在正常地成长着,这很令人鼓舞。模仿要点 句子结构:同位语从句 【模仿 1】学校取消体育运动的想法非常令人丧气,依我的观点,这并不能防止学生受伤。_【模仿 2】谚语“诚为上策 ”是众所周知的,它说明了诚实的重要性。_2 【原句】The advantage is that if there is a new illness some of these

12、animals my die, but others will survive and pass on the ability to resist that disease to the next generation. 其优点是,如果发生了某种新的疾病,这类动物可能会死去,而另外一些却能存活下来,并且把这种抗疫力传给下一代。模仿要点 句子结构:表语从句+条件句, 【模仿 1】网上购物的弊端是,如果你在网上买了质量差的商品,你不可能会换的了;但你可以在真正的商店里精挑细选。_【模仿 2】早起的优势是,如果我们早起,我们将有机会享受清新的空气和早晨的宁静,但并不是每个人都认为这是令人遗憾的事情。

13、_3. 【原句】 Based on what we know now, you cannot clone animals that have been extinct longer than 10,000 years. 就我们现在所知,你不可能克隆那些绝种了一万年以上的动物。 模仿要点 句子结构:V-ed + what 引导的宾语从句, +主句+定语从句【模仿 1】根据调查所示,我们可以更好地理解我们对大自然所做的一切。_【模仿 2】根据我们所读到的,我们可以得出结论是人类该对环境污染负责。_1.【模仿 1】答案:The idea that schools cancel sport activ

14、ities is very discouraging, which, in my opinion, is not a good way to prevent students from getting hurt.【模仿 2】答案:The old saying that honesty is the best policy is well known to everyone, which signifies the importance of honesty. 2. 【模仿 1】答案:The disadvantage of shopping on line is that if you boug

15、ht a poorly made goods on the Internet, it is impossible for you to change it, but you can have a careful look at the goods in a real shop and choose the best one.【模仿 2】答案:The advantage of getting up early is that if we get up early, we will have the opportunity of enjoying the fresh air and calmnes

16、s of the morning, but not everybody think it a regrettable thing.3. 【模仿 1】答案:Based on what was shown on the survey, we can make a better understanding about the thing that we have done to nature.【模仿 2】答案: Based on what weve read , we can make a conclusion that it is human beings that are to blame for the pollution of the environment.


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